Public Health Research Papers/Topics

Causes Of Low Epi Coverage In The Osudoku Sub-District Of The Dangme West District In The Greater Accra Region Of Ghana

A BSTRA CT The Osudoku subditrict has been blamed for the persistent inability of the Dangme West District Health Authority to achieve its immunisation coverage objective. The study objective was to ascertain the accuracy of this assertion of the DHMT and then find the factors causing the alleged poor performance of the subdistrict, if confirmed by the study. Two immunisation coverage surveys using the WHO/ EPI ‘30 cluster sample’ methodology were conducted, one each in the Osudoku and Pr...

Referral Processes And Services For Expectant Mothers And Newborns At The Shai-Osudoku District Hospital

ABTRACT Effective and improved maternal and new born health is a critical concern to all governments the world over and much particularly to those in low to middle income countries like Ghana. This led the global community to adopt the United Nations Millennium Development Goals 4 and 5 in order to improve the wellbeing and health of mothers and newborns. By 2015, the Millennium Development Goals (MDG) 4 calls for a reduction by 2/3 of the 1990 under-five mortality rate; and MDG 5 calls for a...

Factors Influencing The Use Of Antibiotics Among Adults In The Greater Accra Metropolis

ABSTRACT Introduction: Antibiotic resistance is a global public health issue. Although antibiotic resistance will suffice naturally over time, increased use/misuse of antibiotics escalates the process. In Ghana there is a dearth of studies exploring the relationship between knowledge, attitude and practices on consumption of antibiotics by individuals within the community. The objective of this study was to determine the factors influencing antibiotic use among adults within the Greater Accra...

Assessment Of Factors Contributing To Obesity Among Students Of School Of Public Health, University Of Ghana.

ABSTRACT Background Understanding the determinants of obesity in adults is important due to its association with other chronic diseases. A study done in Ghana to determine Socio-demographic variation in obesity among Ghanaians adults reported that overweight and obesity had high prevalence in Accra metropolis. The study identified high prevalence among women and other upper- class residents. A similar study done at the University for Development Studies (UDS) in Tamale, Ghana, found that risk...

An Exploratory Study Of Market Women’s Knowledge On Infant And Young Child Feeding Practices In Ashiedu Keteke Sub-Metropolis Of The Greater Accra Region Ghana

ABSTRACT Market Women’s Knowledge on Infant and Young Child Feeding Practices in Ashiedu Keteke of the Greater Accra Region, Ghana. Infant and young child feeding is an important area to improve child survival and promote healthy growth and development as recommended by the WHO/UNICEF. Malnutrition remains the leading cause of child morbidity and mortality among children under five years of age particularly in sub-Saharan Africa. Amidst the many efforts over the years to curb the malnutriti...

Assessing Health Care Utilisation Among The Elderly With Chronic Conditions In Ghana

ABSTRACT Background: The elderly are among the most vulnerable groups of people worldwide and are prone to chronic diseases such as hypertension, stroke, diabetes and cancers. The prevalence as well as associated risk factors of these chronic diseases have been observed to have increased over time in Ghana. Methods: This study used secondary data generated from the WHO Study on Global AGEing and Adult health (SAGE) in Ghana. Information on the elderly, defined as people with age of 60 years a...

Factors Associated With Yaws Among Children In The Upper West Akyem And Awutu Senya West Districts

ABSTRACT Background: Yaws is a chronic relapsing disease caused by Treponema pallidum pertunue, which can result in severe disability and deformities. Children below the age of 15 years in socially disadvantaged and resource-poor communities are the most affected. Several non-specific factors have been demonstrated to facilitate the continuous transmission and resurgence of the disease in endemic communities. Rural communities in Ghana continue to report cases of yaws despite the roll out of ...

