Medicine and Surgery Research Papers/Topics

Knowledge Attitude and Practices of Rhesus Incompatibility Among Women Attending Antenatal Care in Kampala International University-Teaching Hospital.

ABSTRACT Background: Rhesus incompatibility occurs when a rhesus negative woman is carrying a rhesus positive foetus, the first pregnancy is normally spared, unless the mother is injected with Anti D,the subsequent pregnancies will have complications resulting to kernicterus, erythroblastosis fetalis or hydrops fetalis, in other words the foetus will not survive to term or will die shortly after birth).The objectives were: Assessing knowledge, attitude and practices of Rhesus incompatibility ...

Knowledge On HIV Post Exposure Prophylaxisis Among the Health Care Workers in Ishaka Bushenyi

Abstract Each day thousands of healthcare workers (HCWs), around the world, suffer accidental occupational exposures during the course of their role of caring for patients. Occupational exposure to blood or other body fluids in health care settings constitutes significant risk of transmission of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and other blood-borne pathogens. Post exposure prophylaxis (PEP) is a medical response to prevent transmission of pathogens after potential exposure and refers to co...

Knowledge, Attitude and Practice On Nosocomial Infections Among Medical Students at Kampala International University Teaching Hospital Western Campus In June 2018

ABSTRACT Introduction: Nosocomial or those infections acquired in a hospital setting are a great cause of morbidity in our patients due to their easy transmissibility from a patient to another at times through the health care provider who does not practice appropriate infection control. Of more importance is the fact that, other than their prevalence going up, resistance to antibiotics has developed within the causative agents of these infections. Medical students, like other health staff, ar...

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease: Trends and Associated Factors Among Patients at Kampala International University Teaching Hospital, Ishaka Bushenyi.

ABSTRACT Introduction: Despite efforts to reduce the morbidity and mortality that results from COPD through anti-smoking campaigns and other measures, the prevalence of COPD has been noted to be still high, especially in sub-Saharan Africa. Another worrying trend is the increase in COPD prevalence in females and people of younger ages as was previously the case. So many factors can be attributed to this and the researchers set out to find out the prevalence and factors associated with COPD at...

Oral Hygiene Knowledge, Attitude and Practices among Secondary School Students in Kiryandongo Town Council, Kiryandongo District

ABSTRACT Introduction  Oral disease which ultimately depends on oral hygiene is considered as an important public health problem worldwide because of its high prevalence and direct social effects. Moreover, oral health is an indicator of general health and wellbeing. A healthy mouth means that a person can speak, eat and socialise without complaining of any active disease (Kay and Locker, 1998; Humagain, 2011).  Objectives  To evaluate the oral hygiene knowledge, attitudes, and practices a...

Factors Leading to High Rates of Occupational Hazards Among Health Workers at Jinja Regional Referral Hospital

ABSTRACT Ideally health care workers are supposed to work in a safe environment. However; worldwide, health care workers operate in an environment that is considered to be one of the most hazardous occupational settings, (Adib-Hajbaghery & Lotfi, 2013). The purpose of the study is to asses factors leading to high rates of occupational hazards among health workers at Jinja Regional Referral hospital. The study used a descriptive cross sectional design employing quantitative methods of data col...

Factors Influencing Mental Disorders Among Persons Living with HIV/AIDS Attending Health Facilities in Bushenyi, Bushenyi District, Western Uganda.

ABSTRACT Background: Mental illness affects many health related outcomes for an HIV positive individual and the prevalence of anxiety, depression and substance abuse is higher among people living with HIV/AIDS than in the general population. Objectives: The objectives of the study were to investigate the factors influencing mental disorders among persons living with HIV/AIDS attending health facilities in Bushenyi. Methodology: The study employed a descriptive survey where both qualitative an...

Knowledge, Attitude and Practice of Breast Feeding Among Breastfeeding Mothers Attending Kiryandongo District Hospital

ABSTRACT Background: Breastfeeding is a key tool for nourishing a baby, preventing childhood illnesses like obesity, and hypertension later on in life. In addition, it reduces the cost to the family and the entire country. Uganda to some extent faces a great deal of challenges, particularly in the health sector. Appropriate practices that support exclusive breastfeeding in the 1st six months will cause a major impact on reduction of childhood morbidity and mortality in the young and continued...

