Natural & Applied Sciences

Research Papers/Topics Natural & Applied Sciences

Physico-Technical And Tableting Properties Of Grades Of Microcrystalline Cellulose Derived From Sorghum And Andropogon Plants

ABSTRACT The processing technique for production of alpha and microcystalline cellulose using Sorghum bicolor and Andropogon gayanus as starting materials was established. The effect of reagent type and concentration, pH, temperature, digestion and bleaching time on the quality and yield of the powdered cellulose grades &as studied. Acute toxicity test on the derived polymers was investigated using albino mice. The physicotechnical properties of the new polymeric materials were studied. A Car...

Petrography Of Some Alfered Intrusive Rocks From The Lower Benue Trough, Nigeria

Abstract Some intrusive rocks of doleritic to dioritic compositions horn the Ejekwe-Wanikande and Okigwe-Ishiagu districts in the Lower Benue Trough have been studied using thin section microscopy and X-ray (powder) difiaction method. The rocks have intmded pre-Santonian sedimentary rocks which are predominantly calcareous shales. The exposures of these intrusive rocks generally have widths ranging from about 40m to 228 m. s The intrusive rocks are generally melanocratic to mesocratic (dark.t...

GSM based Traffic Light fault Reporting System

ABSTRACT Traffic signal breakdowns are a common problem in the CBD areas of cities and towns. When these breakdowns occur, unsafe road conditions for motorists and pedestrians emerge whereby there is chaos at intersections with each driver trying to proceed without considering other motorists. This leads to traffic jams, delays and collisions. This project aims to address the problem of prolonged traffic signal down time by designing a model traffic signal that uses SMS to automatically and i...

Quality Characteristics Of Underground Water Resources In Nkanu East And Nkanu West Local Government Areas Of Enugu State, Nigeria

ABSTRACT Physicochemical and bacteriological analyses of underground water resources in Nkanu East and Nkanu West Local Government Areas of Enugu state, Nigeria were carried out to evaluate the potability and quality of the rural water supplies and to provide baseline data for future quality assessment. Underground water samples were collected from ten different boreholes in Nkanu East and Nkanu West LGAs. The parameters measured include temperature, colour, pH, electrical conductivity, turbi...

Security And Integrity Of Result Computations In Cloud Computing Environment

ABSTRACT There is a growing trend of using cloud environments for ever growing storage and data processing needs. However, adopting a cloud computing paradigm may have positive as well as negative effects on the data security of servicing consumers. The focus of this research is on the development of a proof-ofconcept system for security and integrity of result computations in a cloud computing environment by implementing a four level cloud based application security gateway methodology for r...

Electronic Stamp Duty Payment System

Abstract The purpose of this research was to develop a computerized process of applying for and paying for stamp duty. This is simply a change in the process of assessing, that is, knowing what you supposed to pay and for what instrument and actually paying for stamp duty. The study critically analyses the manual method of collecting stamp duty in Nigeria and uses ideas so gathered to design a new site (Electronic Stamp Duty Payment System) for use by the Tax Administrators in Federal Inland ...

Technology And The Challenges Of Oil And Gas Exploration In The 21st Century

table of contents fireword Acknuwledgemettts iii Executive Surtzmary 1. In t reduction 1.1 Main objectives and stnlcture of the paper 7 1.2 Some historical perspectives 7 The Present as a key to the future: a look at the last 20 years of the upstream oil and gas industry 2.1 Strategic and organisational changes 8 2.2 World demand for crude oil arid gas 10 2.3 Spot oil prices 10 2.4 World crude oil and gas resources 12 2.5 lmprovements in discovery and recovery rates 14 2.6 Lessons from the Gu...

Hlf Online Scholarship Application And Recruitment Decision Support System

ABSTRACT This research is aimed at development of HLF Online Scholarship Application and Recruitment Decision Support System that is meant to assist senior managers in all branches in the selection and recruitment decision making processes. The researcher had proposed the idea of introducing a new system after discovering problems that were being experienced as a result of manual processes, some of the problems include; delays in selection decision making, repetitive work, time taken to compl...

Multicore Specification Generation System

ABSTRACT Performance analysis is the task of monitoring the behaviour of a program execution. The main goal is to find out the possible adjustments that might be done in order to improve the performance of the computer system in use. To be able to get that improvement, it is necessary to find the different causes/contributors of overhead. Today, we are already in the multicore era, but there is a gap between the level of development of the two main divisions of multicore technology (hardware ...

Zimbabwe National Family Planning Council (Znfpc) Client Management System

ABSTRACT The chief purpose for this research was inclined towards solving the challenges that were being faced with regards to manual client tracking and updating at the Zimbabwe National Family Planning Council (ZNFPC). The new ZNFPC Client Management System is a web based system that utilizes internet facilities to deliver on the routine recording, tracking and updating service records and statistics at the organization. At the organization comes new and old clients for different family pla...

Zrp Cadet Recruitment System

ABSTRACT The main aim of this project was to develop a computerised online Zimbabwe Republic Police (ZRP) Recruitment System that will store information of every applicant and be able to process, evaluate and produce feedback to the applicants efficiently and manipulation of information. Officer recruitment at ZRP was facing problems with the manual filing system that they were using to store information, and hence processing of applications and evaluation was now a tedious and unfair process...

Comparison Of Gsm Promotion Subscribers’ Application Services

ABSTRACT The degree of confusion/illusion and domestic revenue wastages by GSM subscribers due to GSM promotional products increase annually. The GSM network operators are often ingenious and are typically motivated by money, anonymity or both. Due to the rising competition in the GSM promotion, network operators are becoming more collaborative, and as a result, more ingenious. Because of this, comparison of GSM promotion subscribers’ application services is required as an advisor to keep p...

Decision Support System For Finding The Shortest Path To A Destination

ABSTRACT This study is concerned with the design of a Decision Support System for finding the Shortest path to a destination. The objectives of the study is to determine the optimal shortest/fastest path to a given destination or optimal shortest distance/fastest time to a given destination amongst others. The shortest path algorithm used is Dijkstra’s algorithm with finite nodes in the road network for optimum performance. Hence, the system developed in this study, seeks for an optimal sol...

Strong Convergence Of Modified Averaging Iterative Algorithm For Asymptotically Nonexpansive Maps

ABSTRACT Let H be a real Hilbert space and K a nonempty, closed and convex subset of H. Let T : K ! K be an asymptotically nonexpansive map with a nonempty xed points set. Let fng1n =1 and ftng1 n=1 be real sequences in (0,1). Let fxng be a sequence generated from an arbitrary x0 2 K by yn = PK[(1 􀀀 tn)xn]; n 0 xn+1 = (1 􀀀 n)yn + nTnyn; n 0: where PK : H ! K is the metric projection. Under some appropriate mild conditions on fng1n =1 and ftng1 n=1, we prove that fxng converges strongly ...

Evaluation Of The Fuel Properties And Thermal Efficiency Of Sub-Bituminous Coal-Biomass Blends

ABSTRACT The improvement of the combustion properties of coal and biomass by blending and carbonization was investigated. Proximate and ultimate analysis of coal, sawdust, corn cob and their blends were carried out using ASTM methods. The proximate and ultimate analyses were repeated on the five blends after carbonization at 500oC for one hour. Ten mixtures of coal-sawdust and coal-corn cob blends were made into briquettes using starch binder. The calorific values of the samples were determin...

4456 - 4470 Of 8859 Results