Natural & Applied Sciences

Research Papers/Topics Natural & Applied Sciences

Distribution Patterns Dispersal And Population Genetics of Anopheline Mosquitoes Along The Kenyan Coast

ABSTRACT Studies on the distribution patterns, dispersal and population genetics of Anopheles gambiae (Diptera: Culicidae) and Anopheles funestus (Diptera: Culicidae) were conducted at two sites, i.e Jaribuni and Mtepeni in Kilifi, along the Kenyan Coast. Longitudinal sampling of mosquito populations was conducted during the period 2002 - 2003. Day resting indoor collections and all night human biting catches revealed the presence of An. funestus, An. gambiae s.s, An. squamosus, An. coustani...

Edu Frontiers 260 PAGES (49633 WORDS) Zoology Thesis
Tolerance of Different Maize Varieties And Wood Species Used in Maize Storage Structures in The Volta Region, Ghana to The Larger Grain Borer, PROSTEPHANUS TRUNCATUS (HORN) (COLEOPTERA: BOSTR

ABSTRACT prostephanus truncatus (Horn) (Coleoptera: Bostrichidae), the Larger Grain Borer (LGB) has become a serious pest of stored maize and dried cassava chips since it was first seen in Ghana in 1989. Studies on the tolerance of maize varieties and wood species used in the construction of maize storage structures in the Volta Region of Ghana to P. truncatus was made under laboratory and field conditions. Varietal resistance of maize to insects could be of great help to farmers, especially...

Molecular Characteristics And Immuno-Epidemiology of Plasm Odium Falciparum Infections in School Children at Dodowa

Abstract Malaria is a mosquito-borne protozoal disease caused by species o f the genus Plasmodium. It is characterised by acute febrile illness which may be expressed as periodic paroxysms occurring every' 48 or 72 hours with afebrile and relatively asymptomatic intervals and the tendency to recrudesce or relapse over a period of months to many years (Gilles and Warrel. 1993). Other major symptoms of malaria are rigors/chills, vomiting, convulsion, headache, drowsiness and muscleskeletal pain...

Edu Frontiers 106 PAGES (24632 WORDS) Zoology Thesis
A Statistical Assessment Of The Role Of Gender In Modulating Episodic Prospection

ABSTRACT The study sought to assess whether gender contributes towards how prospection modulates delay discounting. The relevant data for the study was generated by means of three sets of behavioral experiments; where by equal number of males and females under took inter-temporal tasks involving choosing between instant though smaller reward and deferred yet larger reward, while imaging positive, negative, and neural episodes respectively. In order to test the various hypotheses related to th...

PSN Africa 73 PAGES (14721 WORDS) Statistics Thesis
CYP2C9, VKORC1 AND CYP4F2 Variant Frequencies in Patients on Either Low or High Stable Warfarin Maintenance Therapy in The Ghanaian Population

ABSTRACT Warfarin is the most commonly prescribed oral anticoagulant drug for reducing thromboembolic events that often give rise to stroke, deep vein thrombosis, pulmonary embolism, or serious coronary malfunctions. Warfarin has a narrow therapeutic/toxic ratio and genetic factors have been associated with inter-individual variability in warfarin dose / response in different ethnic populations. The initiation of this drug has been associated with one of the highest adverse event rates for a...

A Review of the Nilothauma pictipenne Group And a Description of Four New Afrotropical Species of Nilothauma Kieffer, 1921 (Diptera: Chironomidae: Chironominae)

ABSTRACT A revised generic diagnosis of the genus Nilothauma Kieffer, 1921a, is given. Four new Afrotropical species, N. loba sp. n., N. tricaudata sp. n., N. flabella sp. n., and N. insolita sp. n., are described as male imagines. N. pictipenne Kieffer, 1921a is redescribed as male and female imagines. Two Neotropical species (N. aleta Roback,1960 and N. Buena Roback, 1960) are regarded as nominal dubia and placed in Paratendipes. A key to male imagines of the Nilothauma pictipenne group is...

Edu Frontiers 100 PAGES (20383 WORDS) Zoology Thesis
Statistical Analysis of The Impact of The GCNET on Revenue Performance in Ghana: (A Case Study of TEMA Port)

ABSTRACT In most economies of the world, import revenue makes up a significant part of total government revenue (Zhu & Kotz, 2010). Since economic development in a nation is largely driven by the amount of revenue mobilized, import revenue makes an impact on how well an economy develops. This study aims at assessing the contribution of Ghana’s import revenue mobilization to Gross Domestic Product (GDP) growth and investigate the impact of the implementation of the Ghana Community Network (...

