Public Health Research Papers/Topics

Disclosure And Quality of Life Among HIV Pregnant Women And Nursing Mothers Accessing Care at The Military Hospital

ABSTRACT Background: There is little research with regards to the psychological well-being and psychosocial impact of disclosure among women living with HIV. Quality of life has been an important factor to consider in the development of the medical outcome measures looking at the success rate of the current prophylactic and therapeutic strategies for PLHIV. Some key predictors that may be used as interventions in promoting QOL of women living with HIV include spiritual well-being, social sup...

Assesing The Level of Job Satisfaction And Burnout Among Registered Nurses in Tamale Teaching Hospital in The Northern West Region

ABSTRACT Background: Health workers particularly nurses often experience considerable stressful workload, mental stress and time pressure in their working environment which could lead to low job satisfaction. Lack of job satisfaction may lead to medical errors on the part of the health workers, which in turn may cause harm to the patients. The study was aimed at assessing the job satisfaction and burnout levels among registered nurses in the Tamale West and the Tamale Teaching Hospitals, in ...

Health Facility Based Factors And Maternal Characteristics That Involves Neonatal Mortality is Kokoridua Regional Hospital, Eastern Region

ABSTRACT Background: Very early neonatal mortality (deaths within 24 hours after birth) is a major contributor to death among children under 5 years old in low and middle income countries. This particular study was conducted to determine the health facility-based factors and maternal characteristics that influence very early neonatal mortality rate (VENMR), the level of knowledge of nurses, midwives, and doctors on neonatal care and resuscitation, the practices of nurses, midwives, and docto...

Assesments of Factors Affecting Discharge Planning Implentation in Margaret Marquart Catholic Hospital

ABSTRACT Background Discharge from a hospital does not mark the end of care or indicate cure of disease thus care must continue at home in order to maximize health gains. Discharge planning implementation (DPI) ensures conterminous care after discharge and understanding the factors that affect clinical staff’s compliance to DPI may improve clinical practice. This study aimed to assess the factors affecting DPI compliance in Margaret Marquart Catholic Hospital. Method In this study, 112 cli...

Socio-Cultural Factors Influencing Exclusive Breastfeeding Practices Among Women in Bakwu West District Ghana

ABSTRACT Background: The world health organization (WHO) recommends 6 months of exclusive breastfeeding starting from birth with establishment of early breastfeeding within 30 minutes after delivery. However, introduction of supplementary fluids to infants is a common practice among women globally. Socio-cultural factors have been found to influence women’s decision to exclusively breastfeed depending on the community in which they live. The main objective of this study was to investigate ...

Practices Relating To Hepatitis B Virus Infection, Prevention And its Determinants Among Health Care Workers in The Ho Municipality Ghana

ABSTRACT Background: Two billion individuals worldwide have evidence of past and recent HBV infection, and more than 257 million people are living with the infection. In addition, the prevalence of hepatitis B surface antigen is highest (≥8%) in underdeveloped countries including Ghana (with a prevalence of 12.3%). Meanwhile, Hepatitis B preventive measures are not routinely practiced by some health care workers in the country. The increased risk of infection among health care workers is d...

Drivers And Outcomes of Social Media Advertising Engagement; A Survey of The Students of University of Ghana

ABSTRACT Increasingly, advertisers and marketers have taken advantage of social media platforms to complement marketing and advertising. Social media offer firms a cheaper alternative to target prospective customers and as such firms are devising ways to trigger engagement from social media users since these users are mostly online for a plethora of reasons. This research was guided by the Elaboration Likelihood Model to examine drivers and outcomes of social media advertising engagement. Su...


ABSTRACT Background: The Greater Accra Metropolitan Area (GAMA) project started in the year 2015 and the study was to evaluate the operation of the Greater Accra Metropolitan Area household toilet project in the La Dade-Kotopon Municipal Assembly. The study was carried out in May 2019. This was to examine whether the program was carried out as planned for the purpose of improving its design, its delivery and the usefulness of the quality of services delivered to the beneficiaries. Objective:...

Home Based Care For HIV/AIDS in The Agogo Sub District

Abstract AIDS is now a major cause o f morbidity and mortality in most Sub-Saharan African countries, in the absence of a cure, many adults suffer long chronic illness, medical services already inadequate are over stretched. Many hospitals are unable to deal with the huge caseload o f patients with HIV/AIDS, this has necessitated strategies for AIDS management that combines Home-based care (HBC) with hospital intervention where required. The form that a HBC programme takes depends on the soc...

Adverse Events Reporting Following Immunization Among Mothers With Children 0-5 Years And Health Workers In Selected Health Facilities In Greater Accra Region.

ABSTRACT Introduction: Adverse event reporting remains a major public health concern. Vaccination, an essential component of the public health programme was introduced to save lives and preserve health. Unlike medicines, the expectations from vaccination are much higher and problems arising from the vaccine or vaccination may be less acceptable to the general public. Adverse events (AEFI) is defined as any unwanted medical occurrence which follows immunization and does not necessary have a ca...

The Pattern Of Act Prescription In The Ledzokuku-Krowor Municipal Assembly

ABSTRACT Introduction: The concerns of possible resistance development by P. falciparum to most artemisinin-based combination therapies (ACT’s) is imminent and to an extent due to the non-uniform use of the ACT’s and drug pressure. This has necessitated the need to routinely monitor the drug efficacy every couple of years in all countries where malaria is endemic and studies on patterns of ACT prescription is also needed as an essential component to complement efficacy studies. Objective:...

Assessment Of Knowledge And Practice Of Periodic Medical Check- Up Among Workers At Kaneshie Market In Accra, Ghana

ABSTRACT Periodic medical check-up (PMC) is important for early detection of risk factors associated with the development of diseases and prompt diagnosis of asymptomatic diseases. In Ghana, the daily activities of workers especially market workers are characterized by constant stress, long working hours, without being particularly mindful of their diet coupled with sedentary work life. This puts them at greater risk of developing several chronic diseases and their complication. However, stud...

Factors Affecting Under Five Mortality in The Mfantsiman Municipality of The Central Region.

ABSTRACT Introduction: Under – five mortality is a major problem in the world with millions of children not surviving to celebrate their fifth birthday. It is the fourth millennium development goal of which all countries were tasked to reduce by two thirds by the end of 2015. A further reduction to 25 or fewer deaths by 2030 as stipulated in the sustainable development goals. Ghana has made some strides towards achieving its target of reducing under – five mortality by two thirds but it ...

Caregivers Perspectives On Factors Affecting Medication Non-Adherence Among Mental Health Patients At The Pantang Psychiatric Hospital

ABSTRACT Background: The burden of mental and behavioral disorder has increased by 38% from 1990 to 2010 globally. In developing and under-developed income countries over 70% of this increase is due to mental disorder. In Ghana the prevalence of mental disorders has been estimated at 13% of the adult population. The purpose of the study was to examine caregivers’ perspectives on factors affecting medication non-adherence among mental health patients at the Pantang Psychiatric Hospital. Meth...

Work-Related Stress And Hypertension Among Nurses At Ridge Hospital, Accra, Ghana

ABSTRACT Background: Hypertension is fast becoming a global public health issue especially in developing countries. However, very little is known about the disease and its associated risk factors in Ghana particularly among nurses. Objectives: The objective of this study was to assess the relationship between workrelated stress and hypertension among nurses at Ridge Regional Hospital, Accra, Ghana. Methods: Participants of this cross-sectional study included 208 nurses randomly selected from ...

1261 - 1275 Of 1838 Results