Biochemistry Research Papers/Topics

Bigi Soft Drinks might Induce Hyperglycemia and Hyperlipidemia in Wistar Rats

Background: Bigi soft drinks are carbonated drinks produced by Rite Foods Limited. Thecompany is an indigenous company in Nigeria. Before 2016, Coca-cola bottling company and 7upbottling company products were the dominant soft drinks in Nigeria. Rite Foods Limited introducedcarbonated soft drinks into the Nigerian market in 2016 and have favourably competed with theexisting products. As at today, Bigi soft drinks are the dominant soft drinks in Nigeria because oftheir palatable taste, large v...

Antihypertensive Potential of Coconut (Cocos nucifera L.) Water in Wistar Rats

Background: Hypertension has become a common sickness in Nigeria especially amongpopulation above 50 years of age. It constitutes a major riskfactor for several cardiovasculardiseases suchas atherosclerosis, heart failure, renal insufficiency, coronary artery disease andstroke.Aim: This study was aimed at evaluating the antihypertensive potential of coconut water in Wistarrats.Materials and Methods: Thirty Wistar rats were divided into three groups of ten each. Rats ingroups 1 and 2 received ...

Antifertility Effect of Ethanolic Leaf Extract of Carica papaya in Male Wistar Rats

The use of Carica papaya leaves in folklore medicine for its antimalarial andantidiabetic activities without reference to its adverse effect is on theincrease globally. This study therefore sought to investigate the antifertilityeffect of C. papaya leaves in male Wistar rats. Fresh and healthy leaves of C.papaya disease were harvested from the Institute of Agricultural Researchand Training, Moor Plantation, Ibadan. They were dried and extracted usingsoxhlet apparatus and ethanol as the solven...

Antidiabetic Potential of Alkaloid Extracts from Vitex doniana and Ficus thonningii Leaves on Alloxan-induced Diabetic Rats

Background: The growing number of diabetes coupled with the harsh side effects of somesynthetic drugs has led to the increasing search for alternatives which are relatively cheap withminimal side effects.Aim: This study sought to investigate the antidiabetic potential of alkaloid extracts from Vitexdoniana and Ficus thonningii leaves on alloxan-induced diabetic rats.Methods: Fresh leaves of V. doniana and F. thonningii were obtained from a local market Nkwaguin Abakaliki local government area...

Antidiabetic Effect of Ethanolic Extract of Carica papaya Leaves in Alloxan-Induced Diabetic Rats

The growing number of diabetes coupled with the harsh side effects of some synthetic drugs has led to the increasing search for alternativeswhich are relatively cheap with minimal side effects. This study sought to investigate the antidiabetic effect of ethanolic extract of Carica papaya leavesin alloxan-induced diabetic rats. Thirty adult male albino rats were induced intraperitoneally with alloxan. The rats were grouped into six groups offive animals per group: Group A was not induced with ...

Antibacterial Potential of Ethanolic and Aqueous Extracts of Carica papaya Leaves

Background: The search for newer sources of antibiotics is a global challenge pre-occupyingresearch institutions, pharmaceutical companies and academia, since many infectious agents arebecoming resistant to synthetic drugs.Aim: This present study sought to investigate the antibacterial potential of ethanolic and aqueousextracts of Carica papaya leaves.Materials and Methods: Fresh and healthy leaves of C. papaya were harvested, air dried andmilled into powder. The powder was extracted using et...

Antaphrodisiac Potential of Bitter Kola (Garcinia kola) in Male Wistar Rats

There is a general believe that bitter kola isan aphrodisiac agent, thus men consume it to enhancetheir libido. This study is aimed at assessing theeffect of bitter kola on male sex hormones. Twentyfour adult male Wistar rats were randomly dividedinto four groups of six each after seven daysacclimatization period. Animals in group 1 wereadministered normal saline solution while those ingroups 2, 3 and 4 were administered 100, 200 and400 mg/kg body weight of bitter kola extractsrespectively fo...

Ameliorative Effect of Parkia biglobosa (African Locust Bean) against Egg Yolk-Induced Hypertension

This study is aimed at evaluating theameliorative effect of Parkia biglobosa againstegg-yolk induced hypertension. In order toachieve this, 30 Wistar rats were divided intothree groups of 10 each. Rats in group Areceived normal feed diet and they served as thecontrol group while those in groups B and Creceived a special prepared egg feed diet (24 eggyolk mixed with 1 kg of normal rat diet).Animals in group C were administered400mg/kg body weight of P. biglobosa extractsimultaneously with the ...


