Public Health Research Papers/Topics

Male Partner Involvement In Maternity Care In Ablekuma South District, Accra, Ghana

ABSTRACT BACKGROUND Male partner involvement has been recognised as a key factor in improving maternal health and reducing maternal mortality in settings where men play key role in decision making in the household. Aspects of reproductive health like family planning and treatment of STI have seen improvement where male involvement has been encouraged. Ghana has a high maternal mortality rate of 350/ 100,000 live births with a slow decline towards its goal of 185/ 100,000 live births by 2015. ...

Acute Febrile Illness: The Role of Respiratory Syncytial Virus And Malaria in An Urban Pediatric Population in Ghana

ABSTRACT  Introduction: Fever describes an increase in internal body temperature to levels that are above normal (commonly oral/axillary measurement of normal human body temperature is 36.8±0.7 °C or 98.2±1.3 °F) and is the most common response of the body to any insult to the body. The most common cause of fever in our setting is malaria and therefore children get treated for malaria once they have a fever whether the cause is proven (by laboratory confirmation) to be malaria or not. Ot...

Factors Associated With Care Continuum of HIV/Aids Patients Receiving Antiretroviral Therapy at The International Health Care Center(IHCC), GHANA

ABSTRACT Background: The advancement through the HIV Care Cascade, from HIV testing to permanent retention in Antiretroviral Therapy (ART) Care and treatment programs, is vital to the success of HIV treatment and prevention efforts. However, persons are lost to follow up at each stage of the Continuum and little is known about the factors contributing to attrition at these stages in Ghana. This study determined factors associated with the Care Continuum of HIV/AIDS patients receiving antiret...

Do Socio-Cultural Factors Influence The Women In Kassena Nankana District To Deliver Or Not Deliver In The Health Institutions? An Exploratory Study In The Upper East Region Of Ghana

ABSTRACT The study explores the factors that influence decisions of women in the Kassena Nankana District from delivering or not delivering in the health care facilities despite their use of antenatal care services at the facilities. Multistage sampling procedure was used to select two groups of women who had antenatal care at the facilities. Two hundred women were interviewed i.e. 100 who delivered at the facilities and 100 who delivered at home. A structured questionnaire was used to collec...

Effectiveness Of The Implementation Of The Work Place Hiv/Aids Policy& Technical Guidelines For The Health Sector At An Urban Tertiary Referral Hospital, Greater Accra Region, Ghana

ABSTRACT HIV Infection continues to impact the world of work. This is especially more evident in the health sector where health workers are at risk of hospital acquired infections and attitudes and practices strongly influence the response to the provision of prevention, treatment, care and support interventions for infected patients. The ILO thus recommends the implementation of HIV Work place policies at Global, Regional, County and Local levels. In line with this the MOH, Ghana published i...

Trends In Cancer Cases And Morphine Prescription At The Korle-Bu Teaching Hospital: 2011-2015.

ABSTRACT A retrospective record review on cancer cases covering the period 2011 to 2015 was undertaken at the National Centre for Radiotherapy and Nuclear Medicine at the Korle Bu Teaching Hospital to determine trends in cancer cases and morphine prescriptions at the hospital. Data covering the period 2011 to 2015 were also retrieved from the cancer registry to ascertain the number of cases reported. Patients’ data including age, sex, types of cancer as well as the various stages of the can...

A Study Of Std Treatment Seeking Behavior Among Adolescent Students In Asuogyaman District Eastern Region

ABSTRACT A study to determine some factors that affected STD treatment seeking behaviour among adolescents students in Senior Secondary School was carried out in the Asuogyaman District of the Eastern Region of Ghana in May 1997. In all 62 students who had suffered STDs in the past were respondents to the questionnaire. Seventy one percent (71%) of respondents were males and 85.5% of respondents were aged between 17 and 20 years. 62% usually lived in a rural area. All respondents had some kno...

