Natural & Applied Sciences

Research Papers/Topics Natural & Applied Sciences

Effects Of Oral Contraceptive Agents On Some Vitamins In Rats Fedon Selected Nigerian Diet

ABSTRACT Oral contraceptive agents (OCA) have been in use for well over two decades with a total of 150 to 200 million women all over the world using the pills as means of birth control. Aside from their gynecologic influences, the hormones have been shown to affect metabolic and nutritional processes. Concern over the nutritional status of Nigerian females consuming OCA prompted this research using animal model. Pour vitamins were investigated along with four birth control pills Ovral, Norde...

Response Of Avocado (Persea Americana Mill.) Rootstocks To Soil Flooding And Inoculation With Phytophthora Cinnamomi

ABSTRACT Avocado plants (Persea americana Mill.) belongs to the family lauraceae. Avocado fruit has high amounts of fats and proteins, high dietary fibre, vitamins and potassium. It is known to be the most nutritious of all the fruits. The most devastating pathogen of avocado plants is a fungal species, Phytophthora cinnamomi which cause avocado root rot. The fungus is the most widely distributed of Phytophthora species. It affects growth and physiology of plants and even leading to death of ...

Zesa Expense Reimbursement Centre

ABSTRACT Zesa Holdings employees are following long-winded expense approval processes which are delaying reimbursements. Reimbursement cycles are running into quite a lot of weeks, and sometimes even months before approvals and there is absence of proper feedback to claimants during approval workflows. The current paper-based solution for expense claim approvals has problems doing with missing claim forms and signature forgery. At the same time some employees are exaggerating field trip expe...

The Analysis Of Gamma Strategies For A Nonlinear Black-Scholes Equation

ABSTRACT There has been a significant growth in research in the field of financial mathematics since the derivation of the standard Black-Scholes-Merton Partial Differential Equation by Black and Scholes, and Merton in 1973. The derivation was done under the assumption that the market is liquid and frictionless (no restrictions on trade and no transaction costs). The nonlinear equation ut + 1 2σ2S2uSS(1 + 2ρSuSS) = 0 for modeling illiquid markets has only been solved analytically using a po...

A Case of Gokwe North District.

ABSTRACT The research aspired to estimate the potential damage a future flood can cause in Gokwe North District. The study made use of both quantitative and qualitative techniques to acquire data. This approach integrated GIS, remote sensing, semi-structured interviews and field observations in collecting data. Two Landsat images (path 171 row 72) for two different years (2005 and 2015) were accessed from U.S. Geological Survey’s Earth Explorer database. To analyse the LULC changes in the ...

Comparison Of Genexpert And Line Probe Assay For Detection Of Mycobacterium Tuberculosis And Rifampicin Mono-Resistance In Kenya

ABSTRACT Tuberculosis (TB) causes substantial human morbidity and mortality globally. About 10.4 million TB cases and 1.4 million deaths worldwide were reported in 2015. Kenya is among the 22 countries with highest TB burden. Microscopy is routinely used for Mycobacterium tuberculosis bacilli (Mtb) detection; however its sensitivity has been reported to be as low as 60% posing a problem for case detection. Rifampicin (RIF) is one of the major drugs for first line TB treatment; however, most p...

Absolutely Continuous Spectrum of Fourth Order Di erence Operators With Unbounded Coecients on the Hilbert Space `2(N)

Abstract Sturm-Liouville operators and Jacobi matrices have so far been developed in parallel for many years. A result in one eld usually leads to a result in the other. However not much in terms of spectral theory has been done in the discrete setting compared to the continuous version especially in higher order operators. Thus, we have investigated the deciency indices of fourth order dierence operator generated by a fourth order dierence equation and located the absolutely continuous spect...

Immunohistochemical Evaluation Of The Differention-Related Gene-1 Expression In And Survival Rates Of Er Breast Cancer Women Patients Attending Moi Teaching And Referral Hospital In Kenya

ABSTRACT Breast cancer is a disease that affects both men and women and currently the leading type of cancer in women globally, commanding a huge social and health impact. Approximately 52.5% of breast cancer cases express estrogen receptors (ER). ER is a receptor proteins type of breast cancer and it fuels growth of breast cancer. ER breast cancer which has been shown to be the most aggressive and misdiagnosed thus, leading to overtreatment. However, it has not been study in Africans Kenyan ...

