Natural & Applied Sciences

Research Papers/Topics Natural & Applied Sciences

Infectious Control in the Post Antibiotic Era

AbstractThere  are  enormous  challenges  facing  infection  control  in  the  21st  century.  Countries  across the  world  are  confronted  by  ageing  populations,  restricted  healthcare  resources,  demands  for modern  medicine  and  increasing  antimicrobial  resistance.  Problem  pathogens  in  the community  are  set  to  invade  hospitals,  and  those  created  in  hospitals  are  seeding  into  the community.  Continued  consumption ...

Uju Rex 40 PAGES (7411 WORDS) Microbiology Seminar
Characterising Growth Behaviour of Yeast Strains Isolated from Mango Fruit in Carbon, Nitrogen and Stress Environments

ABSTRACT The present experiment aims at investigating the growth behaviour of different yeast strains inselected carbon, nitrogen and stress environment to obtain strains with prospects for industrialapplication.   Specifically,   the   study   is   set   to:   isolate   yeast   from   decaying   mango   fruit   anddetermine growth performance of yeast strains in different environments, carbon, nitrogen andstressors. The procedure adopted in the study uses different ...

Bacterial Bioluminescence - A General overview

Bioluminescence is the process by which certain living organisms produce light through a seriesof enzymatically   catalyzed  biochemical reactions  (Brodl  et al., 2018). Any organism   that iscapable of exhibiting or carrying out bioluminescence is termed a  bioluminescent organism.Bioluminescence is a phenomenon that has been found in almost all branches of the evolutionarytree   (Tyulkova  et   al.,   2009),   meaning   that   representative   organisms   from   ...

Life Expectancy and Lethal Effect of Culex Quinquefasciatus Larvae due to S-Hydroprene and Leaf Extracts of Azadirachta Indica

Abstract Culex quinquefasciatus is a dorminant mosquito species in Nigeria and a major cause of several diseases. The study seeks to determine the effects of S-Hydroprene and leaf extracts of Azadirachta indica on life expectancy of third instar larvae of Culex quinquefasciatus. Concentrations (ranging from 10 mg/L to 60 mg/L) were tested on the larvae for mortality, survival and life expectancy of the medically important Cx. quinquefasciatus mosquito species under laboratory conditions of te...


Nanocellulose prepared from the natural material has a promising wide range of opportunities to obtain the superior material properties towards various end-products. In this study, commercially available natural cotton was treated with aqueous sodium hydroxide solution to eliminate the hemicellulose and lignin, then cellulose was collected. The collected cellulose was subjected to acid hydrolysis using sulphuric acid to obtain nanocellulose. The prepared nanocellulose was further characterize...


Cellulose water treatment are naturally occurring with unique structural, mechanical and optical properties. While the paper and packaging, automotive, personal care, construction, and textiles industries have recognized cellulose water treatments’ potential, we suggest cellulose water treatments have great untapped potential in water treatment technologies. In this review, we gather evidence of cellulose water treatment s’ beneficial role in environmental remediation and membranes for wa...


ABSTRACT In African folk medicine, water infusion of Mangifera indica stem bark are highly valued in thelocal treatment of malaria fever, diarrohea, diabetes mellitus and liver diseases. Various part ofthis   plant   can  also  be   used   in  treatment   of   toothache,  dysentery,  anemia,   hypertension   andinsomnia in different parts of the world. This study was described to determine the activities ofthe stem bark extract of M.indica against some panel of bacterial...

Evaluation of Oxytocic Potential of Methanol Extracted sida acuta on Female Albino Rats

ABSTRACT Plants have long been a source of nutrition and therapy to man. The medicinal value of these plants lies in some chemical substances that produce a definite physiological action in the human body. This study evaluated the oxytocic potential of methanol extract of Sida acuta on female albino rats in vitro. Oxytocin was used as a standard drug though it is a biochemically synthesized hormone that act on distant hormone receptor to induce contractions. The methanol extract was prepared...


Mark Zuckerberg,“was an American computer programmer and Internet Entrepreneur, best known as the co-founder and CEO of Facebook” (mark Zuckerberg).  Mark was in the position of setting the all-embracing management and creation design or strategy for Facebook. He edge and ahead the strategy of Facebook network and gain of its technology and communications. Mark Zuckerberg started these innovation ideas, “Facebook in 2004 with his college roommates Dustin Moskovitz and Chris Hughes”...


ABSTRACT Viscosity is a property of a liquid and is defined as the resistance of a liquid toflow. This research is to determine the viscosities of motor oils (10w – 40w, 20w –50w), vegetable oil and honey using the fall sphere method. The viscosity of honeywith 4.44Ns/m2was found to be the highest and that of vegetable oil having a valueof 0.002861Ns/m2  is termed the lowest. The viscosities of motor oils (20W-50W )and (10W-40W) were found to be 0.00468Ns/m2  and 0.00374Ns/m2  respecti...

Justin Umoh 45 PAGES (7047 WORDS) Physics Project
Application of Water Quality Index in the Drinking Water Quality Assessment of a Southeastern Nigeria River

Abstract: The physico-chemical parameters of Ikwu River were studied between January and June 2016 in 3 stations to assess its drinking water quality using water quality index. Weighted arithmetic water quality index (WAWQI) method was used. Thirteen parameters were evaluated which included temperature, pH, electrical conductivity (EC), dissolved oxygen, total dissolved solid (TDS), chemical oxygen demand (COD), nitrate, alkalinity, phosphate, sulphate, chloride and calcium. The physico-c...

Garlic Bulb Prevents High Blood Pressure in Egg Yolk induced Hypertensive Rats

The aim of this study is to access the antihypertensivepotential of garlic juice in rats. To achieve this, 30 Wistar ratswere divided into three groups of 10 each. Rats in groups 1 and 2received aspecial prepared egg feed diet (24 egg yolkmixed with 1kg of normal rat diet) while those in group 3 received normalfeed diet and they served as the control group. Animals in group2 were administered 3 mL/100g body weight of undiluted garlicjuice simultaneously with the feeding. The animals were fedo...

Egg Yolk induces High Blood Pressure in Wistar Rats

Hypertension constitutes a major risk factor forseveral cardiovascular diseases such asatherosclerosis, heart failure, renal insufficiency,coronary artery disease and stroke. The risk factorincreases with age in both sexes. According to WHO,about one-third of the world’s population suffersfrom hypertension and the incidence has beenincreasing at a rapid rate due to life stylemodification. This study is aimed at investigating theeffect of egg yolk on blood pressure of Wistar rats. Toachieve ...

Effect of Consumption of Garri Processed by Traditional and Instant Mechanical Methods on Lipid Profile of Wistar Rats

Aim: This study focuses on the effect of consumption of garri processed by traditional and instantmechanical methods on the lipid profile of Wistar rats.Methods: Cassava samples were obtained from the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture(IITA), Ibadan and were processed using traditional and instant mechanical methods. Fifteen adultmale Wistar rats were purchased from the Animal Holding Unit of the Department of Physiology,University of Ibadan, Nigeria with body weight between 100 ...

Air Freshener induced Oxidative Stress and Adveresly affects Immunity

Recently, the use of ‘sunlight’ air freshener in Nigeria is on the increase. Some people use airfreshener in the office, car as well as in their homes, thereby constantly being exposed to it withoutconsideration of its adverse effect on human health. This study is therefore aimed at assessing theeffect of “sunlight” air freshener on oxidative stress biomarkers. Thirty (30) Wistar rats were dividedinto three groups of ten each and kept in different rooms. Rats in group 1 were not expos...

6886 - 6900 Of 8859 Results