Phage - Mediated Transfer of Genetic Material

ABSTRACT Ten phages were isolated randomly from sewage sources and disposal points on the University of Ghana,Legon campus, purified and characterised as delivery systems for the resistance marker genes, Strr and Benr. The phages were found to have proteins of relative molecular weights ranging from 9,000 - 100,000. Eight phages were found to be morphologically related to the tailed phages. The other two were tailless phages. All the coliphages isolated were morphologically related to the T-...

Intestinal Entamoeba complex infection among School Children in the Ho Municipality

ABSTRACT  Amoebiasis remains one of the commonest gastroenteritis in Ghana especially among children. The Entamoeba complex comprises Entamoeba histolytica, Entamoeba dispar and Entamoeba moshkovskii, which are morphologically identical but genetically diverse. Entamoeba histolytica is the only known pathogenic protozoan Entamoeba species. The epidemiology of Entamoeba complex infections within the Ho Municipality in the South-Eastern part of Ghana has not been thoroughly investigated and th...

Characterization Of Wild-Type Salmonella And Their Susceptibility To “Mist Enterica” An Anti-Typhoid Herbal Preparation

ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to investigate the antibiotic resistance and clonal lineage of Salmonella isolated from patients suspected of suffering from typhoid fever and the susceptibility of these Salmonella strains to “Mist Enterica”, a herbal preparation used at the Centre for Scientific Research into Plant Medicine (CSRPM) out-patients’ department, Mampong-Akwapim, Ghana, to treat typhoid fever. Other strains of Salmonella isolated from food sources were also included in...

The Genetic Diversity Of Plasmodium Falciparum In Ghana

ABSTRACT Background The population structure of the causative agents of human malaria, Plasmodium species including the most serious agent Plasmodium falciparum, depends on the local epidemiological and demographic situations, such as the incidence of infected people, the vector transmission intensity and migration of inhabitants (i.e. exchange between sites).One of the major characteristics of malaria parasites is their genetic diversity and an increasing number of studies have reported on t...

The Erodibility Of Some Ghanaian Soils In Relation To Their Physical And Chemical Properties.

ABSTRACT The erodibility of soils from six different rainfall erosivity areas in Ghana were investigated. The soils were sampled and packed into wooden boxes maintained at 9% slope. Soil erosion was measured by applying simulated rainfall storms over the soil samples. The erodibility factor K for each soil type was calculated from USLE, K=A/EI30LSCP. The results showed a variability in erodibility factor values which ranged from 0.36 to 0.62. The physical and chemical properties of the soils ...

Isolation And Partial Characterization Of Bacteriophages

ABSTRACT viii Bacteriophages were isolated from sewage samples obtained from the Tema Sewage Disposal Plant and the Legon vicinity using the indicator bacteria strains Shigella dysenteriae. Salmonella tvohi. Escherichia cull, and Salmpneila fir.P.UP__D.. Ten phages were isolated and partially characterized by electron microscopy, DNA fingerprinting and protein profiles by SDS-PAGE. The relatedness of the phages was determined by immunological studies. Some of the phages were screened for thei...

Reliability Of The Bod Pod® Compared To Traditional Reference Methods For Measuring Body Composition

ABSTRACT In the mid 1990s, a new air-displacement plethysmograph (ADP) was developed for measuring human body composition. This device (BOD POD® Body Composition System) uses the relationship between the pressure and volume of air to measure the body volume of a subject seated in the test chamber. Body density (Db) is then calculated using body mass and body volume and percent body fat (% BF) estimated using an equation such as the one by Siri (1961). This study evaluated the reliability of ...

Studies On The Chemoreception Profile Of Bulinus Truncatus {Avdouin) As An Aid To The Development Of Controlled Release Molluscicides.

GENERAL INTRODUCTION. 1.1 Epidemiology and geographical distribution of Schistosomiasis: Schistosomiasis is the second most prevalent parasitic infection apart from malaria. Unlike the latter, whose prevalence tends to fluctuate with the rains in many areas of high endemicity for the year, schistosome infection prevalence may be usually high throughout the year in areas where the disease is endemic. Available WHO(1991) document indicates that the disease afflicts more than 200million people w...

5491 - 5505 Of 8859 Results