Investigation Of Matisaa Gray Rock As A Potential Raw Material For The Manufacture Of Cement

ABSTRACT Owing to the depletion rates of coastal limestone, the characterization of cementitious materials occurring on the dry land is important in order to assess their potential as alternative materials for the manufacture of cement. In this study, a naturally occurring terrestrial rock herein referred to as “Matisaa gray rock” has been studied to determine its potential for the manufacture of cement. Matisaa gray rock is found in Matisaa village, Kitui County, Kenya, and it covers an ...

SSA Research 86 PAGES (18790 WORDS) Physics Thesis
An Investigation to Determine The Resistance of The Tick (blue tick) to Amitraz in Selected Areas of Zimbabwe.

Abstract The purpose of this study was to determine if the Boophilus species spectrum of ticks infesting cattle owned by resource limited farmers in the state owned communal land areas of Zimbabwe, are resistant to Amitraz. The study was also aimed at finding a concentration of the acaricide that the tick species are susceptible to, and can give at least 99.9% mortality. Five districts were selected from the Matabeleland South province and five farms were randomly selected from each district...

Survey Of Greenhouse Gas Fluxes From Different Vegetation, Seasons And Landscape Units In Small Scale Farming Systems In Lower Nyando-Kenya

ABSTRACT Greenhouse gases (GHGs) emissions data from large-scale agricultural activities are available. In developing countries, e.g. Kenya, agriculture is dominated by smallholder farming, data on the assessment of possible contributions of smallholder agriculture to GHG emissions and GHG fluxes data from smallholder farming systems in the tropics is scarce. The study area is a 10 square km area also called the ―Lower Nyando Block‖ in Western Kenya. The basin varies in landscapes (low la...

SSA Research 78 PAGES (14691 WORDS) Chemistry Thesis
Stochastic Modeling Of Bamboo Population Growth And Optimal Harvesting

ABSTRACT Population growth and harvest modeling is an active area of current research. There has been an effort to move from deterministic Ordinary Differential Equations (ODE) to Stochastic Differential Equations (SDE) modeling. Moreover, the latter is most realistic in describing life systems that are often perturbed by unpredictable environmental activity. Bamboo growth and harvest modeling was motivated by the “Tobacco to Bamboo” (TTB) Project where farmers in selected sections of Hom...

De ciency indices and spectra of Fourth order Differential Operators with Unbounded Coefficients on a Hilbert space

Abstract The concept of unbounded operators provides an abstract framework for dealing with dierential operators and unbounded observable such as in quantum mechanics. The theory of unbounded operators was developed by John Von Neumann in the late 1920s and early 1930s in an eort to solve problems related to quantum mechanics and other physical ob- servables. This has provided the background on which other scholars have developed their work in dierential operators. Higher order dieren- tial o...

The Phytochemistry and the bioactivity of L. eriocalyx, A. ovalifolius and E. abyssinica all belonging to the family Fabaceae

Abstract Preliminary bioassay analysis was done on all parts of the three plants under study as explained in section 4.2.1. The antiplasmodial activity of the DCM extract of the leaves of E. abyssinica was significantly high (p≤0.05) against W2 and D6 clones of P. falciparum with IC50 values 165.1 and 215.1 g/mL, respectively. Similarly, the DCM extract of the stem bark of L. eriocalyx showed high activity (p≤0.05) of 423.0 and 365.2 g/mL against the two clones. Likewise, the DCM ex...

Development Of Mapping In Nigeria

ABSTRACT Maps are an important tool for the development planning of a nation and it is necessary to study the development of mapping with a view to evaluating the extent to which it has been geared towards the satisfaction of the requirements of national development planners and various other users. Official mapping was started in Nigeria by colonial administrators in the first decade of the 20th century eventhough several maps of Nigeria had been drawn by explorers, navigators, scientists an...

4276 - 4290 Of 8859 Results