Computer and Information Science Research Papers/Topics

Design and Implementation of Fake Product Review Monitoring System

The existence of fake product can directly harm a company's growth as well as consumers. Various organizations have been using many initiatives and modern technology to prevent counterfeit goods. But the company that manufactures a real product have introduced many modern technologies such as barcode and QR code. Fake item producers can go to the extent of even building barcodes (existing system) for their products so that when scanned, the result will show the existence of the product. Prese...

Design and Implementation of Electronic File Management System for Nigeria National Law Drug Enforcement Agency (NDLEA)

In the operation of Nigeria National Drug Law Enforcement Agency (NDLEA) crime cases are documented on paper documents which has unavoidably increased the amount of paper documents in the office and which can be easily destroyed by water spillage and fire hazards. However, the electronic form of the documentation has the potentials of eliminating the above listed problems of the manual documentation. The aim of this study is to design an electronic file document management system for the Nige...

Usefulness of Deep Web and Prospects for Web Hidden Content

Deep web content includes any content that its owners have blocked web search engines and individual accessing such as medical records, fee-based content, membership websites, and confidential corporate web pages. Most people access Web contents with surface search engines and most of the Web contents are not accessible through surface search engines such as google. A complete approach to conducting research on the Web incorporates using surface search engines and deep web databases. It is de...

Design and Implementation of Computerised Snooker Game

Computer games have become a common form of entertainment in the 21st century and fast advancement in computer technology and internet speed have helped entertainment software developers to create graphical games that keep a variety of players’ interest. The emergence of artificial intelligence systems has evolved computer gaming technology in new and profound ways. Artificial intelligence provides the illusion of intelligence in the behaviour of Non-Playable-Characters. The aim of this stu...

Design and Implementation of Clinical Decision Support System

Numerous studies have shown that the quality of health care is inadequate, and healthcare organizations in developed nations are increasingly turning to clinical decision support systems to address this problem. This study aims to optimize health care delivery by creating a clinical decision support system tool to aid health care clinical recommendations in Nigeria health sector. In implementing the clinical decision support system, a highly promising architectural approach is use of decision...

Design and Implementation of a Billing System for Mr Biggs (United African Company)

A billing system is a database application is defined as an application that collects data from users through an interface and stores it in a data file, to process, manipulate and retrieve for decision making. The e-Billing system has the capacity to illustrate and analyze the total cost of items that a customer purchases in marketing environment. The aim of this study is to design a billing system for Mr. Biggs, a subsidiary of the United African Company in Nigeria. The study with the specif...

Defining Data Science: Beyond the Study of the Rules of the Natural World as Reflected by Data

INTRODUCTION Data science has received widespread attention in academic and industrial circles. New data science research institutes and organizations have continued to emerge on the scene, such as the Columbia University Institute for Data Sciences and Engineering and New York University Center for Data Science. The University of California at Berkeley, Columbia University, Fudan University, and other universities have launched data science courses and degree programs. Cleveland and Smith pr...

An Integrated Electronic Records Management System

Electronic Records Management system is one of the best measures CUC can use to keep their records safely, updated and easily traceable for better performance evaluation. This Performance Evaluation links the expectations of professional staff to actual performance. The principal objective of the evaluation is to assist in professional development by identifying strengths and areas for improvement. Evaluations enable management to assess an individual’s job performance and determine appropr...

Collaboration Challenges Facing Information Literacy Programs In Jomo Kenyatta University Of Agriculture And Technology Lirary

ABSTRACT This research project was to investigate the information literacy collaboration challenges in JKUAT library. Information literacy (IL) is a critical pillar in all libraries. It ensures optimal usage of all forms of information resources acquired. It demands collaboration between the library, teaching departments, administrators as well as users to achieve its purpose. The challenge is that this IL partnership is often missing in many information centers. This investigation was t...

A Fuzzy Association Rule Mining Expert-Driven Approach To Knowledge Acquisition

ABSTRACT This study tackles two concerns of knowledge engineers in designing and developing a fuzzy rule-based expert system (FES). First is to acquire a knowledge-base that emulates human perception of application domain concept in order to avoid sharp boundary problems. Second is the need for modelling a comprehensive fuzzy rulebased expert system which eliminates redundant rules in order to solve the problem of rule-base unwieldiness and provide for knowledge-base instant updates. This th...

A Model For Stock Price Prediction Using The Soft Computing Approach

ABSTRACT A number of research efforts had been devoted to forecasting stock price based on technical indicators which rely purely on historical stock price data. However, the performances of such technical indicators have not always satisfactory. The fact is, there are other influential factors that can affect the direction of stock market which form the basis of market experts’ opinion such as interest rate, inflation rate, foreign exchange rate, business sector, management caliber, inves...

Simultaneous And Single Gene Expression: Computational Analysis For Malaria Treatment Discovery

ABSTRACT The major aim of this work is to develop an efficient and effective k-means algorithm to cluster malaria microarray data to enable the extraction of a functional relationship of genes for malaria treatment discovery. However, traditional k-means and most k-means variants are still computationally expensive for large datasets such as microarray data, which have large datasets with a large dimension size d. Huge data is generated and biologists have the challenge of extracting useful ...

Development Of A Formal Framework For Usable Operations Support In E-Health Based Systems

ABSTRACT This study uses advanced communications and computing technologies to support health care delivery and education. The automated e-Health-based system was designed to eliminate clumsy and tedious treatment procedures associated with manual treatment processes prevalent in care centres, especially in the developing countries. The operations support functionalities of the system are provided within a formal framework to eliminate system errors, improve dependability and enhance its usa...

A Process Framework For Managing Implicit Requirements Using Analogy-Based Reasoning

ABSTRACT The ability of a system to meet the stated requirements affects the success and overall usability of the system. The presence of implicit requirements create difficulties in fulfilling the desires and needs of the stakeholders during software development. Identification of implicit requirements is essential to the functionality of the software as implicit requirements are equally as important as explicit requirements. Although different researchers and practitioners have identified ...

Guiset: A Conceptual Design Of A Grid-Enabled Portal For E-Commerce On-Demand Services

ABSTRACT Conventional grid-enabled portal designs have been largely influenced by the usual functional requirements such as security requirements, grid resource requirements and job management requirements. However, the pay-as-you-use service provisioning model of utility computing platforms mean that additional requirements must be considered in order to realize effective gridenabled portals design for such platforms. This work investigates those relevant additional requirements that must b...

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