Natural & Applied Sciences

Research Papers/Topics Natural & Applied Sciences

Insulin Resistance in relation to Hypertension and Dyslipidaemia among Men Clinically Diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes

Pathophysiologically, type 2 diabetes can result from insulin resistance or insulin insufficiency alone. It is unclear whether relative insulin shortage or pronounced insulin resistance is linked to poor cardiometabolic problems like obesity. Therefore, the objective of this study was to evaluate the relationship between insulin resistance (IR), hypertension, and dyslipidaemia, in men with type 2 diabetes mellitus. One hundred and twenty-one (121) type 2 diabetic men participated in this cros...

The 2D:4D Ratio and Sex Difference in Circulating Liver Enzymes in Adulthood: A Cross-sectional Study in Ghana

Aims: The second-to-fourth digit ratio (2D:4D) and the right-left difference (Dr-l) are the putative markers of prenatal hormone exposure. These digit ratios are sexually dimorphic and are said to be positive and negative correlates, respectively, of circulating testosterone and estrogen in adulthood. There is also a sex difference in liver function in adulthood which may be due to sex differences in plasma liver enzyme activity or concentration. The observed sex difference in liver function...

Can maternal postpartum testosterone and estradiol retrospectively predict the offspring's sex at birth? A cross-sectional study in Ghana

The selection of X- or Y-bearing spermatozoa during fertilization may depend on maternal circulating sex hormones. The zona pellucida of the developing oocyte is adapted to be selective for the Y-bearing spermatozoa when maternal circulating androgens are relatively high. This study sought to determine whether maternal postpartum testosterone and estradiol can retrospectively predict the offspring sex at birth. The study was cross-sectional from December 2020 to April 2021 at the Reproductive...

The impact of age on sex bias in models for height and sex estimation based on hand and foot dimensions

There are sex differences in age-related bone modifications after puberty. Androgens stimulate radial bone expansion in males, while estrogen stimulates endosteal apposition but limits periosteal expansion in females. The potential effect of age on observed sex biases in height and sex estimation models is most significantly relevant for forensic or bioarchaeological research that relies, at least in part, on hand and foot bone measurements of living or skeletal remains for purposes of identi...

Determination of hydrocarbon potentials in parts of Sokoto Basin, Northwestern Nigeria using spectral analysis technique

ABSTRACT In this work, an attempt was made to estimate the depth to magnetic source and by inference, the thickness of sediments within parts of the Sokoto Basin, Northwestern Nigeria. Aeromagnetic data of Tambuwal (Sheet 50) was acquired, processed and interpreted. The regional field was separated from the total magnetic intensity (TMI) and the magnetic anomaly was obtained. The anomaly map was upward continued and divided into overlapping square grids of 27.5 km x 27.5 km. Spectral depth an...

Real Life Applications of Mathematical Model of Kifilideen Trinomial Theorem Distribution of Positive Power of n

Binomial system is a system of analysis which involves two chances or possible outcomes of event which are the extreme ends of such event. In real life, there exists the mid or intermediary chance or possible outcome of some events if not all events making the possible outcome of such events to be three. For this scenario or instance, a trinomial system of analysis would be applicable. There is need to develop a model to analysis such scenario of trinomial system. This research work pres...

Geochemical Baseline and Pre‑Mining Environmental Assessment of Heavy Metals at Iron Exploration Area, Northeastern Aswan, Egypt

With the emphasis that the study area is a highly mineralized area with high potential for future mining projects due to large iron ore reserves, a total of 21 soil surface samples were investigated in terms of toxic heavy metals (Pb, Cr, Ni, Cu, Zn, Co, and As) using ICP-OES to determine the metal concentrations, define the geochemical baseline during pre-mining conditions, decipher metal sources and their interrelationships using multivariate statistical analysis, and evaluate the contamina...

