ABSTRACT Xn the tropics, hepatitis C virus (BCV) seroprevalence ranges from < 0.2% in whole Africa. A strong association between HCV and hepatitis B surface antigen (jPBPIsAg)-negative chronic liver disease and hepatocellulax carcinoma has been described. Hepatocellular carcinoma (IYCC) 8s one of the mort common cancers among Africans, and in Nigeria by 1970 the'estimated rate was 6.6 per 1Q0,QOO populations per asmum. Sexual tnmsmirsion was regarded as a minor cause of HCV, the degree of whi...
~bstretT. kp revaiurec ofh umah imrmmodt~ieirncyv irtlo ryp 1 d 2 in -1 arcas of Niiaia was estbled using 1089 ma colkacd in I8 kwhs &om 1992 to mrly 1 554. llx saa wmte sted with Enzyme linked Imm~enAtss ay @LISA) and cahntd by Westun hmrmob~BgE ehniquc. Overall, 13 (13%) of ibt 1089 &ra war positive for adi00 I W:I d m-2. Prwalenec of 0.6% md 0.8% wm obtained f& HIV-1 and HIY-2 mpcrhly. Tbc hjgk~ peevabo f HfV-1 and HTV-2 (50.Wh)w ere fdin Z uhlrma and Umubum A #mgmaleaet or 12%w as oblaiae...
Summary Serum samples from 180 Sickle Cell Disease (SCD) patients attending Medical Out patients (MOP) clinic of the Department ofHaematology, UCH, lbadan, Nigeria were tested for the presence of HbsAg and anti-HCV in their blood samples. The result showed that HBV infection was slightly higher (not significant) than HCV infection among SCD patients (p>O.05). In addition, the result showed that the mean number of transfusion was higher among patients who were sero-positive for both HbsAg (5.0...
ABSTRACT Background: The development of anitiretroviral drug resistance may limit the benefit of antiretroviral therapy. Therefore the need to closely monitor these mutations, especially the use of ART is increasing. This study was therefore designed to determine the ARV drug resistance pattern among ART naïve and expose individuals attending a PEPFAR supported by antiretroviral clinic in Nigeria. Methodology: The study participants included patients attending the PEPFAR supported by Unive...
ABSTRACT The primary objective of this study was to estimate etravirine activities in a cohort of patients infected with non-B subtype HIV-1 and failing nevirapine based therapy.
ABSTRACT As the use of antiretroviral therapy becomes more widespread across Africa, it is imperative to characterise baseline molecular variability and sub-type specific peculiarities of drug targets in non subtype B HIV-1 infection.
ABSTRACT Several factors including variability of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), Laboratory facilities, cost and competence of personnel handling the test are some of the important factors that affect accuracy and reliability of HIV testing in most part of Africa.
ABSTRACT The peptide binding immunoassay [PELISA) was used as previously described to determine HIV-1 subtypes among 60 married HIV-1 seropositive individuals and their spouses identified at the University College Hospital, lbadan in order to investigate the rate of heterosexual partners by different HIV-1 subtypes in Nigeria.
ABSTRACT A community based survey to determine the prevalence human immunodeficiency infection in Nigeria women and children in South Western Nigeria is reported.
ABSTRACT Respiratory problems like pneumocystic carinni and pulmonary tuberculosis are among the common opportunistic infections in patients with HIV/AIDS.
ABSTRACT Although efforts have been made to determine the significance of Hepatitis B virus infection in Nigerians with chronic liver disease.
ABSTRACT Proviral DNAs are being measured increasingly as a marker of efficacy of highly active retroviral therapy and is accepted for the early diagnosis of perinatal HIV-1 treatments.
ABSTRACT Backgroud: The burden of TB and HIV infection is estimated to be about 512/100,000 and 3,000,000 people respectively. However, accurate data on TB/HIV co-morbidity in different parts of Nigeria were not available due to limited access to HIV Counseling and Testing (HCT) by individuals with TB infection. This study was designed to determine the true rate of HIV infection among newly diagnosed TB patients by providing comprehensive HCT services in 43 DOTS centers in Oyo State, Southwe...
ABSTRACT Viruses are submicroscopic, obligate intracellular parasites that can neither grow nor reproduce outside a living cell. Their survival therefore depends completely on the continued survival of their hosts.
ABSTRACT Apart from heterosexual transmission, not much is known about the contribution of the other modes of spread of HIV in Africa. To evaluate the importance of non-sexual/non-vertical transmission in adults and children in Nigeria, data from mother-child pairs (community and hospital) and a community HIV surveillance among adult populations in two communities of Oyo State in S1¥ Nigeria were' analysed. In the community-based mother-child pair HIV testing, 18 of 476 (3.8%) under 5 years ...