Natural & Applied Sciences

Research Papers/Topics Natural & Applied Sciences

Computerized Bill of Quantities and Engineer's Estimate for Road Construction Projects (A Case Study of Highway Division of the Federal Ministry of Works and Housing, Abuja Field Office)

ABSTRACT Bill of quantities and the engineer's estimates are the contents of the engineer's report on tenders for road construction projects. It also forms a proposal prepared for any road rehabilitation. This research work looks into the possibilities of providing a fast and efficient means of preparing bills of quantities and engineer's estimate for routine maintenance road works in the highway division of the Federal Ministry of Works and Housing, Abuja field office. I aimed at producing ...

Computerized Accounting System

ABSTRACT Mankind is witnessing in this Century an era of increasing technological advancement, futuristic social development and a mere global comprehensive internationalized politics. We are however subjected presently to the two sided effects of modem technology for peace (progress) or otherwise. In this dual subjection, nations have accepted the challenges of technology and have redirected their national resources to the fulfillment of these technological challenges. Computerization is on...

Computerization of Water Billing System and Stock Control: (A Case Study Ofkafanchan District Office of the Kaduna State Water Board)

CHAPTER ONE 1.1.0        INTRODUCTION 1.2.0        The advent of computers has brought better and remarkable changes in the socio-economical activities of society. Right from invention computer application has evolved from restricted scientific fields to almost every sphere of life as a result of a series of modifications and/or addition to the system based on needs. In water management systems, computer applications can make the services rendered much more efficient and effec...

Computerization of Personnel Information Management System. (A Case Study of Alvan Ikoku College of Education Owerri) A Research Project Presented

ABSTRACT  This project is based on the computerization of the Personnel Information Management System. Before the advent of the Computer, the personnel information management system was manual. This presented a lot of disadvantages which include, misplacement of records, loss of documents, delayed work etc. This project highlights the design and implementation of a Computerized personnel information management system, which will handle all related information of every staff in all department...

Computerization of Personnel Information Management System of the Nigerian Army (Na)

ABSTRACT The history of technology is that of transforming the bulk of scientific knowledge 111to some mean111gtul data. Right from the existence of man on earth, record keeping has been The most essential aspect of his life. Most recordings of data were usually done on slabs and slates which makes it difficult to regroup for future references. Record keeping has been successfully done on papers eventually filed and kept in cabinets. Perhaps, the inability to cope with the ever-increasing fi...

Computerization of Crime Records and Information a Case Study of Andaha Police Station Akwanga L.G.A Nassarawa State

CHAPTER ONE 1.0   INTRODUCTION 2.0   This project is titled "Computerization of Crime Records and Information" taking Andaha (Akwanga L.G.A, Nassarawa State) Police Station as a case study. It would be a good start if we put more light on the words "Crime", "Record" and "Information". According to the Lambert Dictionary, crime could be defined as "an act of bridge of the law and order to the stated rules or law of a community". In other words, crime could be something which threatens se...

Computerization of Continuous Assessment Dossier

ABSTRACT Processing of student result sheets is one of the most vital aspects of Education at the Secondary or College level. as It might be called. It is very important that data is entered with care for the effective calculation of the final result. Most often there are errors due to redundancy of data and inconsistency in data manipulation, in which case marks and scores are often entered wrongly by the teacher of the subject. Take, for instance, a situation whereby a student misses a tes...

Computerised Frequency Distribution System (A Case Study of the Disabled)

ABSTRACT Since the idea of computer Technology came into existence a lot of things have taken different shapes in the world which is now a global village. Among these changes is the area of using computer in making our job easier with the aid of electronic devices by finding easier solutions to om problems. This is applied in almost, if not all areas of human endeavor, the statistical analysis not being overlooked. In the course of this project research we looked extensively into statistical...

Computerisation of The Operations of Church and School Supplies (Css) Bookshops

ABSTRACT Computerization of the operations of the Church and School Supplies (CSS) Bookshops was designed and implemented using Microsoft Access® 2000. The main aim is to improve the efficiency of Data Management and enhance Business Operations through the utilization of computer technology. This study identified and evaluated the application needs of Church and School Supplies (CSS) Bookshops operations and subsequently automated these operations. The Data Model used in this study is the R...

Computerization of Stock and Sales Operations (A Case Study of Abuja Capital Motors Nigeria Limited)

CHAPTER ONE 1.1   INTRODUCTION 1.2   Both the private and government sectors nowadays lay emphasis on strategic planning, balancing of records control and rapid response to a development problems. The result is a constant demand for better and more timely information. The need for efficient planning and controlling cannot be over-emphasized. This implies to. - a good system of management. This is especially true in the area of keeping accurate records of clients (customers) of an organi...

Computerization of Patient Billing System; A Case Study of University of Maiduguri Teaching Hospital.

ABSTRACT The purpose of this project was to develop a package for the Computerization of patient Billing system for the University of Maiduguri Teaching Hospital Bon10 State. The Project also seek to find the opinion of Staff on whether Computerisation of patient Billing system preferred to the manual system. Today Computer are used in every aspect of life. In fact it is difficult to think of anything that is not helped in one way or the other by computers. Computers arc use in Government Sc...

Computerization of Medical Record Department Case Study of Gwagwalada Specialist Hospital Federal Capital Territory(Fct) Abuja.

ABSTRACT In this project we design a computerized medical record system that will keep medical record of any medical centre. The researcher has selected to use Gwagwalada Specialist Hospital Federal Capital Territory as a case study. Medical record Department is one of the important department in any Medical Health centre that gives the.;. precise information of routine activity of the Hospital. Therefore, the management the hospital relies entirely on it in ma king their managerial decision...

Computer Based Testing System (A Case Study of University of Abuja General Studies)

ABSTRACT Online Examination System is an on-line test simulator is to take online examination, test in an efficient manner and no time wasting for manually checking of the test paper. The main objective of this web based online examination system is to efficiently evaluate the student thoroughly through a fully automated system that not only saves lot of time but also gives fast and accurate results. For students they give papers according to their convenience from any location by using inte...

Complexes of Nicotinic and Isonicotinic Acids Hydrazides and Their Acetone Hydrazones with Uranyl Nitrate and Acetate

ABSTRACT Nicotinic acid hydrazide (NH) and isonicotinic acid hydrazide (INI-1) and their respective acetone hydrazones were prepared. They were each complexed with U022' using the nitrate and acetate salts respectively. Both the ligands and complexes were characterized by IR, UV-VIS, gravimetric analysis, melting point measurement, and the invitro susceptibility test. The results indicate that the ligands form complexes with the metal ion with varying coordination numbers. The IR data show t...

Complexes of Nickel (Ii), Copper (Ii), Cobalt (Ii) And Manganese (Ii) Sulphates with 2-Bromov Aleric Acid Hydrazide and Its Acetone Hydrazone.

ABSTRACT Chelates of 2-bromovaleric acid hydrazide (BVH) and acetone2- bromovaleric acid hydrazone (ABVH) with MS04 (where M is Ni, Cu, Co, Mn, Zn, V02+) were synthesized in water-methanol medium. They were characterized by infrared and electronic spectral studies, solubility, elemental analysis, conductivity and antimicrobial screemng. Electronic spectral data indicate an octahedral geometry for all the complexes while the infrared spectral data suggest that the ligands act as neutral biden...

2131 - 2145 Of 8859 Results