Mouataz Mostafa 19 PAGES (11652 WORDS) Geology Paper
Improvement of the magnetoelectric response in NiFe2O4-Sr0.5Ba0.5Nb2O6 composites using LiNbO3 as sintering additive

Magnetoelectric (NiFe2O4)0.3-(Sr0.5Ba0.5Nb2O6)0.7 composites with addition of LiNbO3 as sintering additive were prepared by a classical mixed-oxide method. XRD patterns of ceramics sintered between 1000 and 1200 ◦C show the desired Sr0.5Ba0.5Nb2O6 and NiFe2O4 phases. SEM investigations confirm the 0–3 connectivity of the composite ceramics. The addition of 10 and 20 mol% LiNbO3 improves the densification of the composite ceramics and leads to an increase of the size of the Sr0.5Ba0.5Nb2O6...

Web Based Census Management System

ABSTRACT Web Based Census Management System includes the sets of methods that allow us to measure the dimensions and dynamics of populations. The aim of the study is to Design and Implement a Web Based Census Management System. In achieving this aim, the following specific objectives were laid out as follows to develop a: computerized software that automatically stores and retrieves all information on human population, reliable system that could be used in collecting data/information on huma...

Development and Operations (DevOps)

ABSTRACT DevOps is the collection of cultural practices, philosophies, mechanisms, and technology that assists in increasing the ability of an organization to distribute services and applications at a faster pace. Unlike the traditional software development and infrastructure management processes (also known as the Waterfall Model), DevOps is inspired from the Agile Project Management, meaning that the entire project is broken down into several phases, aiming for continuous improvement at eve...

Physics Discussion Questions

Semiconductors are substances with electrical conductivity characteristics halfway between insulators and conductors. They are the basis for devices like transistors, diodes, and integrated circuits, crucial parts of contemporary electronics. The capacity to conduct electricity under certain circumstances, such as an applied voltage or exposure to light, defines semiconductors. Semiconductors can have their conductivity altered and regulated, unlike conductors, which have high conductivity, a...

Assessing the Perception and Challenges of Online Learning by Students in some Selected Tertiary Institutions in Ghana

TABLE OF CONTENT CONTENT............................................................................................................................ PAGE DECLARATION ACKNOWLEDGEMENT.. i DEDICATION.. ii TABLE OF CONTENT.. iv LIST OF TABLES. vii LIST OF FIGURES. vii ABSTRACT.. viii   CHAPTER ONE.. 1 1.0      INTRODUCTION.. 1 1.1      Background of the Study. 1 1.2      Problem Statement2 1.3      Objective of the study. 4 1.3.1       Main objective. 4 1.3.2     �...

Determination of Melting Point of Vegetable Oils and Fats by Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC) Technique

SUMMARY Determination of melting point of vegetable oils and fats by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) technique. Melting point of fats is used to characterize oils and fats and is related to their physical properties, such as hardness and thermal behaviour. The present work shows the utilization of DSC technique on the determination of melting point of fats. In a comparison with softening point (AOCS method Cc 3-25), DSC values were higher than those obtained by AOCS method. It has occ...

Stepwise Analysis and Generation of Kifilideen Matrix Structural Framework for Infinite terms of Kifilideen Generalized Matrix Progression Sequence

Considering a cluster of different hierarchical order with various barrier/cadre levels and steps within levels, there is non availability of structural framework to help to exclusively analysis, formulate, identify, differentiate and design standardized provisional values to cluster members at various barriers levels and steps with levels. This study invents stepwise analysis and generation of Kifilideen matrix structural framework for infinite terms of increasing elements of successive co...

Bacteriological Study Of Locally Fermented Milk (Nono) Sold In Gombe Metropolis

ABSTRACT A total number of ten (10) locally fermented milk (nono) samples were collected from five (5) different retail outlet namely: Gombe main market, Jekadafari,Pantami, TashanDukku, and Tumfure. Bacteriological analysis was carried out on the samples for isolation and identification of bacteria associated with such products as well as total aerobic plate count. Seven (7) specie of bacteria which are of public health importance were isolated and identified. The percentage of occurrences o...

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