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Medical & Health Sciences Research Papers/Topics

Anti Inflammatory Activity of the Fatty Seed Extract of Vitellaria Paradoxa (Sapotaceae)

ABSTRACT  Fatty seed extracts of Vitellaria paradoxa (Sapotaceae), an indigenous plant of West Africa is a popular remedy for arthritis and swellings. This study investigated the knowledge, prevalence and pattern of use of the fatty extract also known as shea butter in clinically diagnosed arthritic patients as well as its effects on acute (topical and systemic) and chronic inflammation in rodents. The knowledge, prevalence and pattern of use were determined using pretested questionnaire in ...

Economic Burden, Payment Strategies and Payment Coping Mechanism among Type2 Diabetic Patients Attending a Tertiary Health Institution in Abia State, South East Nigeria.

ABSTRACT  Diabetes is a chronic life- long illness that affects the quality of life, requiring close monitoring and control. Diabetics have high risk for high economic burden (direct and indirect health costs) and catastrophic expenditure where healthcare costs are paid out of pocket. This study determined the economic burden and assessed the payment strategies and payment coping mechanisms of type 2 diabetic patients attending Out- Patient Department of Federal Medical Centre (FMC) Umuahia,...

Novel Drug Delivery Systems Containing Artesunate and Amodiaquine

ABSTRACT Globally, an estimated 3.4 billion people are at risk of malaria, including Nigerians. The current World Health Organization (WHO) Guideline for the treatment of malaria recommends the use of artemisinin combination therapy (ACT) for the treatment of uncomplicated malaria. Presently, the available formulations of ACTs are administered through the oral route. Rectal administration, which formed the basis of this work, is an alternative route of administration which overcomes the limi...

Knowledge and Compliance of Ebonyi State University Undergraduates to Voluntary Counselling and Testing for Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) and Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (Aids)

ABSTRACT Early detection and treatment of infected individuals is an important step in the control of HIV epidemic. Voluntary counselling and testing is a concept developed in this direction. The study was conducted to determine the knowledge and compliance of Ebonyi State University Undergraduates to VCT for HIV/AIDS using a descriptive survey design. The sample consists of 384 full-time undergraduates selected from 3 campuses by simple random sampling. Self structured questionnaire was used...

The Physicochemical Properties of Drinking Water in AMAC, FCT.

TABLE OF CONTENTTitle Page Declaration ……………………………………………………………………………i Certification …………………………………………………………………………... iiDedication………………………………………………………………………………iiiAcknowledgements…………………………………………………….………………ivTable of Contents…………………………………………...

Assessment of Safe Motherhood Practices among Women Receiving Ante Natal Care in Nkpor Urban, Anambra State Nigeria.

ABSTRACT Background: Most developed countries have made significant progress in addressing maternal morbidity and maternity, but it appears that countries with very high maternal mortality burdens have made little progress in improving maternal health outcomes. Despite having only about 2% of the world’s population, Nigeria contribute about 10% of the World’s maternal deaths8 knowledge about safe motherhood practices could help improve maternal health outcomes. Objectives: This survey s...

Afield test with the NORMAL jobaid cor community health volunteers

Introduction: Concerns about contraceptive-induced menstrual changes (CIMCs) contribute to nonuse and discontinuation of family planning (FP). Current counseling materials inadequately address these concerns. After obtaining initial feedback, we field-tested an adapted version of the NORMAL job aid that guides community health workers on how to counsel women about CIMCs. The field test aimed to help understand how the job aid was used, the challenges faced in using it, and recommendations to ...

Integrated Review of Management of Hypertension by Lifestyle Changes, Yoga, Exercise, Acupressure, Plant/Herbal and Allopathic Medications and Newer Interventions. Dr. Balaji P.A, Dr. Smitha

Abstract Hypertension is a global epidemic with prevalence almost similar in urban and rural populations and it is a significant modifiable risk factor for cardiovascular disease, stroke, and renal diseases. Although many modalities of treatment are available, a large percentage of patients don't have their blood pressure (BP) under control, hence, the management of hypertension has become a vital issue. We do find very few integrative reviews considering all feasible modalities of treatment ...

