Nursing and Nursing Science Research Papers/Topics

Knowledge and Practices of Mothers Towards Prevention of Anaemia Among Children Under Five Years of Age in Kitagata Hospital, Sheema District

ABSTRACT Globally childhood anaemia poses a big health problem to less than five years of age.  Anaemia affects nearly 2 billion people worldwide and about 50% of all children less  than 5 years old. The prevalence of anaemia in children less than 5 years is 67% in  Africa, about, 28% anaemia is found in sub- Saharan Africa.  Purpose of the study was to establish knowledge and practices of mothers towards  prevention of anaemia among children under five years of age i...

Factors Contributing to Self-Medication Among OPD Patients at Kabwohe Health Centre Iv

ABSTRACT Self-medication is a common practice in both rural and urban settings, in old people with chronic illness and young people; Self-medication lends irrational drug use, drugs resistance, and severe disease development The study seeks to determine the factors contributing to self-medication among patients at outpatient department at Kabwohe Health Center IV. It was a cross sectional study using quantitative method of data collection. It was conducted at Kabwohe H C IV located in Sheema ...

The Challenges Faced by Women of Reproductive Age 15-49 Years Seeking Cervical Cancer Screening at Kitagata Hospital, Sheema District Uganda

Abstract In Uganda 80% of women who are diagnosed with cervical cancer present with advanced disease that is difficult to treat. The Ministry of Health recommends that all women of reproductive age aged 15-49 years should have cervical cancer screening. The aim is to determine the challenges faced by women of reproductive age 15-49 years seeking cervical cancer screening services at Kitagata Hospital. The study design was cross sectional which employed quantitative methods of data collection...

Factors Influencing Teenagers to Practice Unsafe Abortions, A Study Done in the Gynecological Ward of Kampala International University Teaching Hospital

 TABLE OF CONTENTS  ABSTRACT ....................................................................................................................... i COPYRIGHT ................................................................................................................... ii APPROVAL .................................................................................................................... iii AUTHORIZATION ..................................................................

Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices of Mothers Towards Exclusive Breast Feeding at Kampala International University Teaching Hospital Young Child Clinic

TABLE OF CONTENTSABSTRACT ............................................................................................................iCOPYRIGHT .........................................................................................................iiAUTHORIZATION ............................................................................................. iiiDEDICATION ......................................................................................................ivAKNOWLEDGEMENT .......

Knowledge and Practices on Infection Prevention Amongst Health Workers in St. Daniel’s Comboni Hospital, Bushenyi District, Uganda

TABLE OF CONTENTSABSTRACT……………................................................................................................................ iCOPYRIGHT................................................................................................................................ iiDECLARATION..........................................................................................................................iiiAUTHORIZATION.........................................................

Knowledge and Practices on Umbilical Cord Care Among Mothers Attending Young Child Clinic in Mutolere Hospital, Kisoro District

TABLE OF CONTENTSABSTRACT...................................................................................................................iAUTHORIZATION.....................................................................................................iiiDEDICATION..............................................................................................................ivACKNOWLEDGEMENT.............................................................................................vTABLE OF...

Factors Influencing High Morbidity Rate Among Pregnant Mothers Attending Antenatal Care at Kampala International University-Teaching Hospital (Kiuth), Bushenyi District

ABSTRACT: The study assessed factors influencing high morbidity rate among pregnant mothers and the objectives of the study were, to assess the common pregnancy morbidities occurring among the pregnant mothers and to identify factors that influence occurrence of pregnancy morbidities among pregnant mothers attending ANC services at KIUTH. The study area was conducted at KIUTH found in Ishaka – Bushenyi municipality in Bushenyi District Western Uganda in which a descriptive cross sectional s...

Factors Influencing Utilisation of Reproductive Health Services Among Adolescents Aged 12-19 Years Inmbarara Municipality Schools

ABSTRACT Complications of unwanted pregnancies and unsafe abortion are the leading causes of disability and death among adolescents especially girlsbetween ages 15-19 years. The study focused onassessing the factors influencing the utilization of Reproductive Health Services among adolescents aged (12-19 years) in Mbarara Municipality schools. A sample of 100 respondents was enrolled in the study using systematic random sampling. A cross sectional descriptive study design was used in two Gove...

Factors Influencing Utilization of Partogram Among Skilled Birth at Kampala International University Teaching Hospital

ABSTRACT The study to assess factors influencing the utilization of the partograph among skilled birth attendants at KIUTH The purpose of the study was to establish factors influencing utilization of a patogram during labor by nurses and midwives working in labor at Kampala international university teaching hospital The study was a descriptive cross-sectional study and quantitative in nature. The study respondents were selected purposively. Data was collected using a semi structured questionn...

Challenges Faced by HIV Positive Adolescents On Art Attending Art Clinic at Kabira Health Center Iii, Kabira Sub County, Rakai District

TABLE OF CONTENTSABSTRACT................................................................................................................... iAUTHORIZATION.....................................................................................................iiiDEDICATION............................................................................................................. ivACKNOWLEDGEMENT............................................................................................ vTABLE O...

Knowledge and Practices of Postnatal Mothers Towards Umbilical Cord Care of Newborns at Kagando Hospital Postnatal Ward, Kasese District

TABLE OF CONTENTSDEDICATION...............................................................................................................................iiiDECLARATION ........................................................................................................................... ivACKNOWLEDGEMENTS............................................................................................................ vAPPROVAL ......................................................................

Actors Affecting Effective Use of Condoms Among Adolescents of Mayengo Parish, Kamuganguzi Sub County, Kabale District

Abstract Unsafe sex was very common among the youth as they got involved into unprotected and unsafe sex practices due to factors like lack of parental support and guidance, breakdown of parent-child communication and cultural factors among others. The purpose of the study was to identify the factors affecting effective use of condoms among adolescents of Mayengo Parish, Kamuganguzi Sub County, Kabale District. The study design was descriptive and simple random sampling procedure was used to ...

Assessment of Factors Contributing to Early Childhood Marriage 10 – 17 Years in Ddundu Village, Kyampisi Division, Mukono District

Table of ContentsAbstract............................................................................................................................................ iCopyright ........................................................................................................................................ iiAuthorisation page…………………………...…………………………………………………...iiiDedication............................................................

Knowledge and Practice of Health Workers On Post Abortion Care at Kampala International University Teaching Hospital Bushenyi District

ABSTRACT Introduction Abortion is still a public health dilemma in developing countries Uganda inclusive. Abortion is illegal in Uganda, and unsafe abortion is responsible for at least 30% of all maternal deaths. Each year, an estimated 297,000 induced abortions are performed in Uganda, and nearly 85,000 women are treated for complications, as a result of unsafe abortion. The main objective of the study was to assess the knowledge and practice of health workers on Post Abortion Care at Kampal...

16 - 30 Of 129 Results