Natural & Applied Sciences

Research Papers/Topics Natural & Applied Sciences

Automated Canteen Ordering system.

ABSTRACT Nowadays people do not have much time to spend in canteen by just waiting for the waiter to take their order. Many customers visit the canteen in their lunch break and recess, so they have limited time to eat and return to their respective offices and colleges. So, this software helps them to save time and order food whenever they want without calling the waiter again and again. Manual system involves paperwork in the form of maintaining various files and manuals. Maintaining critica...

The Design And Implementation Of A Dispatch/Logistics (Delivery) Website

ABSTRACT This Project research depicts a Logistics delivery company application. This application consists of features that can help Individuals across the capital to be able to deliver their goods and products from one point to the other in a very hassle-free manner. The application comes with features like the registration feature, the requested feature, etc. To enable users, access the application fully. Information and data gathering during the development of the system was done through i...

Application For Online Commodity And Delivery System

ABSTRACT Individuals shop regularly including weekday and weekends but most people find their free time on weekends to shop for important products like groceries. Studies show that about 60 million people shop on weekends and online in Nigeria. The difficult part of shopping online is the act of waiting on long queues and with the recent pandemic, people are now more reluctant to join those queues. The purpose of this project was to create an E-Commerce mobile application that is dedicated to...

Anti-Ulcerative Effect Of Aqueous Extract Of Cucumis Melo On Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs (Nsaids) Induced Gastric Ulceration In Male Wistar Rats

ABSTRACT Ibuprofen, a strong analgesic and an anti-inflammatory drug used over a long period caused side effects such as peptic ulcer and constipation. Honeydew melon has been shown to possess anti-secretory, antiulcer and angiogenic. Hence, this study investigated the anti-ulcer effect of aqueous extract of honeydew melon on ibuprofen induced gastric ulcer in male Wistar rats. Wistar rats (n=35,150-200g) were randomly divided into seven groups. They were treated as follows; I (control- disti...

Design and Implementation of a Real Time Chat Application

ABSTRACT CHATTY was created with the mind set to not just be another chat application but to add a level of clean UI (user interface) or a solid app structure function over a secure broadcast network. CHATTY is an effort for a more modern approach to internet security on a communication medium. The design of the UI (user interface) was greatly influenced by the Already exiting Chat Applications so as to give it users a fresh but familiar UI (user interface) design. The Implementation of CHATT...

Design And Implementation Of An Inventory Management System For Walid Halal Spices

ABSTRACT This thesis portrays the Inventory Management System adequately to decide the possibility and convenience of a completed system. The main idea is to trace the trading from the sales registers with extra highlights for deciphering the information. It utilizes a server model with an associated database to permit numerous stores and other locations to be associated. This takes into account later extension while as yet supporting the focus on independent small ventures. This thesis depic...

The Design And Implementation Of An E-Farming System Application For Bello Gostu Farms

ABSTRACT There are so many farmers in Nigeria with good products, the kind that someone somewhere wants to buy, but one of many problems that buyers face is that they have no access to the poultry producers or don’t even know those products exits. Now, Bello Gostu Farms App is an app that is developed to tackle the aforementioned. The purpose of the app is to enable users to surf through and find the available products from all parts of the nation. Also, to tackle the issue of “insufficie...

An Application For Online Commodity And Delivery System

ABSTRACT Individuals shop regularly including weekday and weekends but most people find their free time on weekends to shop for important products like groceries. Studies show that about 60 million people shop on weekends and online in Nigeria. The difficult part of shopping online is the act of waiting on long queues and with the recent pandemic, people are now more reluctant to join those queues. The purpose of this project was to create an E-Commerce mobile application that is dedicated to...

The Detection And Prevention Of Sniffing On Networks

ABSTRACT With the presence of some faults in online protocols and operating systems, any person who is connected to a network, especially in a Local Area Network (LAN) can fall victim to his information getting monitored by another person that is connected to the same network. Due to this problem at hand, an uninformed person can have his private information endangered to getting exposed to other unknown persons. Such act is called “Sniffing” and mostly occurs on networks. By sniffing the...

Determination Of Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons And Selected Heavy Metals In Underground Water And Soil From The Vicinity Of Major Filling Stations In Abuja

ABSTRACT Five different filling stations (Station A, Station B, Station C, Station D and Station E) were analyzed for Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons and heavy metals concentration using Gas chromatography–mass spectrometry and atomic absorption spectrophotometer respectively. The result of the analysis obtained indicated that the percentage range of Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (TPH) in soil is from 0.8061-34.3103%, respectively. Furthermore, the percentage range of underground water are from...

SSA Research 57 PAGES (10067 WORDS) Chemistry Project
Web-based Charity Management System

ABSTR ACT This r esearch wo rk generall y summari z es the acti viti es carri ed out in t he desi gn and impl ement at i on of t he Web-ba sed chari ty management system. This charit y manag ement is a non-profit organi zat ional syst em in whi ch non-governm ent al organisations and donors ca n come i n and request and donat e funds and mat eri al s such as cloths, hospit al equipment , etc. These obje ctives are c reati ng online payment, creating l ogi n and regi st er page, appoi ntment b...

Characterization Of Anti-Schistoma Haematobium Monoclonal Antibodies And Investigations Into Their Reactivity In The Western Immunoblot Assay

SUMMARY Schistosoma haematobium antigens are the least studied amongst the three major human schistosomes (S. haematobium, S. mansoni and S. japonicum), mainly because of difficulty in maintaining the life cycle of this parasite in the laboratory. As a result, work on identification of potentially diagnostic and protective S. haematobium antigens lags behind. The work reported in this thesis was aimed at characterizing monoclonal antibodies recently produced against S. haematobium antigens s...

Online Clearance System

ABSTRACT The online clearance system is an internet-based study initiative that will help facilitate the queuing system in the clearance process of the university. The online clearance system can provide an efficient handling of information that is very easy for universities to use since it is internet-based and can be viewed from anywhere and at any time. The computer-based architecture in this project was introduced using the PHP language, CSS, HTML and the software database as MySQL. The p...

Heavy Metal Concentrations Around Some Selected Major Dumpsite (GOSA AND MPAPE) in The FCT, NIGERIA

ABSTRACT This research determined heavy metal concentrations around some selected major dumpsites (Gosa and Mpape) in the FCT, Nigeria. Soil sample were collected at top soil (0-15cm) and sub soil {15-30cm) with a stainless soil augar and transferred into well labeled polyethene bags and taken to the laboratory for analysis. The concentrations of Pb, Cr, Cd, Zn, Fe, and Mn were de termined using atomic absorption spectrophotometer, PH was determined with a use of Micro PH 2000 Of a Hanna PH-...

Genetic Studies on Seed Coat Texture And Cooking Time in Some Varieties of Cowpea (Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp.)

ABSTRACT Genetic studies on seed coat texture and cooking time in some varieties of cowpea (Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp.) were carried out between August 14, 2000 and November 20, 2002 and August 2, 2001 and December 3, 2003 respectively. The experiments were carried out at the research and teaching farm, Federal University of Technology, Yola, Adamawa State. Randomized complete block design with five replications was used for the two experiments. Appropriate crosses were made among eight co...

Edu Frontiers 147 PAGES (26000 WORDS) Botany Thesis

5821 - 5835 Of 8859 Results