Risky Sexual Behaviors Among Adolescents In The La-Dadekotopon Municipality Of The Greater Accra Region Of Ghana

ABSTRACT Risky Sexual Behavior is described as any act that augments the risk of getting Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) or getting pregnant unintentionally. It comprises early sexual debut, sex with someone else apart from regular sexual partner, non-use of condoms during sex, non-use of family planning during sex and sex under the control of alcohol. The rest are sex with someone 10 years or older and sex under the influence of other substances. Given the rapid hormonal changes that ...

Ownership And Use Of Insectide Treated Nets Among Young People In The Kpone Katamanso District

PROPOSAL SUMMARY Introduction: Significant gains have been made in the implementation of malaria prevention measures in sub-Saharan Africa, and the use of insecticide-treated nets (ITNs) has been critical in reduction in the incidence of malaria in vulnerable groups such as pregnant women and children under five years. Insecticide treated nets usage is dependent on ownership of insecticide treated nets, Usage of insecticide treated nets among school young people is of importance because they ...

Assessment Of Respiratory Symptoms Among Workers At The Tema Oil Refinery

ABSTRACT Background: The health of workers remains a major global occupational health issue. The relationship between work-related exposures and the health of an individual in a working environment could be an opportunity to assure workers health or be a source of threat to the health and economic wellbeing of a nation. With the increasing rate of industrialization in Ghana, there is the urgent need to investigate and evaluate the health situation of workers at the Tema oil refinery. Objectiv...

Prevalence And Risk Factors Of Hepatitis B Virus Infection Among Medical Laboratory Science Students In The University Of Health And Allied Sciences, Ho, Volta Region, Ghana

ABSTRACT Rationale: Hepatitis B disease is a critical work-related menace for clinical health facility workers and poses a more serious occupational risk for health care students due to their inexperience in the field of work during their vocational training programmes in various health care facilities across the Country. Among health care students, medical laboratory science students (MLSS) are at a higher risk since laboratory technicians are among the elevated risk groups of hepatitis B vi...

Use Of Rapid Diagnostic Test For Detecting Malaria Infection: Health Workers’ Perceptions And Adherence To Test Results At Health Facilities In The Agona East District Of The Central Region

ABSTRACT In 2010, World Health Organization came up with the policy of diagnostically testing for malaria among all age groups before treatment and Ghana has adopted this policy as part of the case management of Malaria. Presumptive diagnosis of malaria results in the abuse of anti-malaria drugs which may lead to the emergence of resistant strains of the parasite, wastage of antimalarials and misdiagnosis of malaria. Areas without microscopy, especially the peripheral areas are to use the rap...

Adherence To Timing Of Focused Antenatal Care And Fetal Outcomes In The Accra Metropolitan Area

ABSTRACT Background Antenatal care is an integral part of safe motherhood. The World Health Organization recommended a departure from the traditional routine non-evidence based to the four visit evidence–based focused antenatal care for low risk clients. The Ghana Demographic and Health Survey, 2014 reported that about 85 percent of pregnant women had four or more visits. However, whether these visits were consistent with the recommended gestational ages of visits or not is not known. This ...

Prevalence Of Stress, Anxiety And Depression Among Medical Doctors At The Cape Coast Teaching Hospital

ABSTRACT Generally, medical doctors’ psychological health is left unnoticed not just by the people in society but by the doctors too. In developed countries like the USA, a lot of work has been done to assess doctors’ psychological or mental status, however developing nations like Ghana significantly fall behind. The aim of the study was to determine the prevalence of stress, anxiety and depression among medical doctors at the Cape Coast Teaching Hospital. A quantitative cross-sectional d...

Factors Associated With Malaria In Pregnancy Among Women Attending Antenatal Clinic At Dodowa District Hospital In The Greater Accra Region

ABSTRACT Background: Malaria in pregnancy is a serious public health issue which affects the mother, the fetus and the neonate. Adverse effects of malaria during pregnancy have been known over the years, but effective preventive coverage of pregnancies at risks during antenatal care and factors associated with malaria in pregnancy have been underreported in malaria-endemic countries. The objective of this study was to determine the factors associated with malaria during pregnancy among pregna...

1006 - 1020 Of 1838 Results