Internal Medicine Research Papers/Topics

Physiological Effects of Yoga and Pranayama on Serum Adipokines, Lipoprotein (a), Thyrotropin Levels, and Blood Pressure among Obese Hypothyroid Patients with Hypertension

Background: The trio of obesity, hypothyroidism, and hypertension can act as a strong synergistic risk factor through parameters, like elevated serum leptin and lipoprotein (a) and decreased adiponectin levels, for the development of atherosclerotic diseases. Very few studies have focused on the effects of yoga/pranayama on these parameters among obese hypothyroid patients with hypertension. Hence, the present research work was carried out to evaluate the effects of 6 months of yoga and...

Scope of SARS-CoV-2 variants, mutations, and vaccine technologies

Abstract Background The COVID-19 pandemic is caused by the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). SARS-CoV-2 is disseminated by respiratory aerosols. The virus uses the spike protein to target epithelial cells by binding to the ACE2 receptor on the host cells. As a result, effective vaccines must target the viral spike glycoprotein. However, the appearance of an Omicron variant with 32 mutations in its spike protein raises questions about the vaccine’s efficacy. Vacc...

Distribution of hemoglobinopathy phenotypes in western Kenya: a retrospective study done at Aga Khan Hospital, Kisumu

Abstract Background Hemoglobinopathies are inheritable disorders of hemoglobin and are the most common genetic defects in humans. This is a neglected public health problem whose undiagnosis remain a major threat to its prevention and control in sub-Saharan Africa countries; thus its exact magnitude on morbidity and mortality remains poorly documented. These hemoglobin disorders have been associated with Plasmodium falciparum; therefore, the current study sought to determine its distribution ...

High-performance liquid chromatography local reference ranges of hemoglobin fractions (HbA, HbA2, and HbF) in detection of hemoglobinopathies in western Kenya

Abstract Background Western Kenya, being a malaria-endemic region, has a high prevalence of hemoglobinopathies mostly sickle cell and thalassemia. The hemoglobin fractions or variants, HbA, HbA2, and HbF, serve as biomarkers for the detection of hemoglobinopathies and are commonly used in laboratory screening and diagnosis of these diseases. Diagnosis of diseases entails accurate and precise representation of a patient’s condition. This is the main aim of International Organization for Sta...

Efficacy and Challenges in Usage of Gut Microbiome in Management of Hypertension

Even though there is plethora of scientific literature available regarding the role of gut microbiome in hypertension, but till date,  there is neither clarity nor established guidelines and consensus regarding strain-specificity for hypertension in any of the existing national and international guidelines like European Society of Hypertension (ESH), International Society of Hypertension (ISH) etc. Innovative microbiome-based or targeted medication related research, which have the pote...

The Scope of Precision Medicine in Management of Type 2 Diabetic Patients with Hypertension

There is an exponential increase in prevalence of diabetes and hypertension worldwide and more so in India, and despite of numerous state and national awareness programs and evidence-based approach in management of these diseases, the burden of mortality and morbidity, instead of decreasing, has been rapidly climbing upwards. Hence, there is definite need of precision medicine approach, even though the pathway would be challenging, can provide more precise treatment to an individual base...

Physiological Effects of Brisk Walking, Yoga and Non-walking on Metabolic Parameters and Anthropometry among Type 2 Diabetic Patients

Abstract Background: The incidence of type 2 diabetes is increasing with the increase in age, physical inactivity and sedentary lifestyle. Main treatment goals of type 2 diabetes are maintenance of good metabolic control, prevention of complications, improvement of psychological health and quality of life.  Objective: To compare the Physiological effects of brisk walking, yoga and non-walking among type 2 diabetic patients.  Material and Methods: Out of 120 patients 45 agreed for brisk w...

A systematic review on molecular, bio-chemical, and pathophysiological mechanisms of yoga, pranayama and meditation causing beneficial effects in various health disorders Smitha R V Balaji

Background: Yoga is a psycho-somatic-spiritual discipline which includes changes in mental attitude, diet, and the practice of  specific techniques such as yoga asanas (postures), breathing practices (pranayama’s), and meditation to attain the highest level of  consciousness. Since last two decades, there has been a surge in the research on yoga, and it is well established that regular practice  of yoga, pranayama and meditation positively impacts overall health and diseases. But still, ...

