Virology Research Papers/Topics

Viral diversity and blood-feeding patterns of Afrotropical Culicoides biting midges (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae)

Abstract: ntroduction: Culicoides biting midges (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae) are vectors of arboviral pathogens that primarily affect livestock represented by Schmallenberg virus (SBV), epizootic hemorrhagic disease virus (EHDV) and bluetongue virus (BTV). In Kenya, studies examining the bionomic features of Culicoides including species diversity, blood-feeding habits, and association with viruses are limited.Methods: Adult Culicoides were surveyed using CDC light traps in two semi-arid ecolog...

A survey of mosquito-borne and insect- specific viruses in hospitals and livestock markets in western Kenya

Abstract: Aedes aegypti and Culex pipiens complex mosquitoes are prolific vectors of arboviruses that are a global threat to human and animal health. Increased globalization and ease of travel have facilitated the worldwide dissemination of these mosquitoes and the viruses they transmit. To assess disease risk, we determined the frequency of arboviruses in western Kenyan counties bordering an area of high arboviral activity. In addition to pathogenic viruses, insect-specific flaviviruses (IS...

Varroa destructor virus 1: A new picorna-like virus in Varroa mites as well as honey bees

Abstract: Honey bees are important insects that have benefited mankind for medicinal and nutritional purposes for thousands of years. They have also provided an important balance in the environment allowing many plant species to pollinate and proliferate. Honey bees have naturally occurring parasites and pathogens which usually do not destroy the bees. The development of long-distance travel among human beings introduced global trade in plants and animals introducing new species and diseases...

Evaluation Of Safety And Therapeutic Potential Of Environmental Waste Water Lytic Bacteriophage Against Multidrug Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus (Mdrsa) In Balb/C Mice

ABSTRACT Methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) pose a great threat to the global public health. Control of these bacteria has become difficult due to acquisition of resistance against even some of the best antibiotics. Thus, phage therapy could be the better alternative as they are easy to isolate and produce in mass within a short time. However, phage therapy has been a subject of debate over the years but recently there has been a renewed interest due to their proved therapeuti...

Comparative Study Of Hepatitis B And Hepatitis C Viruses Among Hiv-1 Infected Intravenous Drug Users And Non-Users In Mombasa County

ABSTRACT  HIV/AIDS is a debilitating disease associated with high mortality and morbidity globally. In Kenya, it is the major cause of mortality across all gender and age groups, in effect, putting a huge demand on the healthcare system and the economy. The HIV 1 positive population faces major challenges such as the drug resistance, severe hepatic coupled with immunological deficiencies and toxicity. The problems are aggravated by co-infection with blood borne diseases, varied responses to ...

Comparative Study Of Hepatitis B And Hepatitis C Viruses Among Hiv-1 Infected Intravenous Drug Users And Non-Users In Mombasa County

ABSTRACT HIV/AIDS is a debilitating disease associated with high mortality and morbidity globally. In Kenya, it is the major cause of mortality across all gender and age groups, in effect, putting a huge demand on the healthcare system and the economy. The HIV 1 positive population faces major challenges such as the drug resistance, severe hepatic coupled with immunological deficiencies and toxicity. The problems are aggravated by co-infection with blood borne diseases, varied responses to th...

High Rate of non-detectable HIV-1 RnA Among Antiretroviral Drug naive HIV positive Individuals in nigeria

Abstract Plasma HIV-1 RNA concentration, or viral load, is an indication of the magnitude of virus replication and largely correlates with disease progression in an infected person. It is a very useful guide for initiation of therapy and monitoring of response to antiretroviral drugs. Although the majority of patients who are not on antiretroviral therapy (ART) have a high viral load, a small proportion of ART naive patients are known to maintain low levels or even undetectable viral load lev...

Hepatitis E Virus Infection in HIV Positive ART Naïve and Experienced Individuals in Nigeria

ABSTRACT Background: Studies have shown Hepatitis E Virus to be a causative agent of acute and chronic hepatitis in severely immunocompromised patients such as organ transplant recipients and person with HIV infection. This study was de- signed to determine the burden of HEV infection among HIV positive individuals in Nigeria and the effect of HIV treatment on the burden of HEV infection among this group of patients. Methods: Aliquot of plasma samples collected for laboratory investigations...

HW-1 Drug Resistant Mutations In Chronically Infected -Treatment Naive Individuals in The Pre-ARV Era in Nigeria

Abstract In Nigeria the Federal Government rolled out antiretroviral drugs for the management of HW infection in year 2002. This study was carried out to determine the circulating antiviral drug mutations amrmg ARV naive patients with chronic HIV infection durillg the pre-ARV roll out era in &e country. DNA was extracted from scored whole blood samples collected from 75 HlV positive patients attending the Medical outpatient clinic between December 19% and November 2001. The Reverse mscriptas...

Impact Of Long-Acting Contraceptives On Female Genital Tract Cytokine Profiles In A Randomised Controlled Trial Nina Radzey (Rdznin001)

List of abbreviations ......................................................................................................................................... 5 List of figures ................................................................................................................................................... 7 List of tables .................................................................................................................................................... 7 Sum...

Evaluation Of Safety And Immunogenicity Of Rift Valley Fever Vaccines Mp-12 And Armp-12δnsm21/384 In Sheep, Goats And Calves Administered Intradermally

ABSTRACT Rift valley fever (RVF) is a zoonotic disease caused by Rift Valley fever virus (RVFV) with impact on animal and human health. Vaccines developed against RVF have safety and efficacy concerns and administered by needles posing risks of RVFV transmission. This study reports the safety and immunogenicity of attenuated RVF MP-12 and its recombinant arMP-12ΔNSm21/384 vaccines. A total of 32 sheep, 15 goats and 23 zebu calves were vaccinated with 1x105 plaque forming units (PFU)/ml of M...

Evaluation Of The Safety And Immunogenicity Of Rift Valley Fever Mp-12 And Armp-12∆Nsm21/384 Vaccine Candidates In Goats (Capra Hircus), Sheep (Ovis Aries) And Calves (Bos Indicus) From Tanza

ABSTRACT Rift Valley fever virus (RVFV) is an arbovirus that causes Rift Valley fever (RVF), a disease that causes morbidity and mortality in livestock and humans. Among the measures considered, vaccines are the most effective control strategy against this RVF disease. While we have available vaccines, effective vaccines and better routes of vaccination are needed to prevent RVF among livestock and humans. Therefore, the aim of this study was to evaluate the safety and immunogenicity of a li...

Multiple Presence and Heterogeneous Distribution of HIV- I Subtypes in Nigeria

Multiple Presence and Heterogeneous Distribution of HIV- I Subtypes in Nigeria

16 - 30 Of 55 Results