Natural & Applied Sciences

Research Papers/Topics Natural & Applied Sciences

Fish Species Composition and Diversity of Small Riverine Ecosystems in the Lake Victoria Basin, Kenya

Abstract Riverine ecosystems in the Lake Victoria Basin (LVB) significantly contribute to the lake’s water budget and aquatic biodiversity. Despite their significance to the lakes fisheries, only limited biodiversity studies have been carried out, particularly in the smaller riverine ecosystems. This study investigated the fish species composition, diversity and distribution in two small riverine ecosystems (Rivers Awach Seme and Kisian) draining the Kenyan Lake Victoria Basin. Sampling wa...


Abstract Woody debris accumulations are important ecological components in low order forested streams. They provide forage and refuge for a macroinvertebrates, which are key trophic components for riverine fish. The occurrence of woody debris in tropical streams is however threatened by large scale destruction of catchment forests thereby threatening the riverine biodiversity. Despite their importance, the current status of woody debris accumulations in tropical forested streams is unknown. ...

Morphological characterization of Kenyan native wood ear mushroom [Auricularia auricula (L. ex Hook.) Underw.] and the effect of supplemented millet and sorghum grains in spawn production

Abstract Utilization of mushrooms collected from the wild requires adequate description of useful phenetic features and domestication protocols. This study investigated morphological characters and spawn production procedures of three Kenyan native strains of wood ear mushroom [Auricularia auricula (L. ex Hook.) Underw.]. Nine basidiocarps were selected from collections made in three forest reserves within Kakamega Forest in Western Kenya and morphologically characterized. Mycelia were raise...

Morphological Characterization of Some Wild and Cultivated Watermelon (Citrullus Sp.) Accessions in Kenya

Abstract Genetic diversity and relatedness were assessed among three most common commercial watermelon cultivars in Kenya; one newly introduced commercial cultivar from the U.S., one Kenyan landrace and one wild (Citrullus colocynthis) accession. The six accessions were grown in the field for two seasons under sub humid tropical conditions. Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) with three replications was used. Data was collected on morphological features of watermelon which include vine, ...

Isolation and characterization of actinobacteria from Lake Magadi, Kenya

Abstract Actinobacteria are ubiquitous and have been detected in terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems. Although, various studies have focused on the ecology of this phylum, data on the ecology of actinobacteria endemic to soda lakes are scanty. This study aimed to determine actinobacterial diversity in Lake Magadi. Four different sampling points were selected randomly within the lake to cover a broad range of sample diversity. Wet sediments and water samples were collected from each sampling p...

Characterization of antibiotic resistance in environmental enteric pathogens from Kibera slum in Nairobi-Kenya

Abstract Kibera slum is characterized by poor sanitation hence the frequent outbreaks of diarrheal diseases. Emergence of antibiotic resistance by diarrhoea-causing bacteria is an inevitable challenge in the area. Diarrhea-causing bacteria were isolated from water, soil, vegetables, meat and dry foods samples and their antibiotic susceptibility was characterized. 237 samples were aseptically collected and analyzed. Morphological and biochemical characterization was done using Bergey’s manu...

Evaluation of an antigen-antibody “combination” enzyme linked immunosorbent assay for diagnosis

Abstract Background Development of “combination” assays detecting in parallel, within a single test, Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) antigens and antibodies, not only reduces the window period in HCV-infection but also costs. Reduction of costs is important for developing countries where money and personal resources are limited. Methods We compared the Monolisa® HCV Antigen-Antibody Ultra (Bio-Rad Laboratories Limited, Marnes La Coquette, France) with the AXSYM HCV version 3.0 (Abbot Diagnostic...

Metal status of Nairobi riverwaters and their bioaccumulation in Labeo cylindricus

Abstract This study focused on the analysis of metals in water and fish from Nairobi River. Water from Kikuyu, Kawangware, Chiromo, Eastleigh, Njiru and Fourteen Falls along the Nairobi River was analyzed for the presence of metals. Most of the metal levels in water were below the critical limit of World Health Organization and Kenya Bureau of Standards except for lead, chromium, iron and manganese. Isolated cases of mercury and aluminium pollution were recorded. Except for iron, sodium and ...

