Medicine and Surgery Research Papers/Topics

Predictors Of Early Management Outcomes In Patients With Dynamic Intestinal Obstruction Operated At Iringa Regional Referral Hospital Southern Highlands Tanzania

ABSTRACT Background: Intestinal obstruction is one of the most causes of cause of surgical emergency associated with morbidity and mortality in surgical department. The study aimed to determine the causes and predictors of management outcome in postoperative patients with intestinal obstruction at IRRH. Method: A prospective hospital based study design was used. Duration of the study was six months. The collected data were checked for any inconsistency, coded and entered into SPSS version 20...

Sero-Prevalence Of Toxoplasmosis In Sheep And Goats In El-Gadarif State

Abstract Across-sectional study was conducted from July to November 2015 to estimate the prevalence of anti-toxopalsma antibodies in sheep and goats in El-Gadarif state. Total of 400 serum samples; 200 sheep and 200 goats, were collected and tested by Toxo-latex agglutination test and iELISA. The overall sero-prevalence was 52.0% (208/400) using Toxo-latex agglutination test. Using iELISA, 45.7% (42/92) of the sheep and 27.2% (25/92), of the goats were sero.positives. The sero-prevalences am...

Pattern and causes of tympanic membrane perforation at a private hospital in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

Abstract Introduction: There is variation in the size, shape and position of tympanic membrane perforations; the degree of conductive hearing loss depends on the size and position of perforation. Objective: To determine the pattern and causes of tympanic membrane perforation at a private health facility in Tanzania Method: A hospital-based cross-sectional study in the ENT clinic at Ekenywa Specialised Hospital was conducted from January to May 2019. Ears were examined thoroughly by an Otorhin...

EWMA Control Chart Using Repetitive Sampling for Monitoring Blood Glucose Levels in Type-II Diabetes Patients

Abstract : In this paper, we discuss the application of the exponentially weighted moving average (EWMA) control chart for the monitoring blood glucose in type-II diabetes patients. We present tables for the practical use in healthcare. From the simulation results and a real example, the efficiency of the proposed chart in detecting a shift in diabetic level is compared with the existing chart. It is found that the proposed chart provides a strict method to monitor the diabetic levels in diab...

Doctors’ Training, Knowledge And Attitude In End Of Life Care: Cross-Sectional Survey Of Three Mission Hospitals In Kenya

There is an increasing number of people in Kenya with life limiting illnesses secondary to HIV/AIDS, cardiovascular diseases and cancer. Patients who suffer from these illnesses require palliative and end of life care. In developed countries such care is often given in a hospice or at home by palliative service professionals. In Kenya, there are limited such resources and opportunities and therefore care frequently ends up being offered by inpatient healthcare professionals. When this occurs,...

Use Of Herbal Products Among Adults In Enugu Nigeria

ABSTRACT Background Historically, medicinal plants have played an important role in healthcare maintenance as it been used by man to treat illnesses from ancient times and are one of the oldest means of disease treatment used by man. The primary aim of this study was to determine the prevalence, usage pattern and determinants of current herbal medicine use among adults in Enugu, Nigeria. Methods A questionnaire based cross-sectional study was conducted among adults in Enugu metropolis. 500 ...

Influence Of Culture On Health Insurance Uptake Among Patients At Chogoria Mission Hospital, Tharaka Nithi County

The government of Kenya plans to largely finance Universal Health Coverage through the National Health Insurance Fund (NHIF). However, most of the Kenyan population do not have health insurance cover. They rely mainly on out-of-pocket payment. The reality today is that uptake of health insurance is still low in general, particularly in rural areas, where the majority of Kenyans live. Studies have identified four main reasons why individuals are not registered for any form of health insur...

Predictors And Early Outcomes Of Anastomotic Leak Among Patients Who Underwent Primary Bowel Resection And Anastomosis At Iringa Regional Referral Hospital, Tanzania

ABSTRACT Background: Anastomotic leak following gastrointestinal surgery is the most postoperative complication that causes significant morbidity and mortality. Its burden is high in low and middle income countries likes Tanzania with lack of supportive data on incidence of Anastomotic leak, predictors and outcome. Objective: This study aims to determine the predictors and early outcomes of anastomotic leak among patients who underwent primary bowel resection and anastomosis at Iringa Region...

Influence Of Health Insurance On Clinical Decision Making Among Kenyan Doctors

The vast majority of Kenyans lack any form of health insurance. Thus, they find it difficult to raise money for health expenditure. As a result, studies elsewhere have shown an obvious disadvantage to uninsured individuals in terms of health care accorded to them when compared to patients with insurance. However, there is a scarcity of research in Kenya to evaluate whether lack of insurance affects the kind of health care they receive. The main objective of this study was to examine the prese...

Early Endoscopic Realignment of Traumatic Anterior and Posterior Urethral Disruptions under Caudal Anaesthesia - A 5-Year Review

SUMMARY Objective: We recently described early rigid retrograde endoscopic realignment of the disrupted urethra under caudal anaesthesia in the outpatient setting. This retrospective study was performed to evaluate our medium-term results. Patients and methods: A retrospective review of patients who had early rigid retrograde endoscopic realignment of traumatic urethral disruptions in our institution over a 5-year period was done and the relevant data extracted and analyzed. Results: Fourteen...

Evaluation of VCT in a Nigerian Pmtct Service Delivery Unit

Abstract Introduction: Nigeria’s University College Hospital’s PMTCT centre provides voluntary counselling and testing as part of routine care which was assessed in this paper. Methods: Structured face-to-face interview was carried out at exit on participants from the counselling session. Data analysis was by frequency distribution. Results: All clients were assured of confidentiality, had their HIV/ AIDS knowledge assessed and consent taken before the test, 95.45% of participants had the...

Pkc£ And Cardioprotection: An Exploration Of Putative Mechanisms

Table of Contents Declaration Acknowledgements Summary Table of Contents Glossary of molecular Biology Terms Abbreviations List of Figures and Tables Chapter 1: Introduction A. BACKGROUND 1.1 Heart Disease: global and local burden B. DEFINITIONS 1.2 Ischemia 1.2.1 Ischemia and Infarction 1.2.2 Ischemic Damage iI 1 4 8 11 13 17 18 18 20 20 21 1.2.3 Reperfusion Injury 22 1.2.4 IschemiaJReperfusion vs Hypoxia/reoxygenation 23 1.3 Preconditioning Stimuli 1.3.1 Ischemic preconditioning 1.3.2 Pharm...

Hereditary Haematological Disorders In The Greek Population Of Cape Town

ABSTRACT It is a recognized fact that most well defined population groups have their own typical pattern of inherited disorders. The genetic conditions most commonly found in Greek persons are the thalassaemias, glucose-6-dehydrogenase (G-6-PD) deficiency and, to a lesser extent, certain of the haemoglobinopathies. The clinical and socio-economic consequences of these disorders are significant. In the homozygous state, alpha-thalassaemia is incompatible with life, while thalassaemia major (ho...

Molecular Regulation Of The Cardiacenriched Acetyl-Coa Carboxylase Isoform (Accp): A Novel Target For Therapeutic Interventions In Cardiovascular Disease

Abstract Metabolic remodeling is thought to be an important contributor towards the development of various cardiac pathophysiologic conditions. Therefore, studies attempting to delineate undenying mechanisms driving cardiac metabolic remodeling represent an important initiative toward the development of novel therapeutic interventions. To further investigate the role of metabolic substrate switches in the heart, we focused on a pivotal, rate-limiting step of cardiac fatty acid metabolism i.e...

256 - 270 Of 392 Results