Computer and Information Science Research Papers/Topics

ZB Financial Holdings Virtual Banking and Loan Application Systems

ABSTRACT ZB Financial Holdings Virtual Banking and Loan Application system is a system that enables customers to log into the system and be able to carry out all the transactions such as having the access to view their account balances, view all latest transactions and be able to download bank statements in portable document format. Data was gathered by the use of interviews, questionnaires and observations and this brought out the expectations of the customers and the employees as well as th...

Android Mobile Health Application (mHealth) System

ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to come up with a Mobile health (m-Health) application system. This system allows patients’ to communicate directly via an android mobile system through notifications or messages and at the same time enables them to perform electronic booking of appointments, receive e-prescription and accessing after visit summaries from the hospital or clinic. The development of this system comes out after the identification of numerous problems which are associated ...

A Geographical Information System for ZETDC

ABSTRACT The main motive behind the research was to derive an answer to the discovered problems of the current system of the Zimbabwe Electricity Transmission and Distribution (ZETDC) with regards to the way the fault reports were being carried out and the quality of services offered. The conduction of research through research methodologies such as questionnaires, observations as well as interviews led to problems identification such as being more manual since it does not allow the ZETDC ele...

Online enquiry and bill payments management system for a local authority

ABSTRACT Plumtree Town Council is an urban local authority located in Plumtree town in Matebeleland South district of Zimbabwe. It is situated 100 km away from the City of Bulawayo along Bulawayo Botswana road and railway line, 10 km from the border. It services local residents, outlying farmers in Bulilima and Mangwe rural districts as well as tourists as it is a border town. Like other local authorities it is under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Public Construction Rural and Urban Plan...

Asset Management And Faults Rectifying System

ABSTRACT The purpose of this project, the Zimbabwe Electricity Transmission and Distribution Company (ZETDC) Assets management and faults rectifying system was based on the provision of an indepth and detailed records of newly acquired assets and faults reports. Assets acquired are maintained and monitored by the system. Automatically the system schedules attention on assets that needs maintenance and those that require to be disposed. Faults rectification process was instigated as a result o...

Gcc E Procurement System

ABSTRACT This research is aimed at development of an E Procurement System that is meant to assist the procurement department in procurement decision making processes. The researcher had proposed the idea of introducing a new system after discovering problems that were being experienced as a result of manual processes, some of the problems include; delays in procurement decision making, there was no a website to update suppliers about new tenders at Gweru City Council, there is no system in pl...

Gweru Hospital Telemedicine App

Abstract In line with National Development Priorities and the UN Millennium Development Goals as documented in the Zim-Asset blueprint under the Social Services and Poverty Eradication cluster, the health care system is not greatly benefiting from the wide spread use of ICT solutions countrywide. Every process in the medical sector requires the patient and the health practitioner to be in the same room regardless of the nature of visit. Thus unnecessary meetings like consultations, education,...

Decision Support & Forecasting System

ABSTRACT To begin with DSW didn’t have a proper software to capture and report its daily activities expediently, the espousal of the M&E department in the organisation reviewed a high frequency of data discrepancies and anomalies in the company records, which then triggered the company to have an interest on investing in a more current, secure, fluid and comprehensible system that is partially intelligent to gear up the decision making process while being able to be associated with any of t...

Health Centre Management Information System, Its Design And Implementation (A Case Study Of Maasai Mara University Health Unit)

ABSTRACT The continued expansion and growth in global technologies has led to the development of many new electronic health information management systems to improve efficiencies and quality of care within the field of medicine. Maasai Mara University is a growing world class university. There is a necessity for competent administration in the university’s health unit. This project suggests the computerizing of all the records about patients, staff and drug/equipment supplies in the health ...

A 3-D Model Of An Institutional Location Navigation System (Naviloc) (A Case Study Of Covenant University)

ABSTRACT Covenant University location navigation system (CU Naviloc) built on the Android platform is a mobile based system which can be easily accessed from an android mobile device across any location, downloadable on Google play store and deployable anywhere in the world. In this study,Computer-aided design as well as building Information modelling (CAD/BIM) system applications were introduced to the simulation of Covenant University, a smart and compact campus whose edifice elaborates th...

An Evaluation Of The Use Of A Microcomputer On A Livestock Farm

ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to investigate the potential of .a microcomputer as a tool of information handling. Specifically, this involved developing software packages for use on an Apple II Plus microcomputer. The Willow Bend Demonstrational Farm in Union, West Virginia, was chosen. A farm records and budgets model was developed. Receipts and expenses from the Electronic Farm Accounting records were used to test the model for use by the farm operators in West Virginia. Enterpri s...

A Model For Exploiting Mobile Health Technologies Potential To Curb Child Maternal Mortality

ABSTRACT  Zimbabwe has a fairly developed maternal-care delivery system that is served by public and private hospitals at district, provincial and national level. The public health-care system is the largest provider of maternal-care services and caters for the majority of the population but this is done in a resource-restricted context, typical of a developing context. In this context, this research sought to establish the potential of Mobile Health Technologies in Zimbabwe‘s maternal hea...

Trackforce Safety Compliance System

ABSTRACT  Trackforce Safety Compliance System is a system that will be used to ensure that all the contractors and employees who are contracted to perform different task are qualified and in good health to perform the assigned tasks. The system will ensure that before the contractor or employee commences their work, they have undergone the necessary physical checkup, test including environmental awareness of the different hazards that they are exposed to in the heavily mechanised environment...

Empowering Women To Aleviate Poverty Through Accessibility To Information: A Case Of Narok Town

ABSTRACT Information and knowledge play an important role in enabling rural women to achieve economic empowerment through poverty alleviation. The general aim of this study was to determine the contribution of information in the empowerment of rural women. In a bid to achieve this objective, the study sought to assess the roles of information in increasing women access and control of economic resources, in assisting women contribute towards economic decisions at the household and community le...

Identification Of Crop-Growing Seasons Of Semi-Arid Kenya By Analyses Of The Soil Tloisture Patterns

ABSTRACT Identification of Crop-Growing Seasons of Semi-Arid Kenya by Analvses of the Soil Moisture Patterns. (May 1984) David Kasina }1usembi, B.S., University of Nairobi Chairman of Advisory Cormnit tee i- Prof. John F. Griffiths Eight stations wit~ over 30 years of rainfall record were selected in the dry region of Kenya, east of 37°E longitude, to study the nature of the crop growing seasons during the short and the long rains (October through June). The rainfall data were reduced to soi...

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