Antimicrobial activity of Warbugia ugandensis against gramnegative multi‐drug resistant bacteria

Abstract The rise in antibiotic resistance has resulted in decreasing numbers of effective antimicrobial agents available to treat infections caused by multi‐drug resistant (MDR) bacteria. This has necessitated a search for new antimicrobial agents. Herbal remedies may offer alternative treatment options especially because they elicit little or no transferable resistance if used in optimal concentrations. This study evaluated the antimicrobial properties of W. ugandensis against eight mult...

Detection of trypanosomes in small ruminants and pigs in western Kenya: important reservoirs in the epidemiology of sleeping sickness?

Abstract Background: Trypanosomosis is a major impediment to livestock farming in sub-Saharan Africa and limits the full potential of agricultural development in the 36 countries where it is endemic. In man, sleeping sickness is fatal if untreated and causes severe morbidity. This study was undertaken in western Kenya, an area that is endemic for both human and livestock trypanosomosis. While trypanosomosis in livestock is present at high levels of endemicity, sleeping sickness occurs at low...

Differential Induction of Proteins in Anopheles gambiae sensu stricto (Diptera: Cullicidae) Larvae in Response to Heavy Metal Selection

Abstract Investigations were conducted to establish the magnitude and pattern of differential expression of proteins due to generational selection of third instar An. gambiae s.s. larvae by cadmium, copper and lead heavy metals, three possible common urban pollutants. A susceptible strain of An. gambiae s.s. third instar larvae was separately placed under selection pressure with cadmium, copper and lead at LC30 and controls through five generations. First, third and fifth generation selectio...

Pathogenic Escherichia coli and food handlers in luxury hotels in Nairobi, Kenya

Abstract Background: The epidemiology and virulence properties of pathogenic Escherichia coli among food handlers in tourist destination hotels in Kenya are largely uncharacterized. Method: This cross-sectional study among consenting 885 food handlers working in nine luxurious tourist hotels in Nairobi, Kenya determined the epidemiology, virulence properties, antibiotics susceptibility profiles and conjugation abilities of pathogenic Escherichia coli. Result: Pathogenic Escherichia coli was ...

Characterization of algae oil (oilgae) and its potential as biofuel in Kenya

Abstract A survey of microalgae biodiversity in three Kenyan Rift valley lakes identified high oil yielding species abundantly distributed naturally. The species were cultured in BBM and BG-11 media to obtain pure clones and lipids (oil) extracted by the Bligh and Dyer method. The peak lipid content ranged from 1.5 – 10.5% of algal biomass with Chlorella species showing the highest yields (10.5%), followed by Euglena acus (5.88), Nitzschia (3.68%), Ankistrodesmus falcatus (1.58%) and Scene...

Analysis of genetic diversity in Eucalyptus grandis (Hill ex Maiden) seed sources using inter simple sequence repeats (ISSR) molecular markers

Abstract Eucalyptus grandis is an economically important tree species that is native to the Australian continent and its northern neighbours, where it is grown primarily for its hard wood timber and pulp for paper industries. It is widely grown in tropical countries such as South Africa, Kenya, Angola, Ghana, and Zimbabwe. Five ISSR primers generated 41 scorable polymorphic bands which were used to analyse genetic diversity between and within the seed sources and for construction of neighbou...

The Physico-chemical Conditions of Turkwel Gorge Reservoir, a New Man Made Lake in Northern Kenya

Abstract Variations in some physical, chemical, and nutrient conditions were investigated at Turkwel Gorge Reservoir and its inflowing river, Suam between 1994 and 1995. Seasonal changes in inflow volume had the greatest impact on the reservoir and river conditions investigated. A wide fluctuation in inflow volume combined with a regulated outflow independent of season resulted in a draw down of over 10 m in each year. Flood inflows during the wet season resulted in the lowest values of Secc...

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