Prevalence and Risk Factors for Malaria Among Pregnant Women Attending Fort Portal Regional Referral Hospital

ABSTRACT Malaria in pregnancy is still a major global, public and reproductive health problem. The pregnant woman is more predisposed to malaria and suffers more adverse consequences compared to the general population. The prevalence of malaria, both in the general population and pregnant women, is still unacceptably high more so in the LMICs of sub-Saharan Africa. The prevalence of malaria in Uganda is high with those more affected being pregnant women and children below the age of five year...

Factors Sequelae of Puerperal Sepsis among Women Delivered at Fort Portal Regional Referral Hospital

ABSTRACT Puerperal sepsis, defined as infection of the genital tract occurring at any time between the rupture of membranes or the onset of labour, and the 42nd day postpartum is still a major contributor to maternal morbidity and mortality. Despite diagnosis, medical management and antimicrobial therapy for sepsis having significantly advanced, puerperal sepsis remains an important cause of maternal mortality accounting for 10.7% of all maternal deaths annually worldwide. In developing ...

Care Giver’s Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices Towards Management of Acute Diarrhea Among Children 0-59 Months in Jinja Regional Referral Hosiptal, Jinja District

ABSTRACT Acute diarrhea is defined as the passage of three or more than three loose or watery stool in 24 hours, or passage of one or more bloody stool. Acute diarrhea refers to illness not lasting longer than 14 days. The study was conducted in Jinja Regional Referral Hospital. A total of 306 eligible caregivers of children were selected. The researcher used Fisher et al formula to determine sample size. The sampling procedure was chosen because it gave every respondent a chance to participa...

Factors Influencing the Acceptability of Male Circumcision Among Mothers with Male Children in Kiryandongo District

ABSTRACT Objective: There is currently little information on the acceptability of male circumcision In Uganda, This study investigated the acceptability of male circumcision among Mothers in Kiryandongo district with male children. Design: A cross-sectional survey was conducted among a convenience sample of 100 women attending a reproductive health clinic at the OPD waiting area in Kiryandongo district hospital in Uganda between February and April 2018. Results: Of the 100 invited eligible pa...

Voluntary Medical Male Circumcision (Vmmc) Uptake and Determinants among Youth in Bushenyi Town

ABSTRACT The study was aimed at assessing the coverage and factors influencing uptake and determinants of voluntary medical male circumcision among the Youth of Bushenyi Town. The study was guided by three objectives i.e. to determine prevalence of male circumcision among the Youth of Bushenyi Town., to identify the factors to uptake of voluntary medical male circumcision among the Youth of Bushenyi Town and to establish the proportion of HIUV/AIDS among the circumcised youth in Bushenyi...

The Factors Increasing The Prevalence of Neonatal Sepsis At Kagadi Hospital-Kibaale District

ABSTRACTNeonatal sepsis (NS) is a severe systemic bacterial infection in newborn infants within the first 4 weeks of life. NS claims over 1.5 million infant lives each year, the majority in sub-SaharanAfrica and southern Asia. There are two classes of NS: early onset, within the first week of life presumed to be acquiredfrom prenatal and intrapartum maternal transmission, and late onset within weeks 2–4 of life from environmental and nosocomial sources (Nelson Text book of Pe...

Microvascular Complications among Diabetic Patients; A Case Study Carried out In Kiryandongo General Hospital, Kiryandongo District

ABSTRACT Background: Micro-vascular complications among diabetes patients; a case study carried out in Kiryandongo General Hospital(KGH) diabetes clinic, was done with the aim of determining the prevalence of micro-vascular complications and their associated risk factors with a goal of establishing the baseline data for the clinic. Methods: It was a cross-sectional study conducted among diabetes patients attending Kiryandongo general hospital diabetes clinic by interviewing, physical examinat...

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