Exclusive Breastfeeding Practices Among Women In The Formal Sector Of The Greater Accra Region And Implications For The Lactational Room Policy

ABSTRACT BACKGROUND: In Ghana, even though the knowledge of the practice and benefits of exclusive breast feeding amongst women is very high, only 52% of babies are breastfed up to 6 months of life. In Ghana 49.52% of the work force are females, also 40.1% of workers are within the formal sector. Better educated women participate more in the formal sector and earn higher incomes. This study sought to examine exclusive breastfeeding practices amongst women in the formal sector in the Greater A...

Sanitation Factors Influencing The Occurrence Of Diarrhoea In Children Under 5 Years At Kpone-On-Sea

ABSTRACT Diarrhoea is a global childhood killer, especially of children in developing countries. Eighty eight percent of all cases of diarrhoea worldwide are attributable to drinking water, human excreta disposal and hygiene risk factors. In Ghana, diarrhoea remains of public health concern because it is still a major cause of childhood morbidity and mortality and exposure to the pathogens that cause diarrhoea is frequently related to drinking contaminated water, improper human excreta dispos...

Assessment Of Knowledge And Use Of Hiv Post Exposure Prophylaxis And Healthcare Workers’ Risk To Occupational Exposure In New Juabeng Municipality

ABSTRACT Background: Human immunodeficiency virus since its discovery has grown to become a public health menace. Healthcare workers are at risk of acquiring HIV infection as a result of managing HIV infected patients. Post exposure prophylaxis (PEP), a confirmed method, decreases the possibility of sero-conversion to HIV after occupational exposure. This study aimed at assessing the level of knowledge on post exposure prophylaxis, determining the level of risk to occupational injuries and to...

Frail Elderly’s Perception Of Quality Of Healthcare In The Tema Metropolis, Greater Accra

ABSTRACT Background: The World Health Organisation (WHO) statistics reveal that people worldwide are living longer; and currently, 125 million people are aged 80 years or older. However, the challenge is how to ensure the provision of a quality healthcare to the frail elderly. Objective: This qualitative study explored the perception of the quality of healthcare among the frail elderly in the Tema Metropolitan Assembly. Methods: A semi-structured interview guide was used to gather information...

Evaluation Of The Role Of Community Health Officers In The Community Health And Family Planning Project In The Kassenan An Kan A District

ABSTRACT The success or otherwise of most health related programs in most developing countries are judged using many indicators, among which is the beneficiary communities’ perception of the program. This study examined or probed into the perceptions of the communities with regard to the services rendered by Community Health Officers (CHOs) as front liners in the Community Health and Family Planning (CHFP) project being executed by the Navrongo Health Research Center (NHRC) in the Kassena- ...

Relationship Between Risk Perception Of Hiv/Aids And Sexual Behaviours Among Senior High School Students In The Tema Metropolis

ABSTRACT HIV/AIDS is still a big public health issues as adolescents today have not known a world without AIDS. The school environment offers great opportunity for HIV high risk behaviours. Despite a great awareness of the dangers of the disease and the abundance of knowledge, young people continue to engage in behaviours that place them at risk of contracting the disease. The main objective of the study is to determine the relationship between HIV risk perception and sexual behaviours among ...

Acceptance And Use Of Mobile Payments In Healthcare Delivery Among Private Providers In The Ayawaso Municipality

ABSTRACT In recent years, mobile phone use in healthcare delivery has been the focus of healthcare research. Of great interest to researchers is to study and understand the acceptance and use of mobile payments in health delivery since mobile payments serves as a complementary service to mobile health. Mobile payments provides a solution to the growing moral hazards and security risks associated with cash payments in healthcare delivery and also lessens the institutionalization of informal pa...

Assessing The Use Of Long Lasting Insecticide Treated Nets Among Pregnant Women In Ga East Municipality Of The Greater Accra Region

ABSTRACT Background: Malaria is a disease which is caused by the plasmodium parasites in the blood or tissues of humans. In 2012, government of Ghana distributed bednets to pregnant women in order to reduce the transmission of malaria. Though there was a massive distribution all over the country, the consistent use of the LLIN is low. Thus this study was done to find out the use of LLIN among pregnant women in the Ga- East Municipality and find out the factors that influence the use of the be...

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