A systematic review on physiological role of yoga and pranayama in management of orthostatic hypotension and vasovagal syncope

Background: OH and VVS are increasingly recognized as important causes of impairment of quality of life and potentially of poor prognosis. Existing management therapies have modest effect. Recently few studies have emerged and have demonstrated the efficacy of yoga and pranayama in disorders having autonomic imbalance, suggesting its possible efficacy in OH and VVS. Objective: This review aims to determine the effectiveness of yogic practices in patients with orthostatic hypotension (OH) ...

Physiological effects of yoga asanas and pranayama on metabolic parameters, maternal, and fetal outcome in gestational diabetes

ABSTRACT Background: Gestational diabetes affects the health of the women, the fetus, and even after birth, the baby or child. Studies related to the assessment of the effects of yoga and pranayama on metabolic parameters, maternal and fetal outcome among gestational diabetic patients are inadequate. Aim and Objectives: The aim of the present study was to assess the effects of yoga and pranayama on metabolic parameters, maternal and fetal outcome in gestational diabetes.  Materials and Me...

High sensitive CRP levels, Plasma renin activity and blood pressure among Hypertensive patients practicing Yoga exercises

Abstract  Introduction: Numerous studies have shown an increase in the risk of cardiovascular morbidity and mortality with raised blood pressure above 130/90 mm Hg. Good control of hypertension is very important to prevent its complications. Few studies suggested that yoga practice lowers the levels of inflammatory markers like hs-CRP, IL-6 as well as plasma renin levels, and blood pressure in hypertensive patients. Aim of the present study was to assess the changes in high sensitive CRP ...

Professional misconduct: Cross practice in allopathic hospitals of Bangalore city

Abstract Various systems of medicine such as allopathy, homeopathy, ayurveda, siddha, unani, etc. are practiced in India. According to the Indian law, a person who is registered under a particular system of medicine should not practice an alternate system. If someone practices the alternate system it is called cross practice, and it amounts to professional misconduct. In the present study, a survey was carried out in 20 allopathic hospitals in Bangalore city to study the trend of cross pr...

Physiological Effects of Yoga and Pranayama on Serum Adipokines, Lipoprotein (a), Thyrotropin Levels, and Blood Pressure among Obese Hypothyroid Patients with Hypertension.

Background: The trio of obesity, hypothyroidism, and hypertension can act as a strong synergistic risk factor through  parameters, like elevated serum leptin and lipoprotein (a) and decreased adiponectin levels, for the development of  atherosclerotic diseases. Very few studies have focused on the effects of yoga/pranayama on these parameters among  obese hypothyroid patients with hypertension. Hence, the present research work was carried out to evaluate the  effects of 6 months of yoga a...

Physiological effects of meditation, yogasana and pranayama on stress scores and plasma cortisol levels among nursing staff of a multispeciality hospital

Background: Stress is a disruption of Homeostasis (internal balance). Stress and burnout are common among nurses, the largest group of health professionals. Maintaining a calm, compassionate attitude is a core nursing skill. Reducing the stress by various methods can improve overall health, and yoga is considered as an easily available alternative method. Objective: To investigate effects of yoga, meditation and pranayama for three months on the level of cortisol & stress among nursing st...

Integrated Review of Management of Hypertension by Lifestyle Changes, Yoga, Exercise, Acupressure, Plant/Herbal and Allopathic Medications and Newer Interventions. Dr. Balaji P.A, Dr. Smitha

Abstract Hypertension is a global epidemic with prevalence almost similar in urban and rural populations and it is a significant modifiable risk factor for cardiovascular disease, stroke, and renal diseases. Although many modalities of treatment are available, a large percentage of patients don't have their blood pressure (BP) under control, hence, the management of hypertension has become a vital issue. We do find very few integrative reviews considering all feasible modalities of treatment ...

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