Physicochemical And Microbiological Quality Of Water Drawn From Lined And Unlined Wells In Zaria, Nigeria

TABLE OF CONTENT  Cover Pagei Fly Leafii Title Pageiii Declarationiii Certificationiv Acknowledgementv Table of Contentvi List of Tablesx Abstractxii CHAPTER ONE 1.0 introduction1 1.1.Statement of Research Problems3 1.2.Justification4 1.3.Aim5 1.4.Specific objectives‖5 CHAPTER TWO 2.0.Literature review6 2.1.Water 6 2.1.1.Global Water Supply6 2.1.2.Water Supply in Nigeria8 2.2.Sources of Fresh Water9 2.2.1.Surface Water9 2.2.2.Ground Water10 2.3.Wells11 2.3.1.Driven Wells11 2.3.2.Drilled We...

Health Workers Brain Drain - The Ghanaian Perspective

Abstract The emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic has increased the demand for front-line medical staff in Ghanaian hospitals and other developing nations. According to Herzberg's Two Factor Theory, which was applied in the study, the majority of the studies reviewed demonstrate that there is a brain drain of health professionals from Ghana, which was attributed to motivation and hygiene factors. Since the majority of the studies were conducted in developed nations before the COVID-19 pandemic,...

Assessment of the Relationship between Work Motivation and Technical Competence of Nurses Working in Theatre in Two Healthcare Facilities in Sokoto State

ABSTRACT Factors such as better training, meeting of higher needs, having some values as the organization experience etc. are said to impact motivation in an organization. In Hospital and other health institutions, motivation of nurses is key to their performance. A nurse does not only need to be committed to his/her duty but must also be competent enough to carry out the required tasks. In this study, an assessment of the relationship of work motivation on the technical competence of nurses...

Effect of Static Magnetic Field on Parasites

This study uses the model organism, C. elegans, to investigate its sensitivity and response to static magnetic fields. Wild-type C. elegans are put into microfluidic channels and exposed to permanent magnets for five cycles of thirty-second time intervals at field strengths ranging from 5 milli Tesla to 120 milli Tesla. Recorded and analyzed with custom software, the results of the worm's movement - the average velocity, turning and curling percentage - were compared to control experiments. S...

Characterizing the Effect of Static Magnetic Fields on Parasites

This study uses the model organism, C. elegans, to investigate its sensitivity and response to static magnetic fields. Wild-type C. elegans are put into microfluidic channels and exposed to permanent magnets for five cycles of thirty-second time intervals at field strengths ranging from 5 milli Tesla to 120 milli Tesla. Recorded and analyzed with custom software, the results of the worm's movement - the average velocity, turning and curling percentage - were compared to control experiments...

Electrotaxis to realize a switchable valve for parasitic worms

We present the NERV, a nonmechanical, unidirectional valve, to control the locomotion of Caenorhabditis elegant (C. elegans) in microfluidic devices. This valve is created by establishing a region of lateral electric field which can be toggled between on and off states. We observed that C. elegans do not prefer to advance into this region when the field lines are facing their movement, so when they reach the boundary of the NERV, they partway enter the field, retreat, and switch direction. We...

Nematode Electrotactic Response Valve (NERV) for Parasitic Worms

A nonmechanical, unidirectional valve, the Nematode Electrotactic-Response Valve (NERV), has been developed to control the motion of Caenorhabditis elegant (C. elegans) in microfluidic devices. By forming a region of lateral electric field, which can be switched or reversed, the NERV prevents worms from advancing through it if the field lines are angled against the movement of the worms. Upon arriving at the boundary of the NERV, the worms penetrate the field area briefly and then retreat and...

766 - 780 Of 6426 Results