Health Services Management Research Papers/Topics

Performance Of Trained Clinical Officers In Reproductive Health Service Delivery Through Task Shifting: Opportunities And Its Challenges In Kenya

ABSTRACT The world is experiencing a chronic shortage of well-trained health workers with a global deficit of doctors, nurses and midwives being approximately 2.4 million, and with low- and middle income countries having acute human resource crisis. Human workforce Health crisis in Sub-Saharan Africa has been due to the critical shortage especially of the doctors, nurses and mid-wives. To alleviate this shortages, task shifting was recommended in 2004 and approved by the World Health Organiz...

Assessment Of Factors Affecting Healthcare Waste Management System In Machakos County, Kenya

ABSTRACT In general, most local authorities in Kenya have been unable to cope up with the segregation, the treatment and methods of waste disposal especially healthcare waste. Health facilities in Machakos County have poor practices when it comes to the segregation of healthcare waste, its treatment & disposal; the general population, the patients, the health workers including waste handlers are exposed to certain risks such as needle stick injuries, a higher risk of infection of HIV/AIDS an...

Factors Influencing Job Satisfaction Among Health Workers In Tanzania: A Case Of Kilimanjaro Christian Medical Centre Referral Hospital

ABSTRACT In order to achieve improved and standard health care delivery, health workforce is of paramount importance. With the inadequate staffing of health workers in Tanzania which has well been reported, satisfied personnel is vital for effective and quality health service delivery. The broad objective of this research was to ascertain factors that impact job satisfaction among human resource for health in Kilimanjaro Christian Medical Centre (KCMC), Tanzania. This was a cross-sectional s...

Factors Influencing Rational Drug Use In Public Hospitals Among Doctors And Pharmacists In Meru County

ABSTRACT Access to essential medicines, vaccines and medical technologies is the anchor pillar in this study. Medical products must be of assured quality, safety, effective, scientifically sound and cost effective. Rational use of medicines requires that a patient receives appropriate medications to their clinical needs, in doses that meet their own individual requirements, for an adequate period of time and at the lowest cost to them. It is concerned with how commodities are selected, proc...

Work-Life Balance Practices For Scaling Up Health Workers Productivity In Public Hospitals In Kenya: A Case Of Mandera County

ABSTRACT The delivery of health interventions requires skilled and adequately supported health personnel. Work-life balance is the maintenance of a health workers balance between responsibilities at work and at home. The inadequacies of work-life balance practices in public hospitals has become a major concern among health workers resulting to high absenteeism and lateness, less time spent in clinical care, and increased patient waiting time. The general objective of the study was to establi...

Human Resource Management Practices Influencing Performance Of Nursing Officers In Nyeri County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Various organizations employ different human resources initiatives in order to increase efficiency. The most common initiatives employed to improve efficiency include performance contracts, internal contracting, contracting-out and outsourcing of services among others. Employing such initiatives are considered among the primary HRM practices, which are aimed at determining the equilibrium between workforce supply and the ability of healthcare practitioners to practice effectively an...

Factors Influencing Pharmaceutical Supply Chain Management Cycle At Kenya Red Cross Society

ABSTRACT Products and services requisition, Procurement, warehouse management and rational medicine use are all part of pharmaceutical supply chain management cycle. They are critical at all levels of health care organizations and facilities. Pharmaceutical supply chain management cycle is influenced by various factors which determine whether it’s efficient or not. These factors include but not limited to human resources, standard operating procedures, organizational culture and procuremen...

Determinants Of Adverse Drug Reactions Reporting In Retail Chemists In Nairobi County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Access to safe essential medicines is a key success indicator of a functional health system of which the private sector such as retail chemists plays a critical role. Despite their obvious benefits, medicines have the potential to cause harm in form of Adverse Drug Reactions that may not be determined in the drug development process. Reporting of Adverse Drug Reactions leads to regulatory action that improve the safety profiles of medicines. However, reporting of adverse drug reacti...

Factors Influencing Uptake Of Oncology Specialized Health Care Services In Uasin Gishu County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Most cancer patients in Kenya do not have access to available cancer health care facilities, leading to increase in newly diagnosed oncology cases reported each year. Most studies conducted in Kenya lay more emphasis on the increased prevalence and incidence of cancers. Consequently, there is limited empirical research on access to oncology specialized healthcare services in Kenya, a research gap filled by this study. The main objective of this study was to determine factors influen...

National Hospital Insurance Fund’s Purchasing Mechanism And Access To Primary Care Health Services In Kenya

ABSTRACT Health care financing (HCF) is one of the six building blocks of a health system. Kenya envisions having Universal Health Coverage (UHC) by 2022. In order to achieve this Kenya has identified and settled on National Hospital Insurance Fund (NHIF) as a vehicle towards the realization of UHC. UHC is one of the country’s “Big-four” agendas. NHIF is Kenya’s sole social insurer which collects revenue, pools and purchases health services for its members. Purchasing can be passive ...

Prevalence Of Rotaviruses, Adenoviruses And Hepatitis A In Water Samples Collected From Domestic Water Sources In Windhoek

ABSTRACT Background: A growing population contributes to increasing demand for water. Windhoek’s water supply is based on the use of surface and groundwater. However, all potable water resources within a radius of 500 km have been fully exploited. The rainfall is uncertain and long spells of severe droughts are frequently encountered. There are four main sources of water supply to the central area of Windhoek: surface water obtained from the Von Bach, Swakoppoort and Omatako dams; groundwa...

The Scope Of Developing Medical Diagnosis Support System For Life Style Diseases

ABSTRACT The main reason that brought the scope of developing medical diagnosis support system for life style diseases is the high death rate and huge amount of people suffering from such diseases. The system is a web based application developed using PHP, JavaScript and MySQL database using Adobe Dreamweaver CC 2018 software and XAMPP. The study was conducted weather it was feasible to come up with a system in terms of economic, technological, operational and social standings and it was dete...

Uptake Of Cervical Cancer Screening Services And Its Association With Cervical Cancer Awareness And Knowledge Among Women Of Reproductive Age In Dodoma, Tanzania: A Cross-Sectional Study

ABSTRACT Background: There is a close link between an individual’s knowledge about a given disease and uptake of screening and ultimately treatment. This study aimed to determine the link between knowledge levels and awareness and uptake of cervical cancer screening among women of reproductive age (15 to 49 years) in Dodoma, Tanzania. Methods: A cross-sectional study of 1,587 women aged between 15 and 49 years was conducted in Dodoma City, Tanzania. A structured questionnaire, adapted fro...

The Effect of Early Childhood Development Interventions on the Health of Children under Five Years of Age in Aromo Sub-county, Lira District

This study was conducted to assess the effect of Early Childhood Development (ECD) interventions on the health of children under five years of age in Aromo sub-county, Lira district by Medical Teams International (MTI) through trained mothers. The objectives that guided the study were to: identify the different ECD interventions; determine the nutritional practices for children under one year of age whose mothers were trained; assess the nutritional status of the children under five years of ...

Effects Of Advertisement On Alcohol Consumption Among.Students Of University Of Ghana

ABSTRACT In recent times, alcoholism has become very common among youth. The growing incidence of alcohol consumption among the youth has become a topical issue within healthcare industry because of its potential negative effects especially on student youth. To address these concerns, this study sought to identify the student youth source of information on alcohol consumption, explore their knowledge level on harmful alcohol consumption, benefits they derived from alcohol consumption and the ...

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