ABSRACT Chlorpyrifos [CPF; O,O-diethyl O-(3,5,6-trichloro-2-pyridinyl) phosphorothionate] is a widely used organophosphate pesticide that is known to be toxic to the environment and to living beings. It affects several organs of the body especially the brain leading to impairment of normal functioning of the body. Diphenyl diselenide (DPDS), an organsoselenium compound is the simplest of the synthetic diaryldiselenides. Studies have shown that DPDS exhibits anti-inflammatory and antioxidant e...

Evaluation of Nutritional and Anti-nutritional Compositions of Leaves of Gingko biloba (Maiden Hair) Tree Found in Nigeria.

ABSTRACT Ginkgo biloba (GB) leaves and extracts have been recognized worldwide for its renowned nutritional and medicinal properties. GB tree is highly grown and used in Asian and South American countries unlike Nigeria. In this study, we examined the nutritional and anti-nutritional compositions of GB leaves (whole dried, and aqueous and ethanol extracts) grown in Nigeria. Association of Official Analytical Chemists (AOAC) method was used to determine the proximate and vitamin compositions w...

Effects of White Grub Extracts on Serum Glucose and Lipid Profile of Alloxan Induced Diabetes in Rats

Diabetes mellitus is a syndrome characterized by chronic hyperglycemia and disturbances of carbohydrate, fat and protein metabolism associated with an absolute or relative deficiency in insulin secretion or insulin action. To investigate the effect of white grub extract on alloxan-induced diabetic rats. Diabetes was induced in rats after 18 hours of fasting intraperitoneally by alloxan (80 mg/kg). A total of 40 rats used, were divided into eight groups (G1- GVIII) of five rats each. GII-GVIII...

Therapeutic Effect of Methanolic Extract of Telfairia occidentalis Leaves against Ethanol-Induced Oxidative Stress in Wistar Rats

This study sought to investigate the therapeutic effectof methanolic extract of Telfairia occidentalis leavesagainst acute ethanol-induced oxidative stress inWistar rats. Fresh plants of T. occidentalis werepurchased from Oja-Oba Market in Ibadan. Theleaves were dried and extracted using soxhletapparatus and methanol as the solvent. The methanolwas evaporated in a rotary evaporator at 35 oC witha yield of 2.31g representing a percentage yield of9.24%. Twenty adult male Wistar rats were used f...

Antihaemolytic Effect of Ethanolic Leaf Extract of Vernonia amygdalina in Wistar Rats

Antihaemolytic effect of ethanolic leaf extract ofVernonia amygdalina in Wistar rats is the aim of thisstudy. Fresh plants of V. amygdalina were harvestedfrom the Institute of Agricultural Research andTraining, Ibadan. The leaves were carefully removedfrom the stem and washed in running water toremove contaminants. They were air dried at roomtemperature in an open laboratory space for 14 daysand milled into powder. The extraction was doneusing soxhlet apparatus and ethanol as the solvent.Etha...

Preventive and Therapeutic Activities of Methanolic Extract of Talinum triangulare Leaves against Ethanol-Induced Oxidative Stress in Wistar Rats

Preventive and therapeutic activities of methanolicextract of Talinum triangulare leaves againstethanol-induced oxidative stress in wistar rats is theaim of this study. Fresh plants of T. triangulare werepurchased at a local market in Orita-Challenge,Ibadan. The leaves were dried and extracted usingsoxhlet apparatus and methanol as the solvent. Themethanol was evaporated in a rotary evaporator at35 oC with a yield of 2.76 g which represents apercentage yield of 11.04%. Twenty Wistar rats with...

Alteration in biochemical indices following chronic administration of methanolic extract of Nigeria bee propolis in Wistar rats

Objective: To determine the noxious attribute of methanol extract of Nigeria bee propolis at 300 and 600 mg/kg body weight in rats. Methods: Healthy Wistar rats were indiscriminately assigned into three groups (A-C) of five rats each. The control rats (Group A) were orally given 0.5 mL of dimethyl sulfoxide daily for 21 days while rats in Groups B and C were administered the same 0.5 mL dimethyl sulfoxide containing 300 and 600 mg/kg body weight methanol extract of bee propolis respective...

46 - 60 Of 91 Results