Food Science and Technology Research Papers/Topics


PREFACE  Food poisoning might be described as a food borne diseases or food borne illness. Food that contains a toxin, chemical or infectious agent (like a bacterium, virus, parasite or prion) and causes symptoms in the body are considered types of food poisoning by most investigators. Those symptoms may be related only to the gastrointestinal tract causing vomiting or diarrhea or may involve other organs such as the kidney, brain or muscle. This term paper considered that, it can be treated...


ABSTRACT  Fix locally sourced citrus fruit (orange citrus sinners) tangerine (citrus reticulate) lemon citrus lemoni) (Lime (citrus aurantifolis) and Grape (citrus paradist) were mixed together to produce mixed fruit drink. Different ratios of orange, tangerine lemon, lime and Grape fruit juice in this order were blended together, sample A 9:5:1:1:1, B5:2:1:1:1: C 4:3:2:2:2: D6:1:1:1:1:1: Quality parameter tested and the result obtained are Vit C A 16.12,B 17. 34, C 24.20, D23.47 and E10.48...

Additives and preservatives used in food processing and preservation and their health implication

Additives is “any substance the intended use of which result or may reasonably be expected to result directly or indirectly in its becoming a component or otherwise affecting the characteristics of any food” (United States Government 1981). Additives is any substance not commonly regarded or used as a food, which is added to or used in or on food at any stage to affect its keeping qualities, odaur, alkalinity or acidity or to serve any other technological function in relation to food (foo...

An investigation on the effect of various packaging material on the quality attributes of suya (meat)

Meat is a flesh of animals consumed for foods.  In the topics, the bulk of the meat consumed is derived from cow, sheep, cattle, pigs, camel etc.  The other aspect of a dead animal such as the offal’s (kidney, liver, intestine etc) and the skin are often consumed, but one not termed meat; which ever part of it is meat is usually consumed for its high quality protein content essential for body growth and repairs. The proportions of meat derived foods that one consumed are related to the ge...

Economic assessment of some methods adopted in yoghurt production

Yoghurt is a fermented milk product, produced with a yoghurt starter culture which is a mixed culture of streptococcus thermophilus and lactobacillus bulgaricus in a 1:1 ratio. S thermophilus enjoys a faster growth than L hulgricus.  It adds flavours and aroma to the yoghurt, though both organisms in association produces lactic acid but acetaldehyde and dimethyl propanol, the chief favour component of yoghurt is produced by L bulgaricus. TABLE OF CONTENTS Title Page Approval Page Dedicatio...

Physico-Chemical and Organoleptic properties of flour and fufu processed from cassava varities

ABSTRACT This study was designed to evaluate the potentials of sweet cassava variety TMS 4(2) 1425being manihet palmata and bitter varieties TMS 30572, TMS 30555, and NR 8082 being Manihot utilisima Crantz flours used in the production of fufu,in carrying out the process the root was weighed before and after washing then peele, washed, sliced, fermentation, washing of the fermented mash and dried erther sundrying or oven drying. The sensory evaluation were carried out when the products from 4...

Process for Refining Vegetable Oil and its Food Value

Palm oil is one the commercial product of palm fruit (Elaesis Guineesis). It is derived from the fleshy messieurs of the fruit of the oil palm which contains 45 – 55% oil. Palm oil belongs to a class of food known as fat and oil, which are generally termed lipid. It is oil from plant origin.  TABLE OF CONTENTS Title Page Approval Page Dedication  Acknowledgement  CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION CHAPTER TWO 2.1The Oil Palm  2.2Extraction and Refining of Vegetable Oil 2.3Types and Sources of...

The effect of food packaging material on the environment

Food packaging is just one among ways of food preservation for when food is been packaged, it is set for shipment and marketing. Food Technologist who must have a good knowledge of technology materials, labour equipment, money research, engineering and management is in any food-processing establishment. Particularly, food packages purposely protect the products from environment hazards throughout the period of the shelf life. Some industries can even be instituted purposely for food packaging...

The role of packaging in food processing

The role of packaging in food processing is just one among many ways of food preservation.  As soon as food is packaged, it is set for shipment and marketing.  For many food technologists to embark on food packaging, the food technologist must have food knowledge of the technology, materials, labour equipments, capital, research, engineering and management involved in any such food processing establishment.  The package purposely protects the product from environmental hazards throughout t...

The utility potentials of some dioscorea species with particular reference to D. Rotoridata and D. Dumatorum

Yams are any of the economically useful plants belonging to the genues Diocorea; yams are also the tubers or rhizomes of these plants (Coursey 1967). The yam tuber is economically the most important part of the plant.  The structures of the tuber is variable, depending on the species, most yam tubers are cylindrical in shape; weight of individual tubers ranges from 200g – 50kg (Asiedu 1992). TABLE OF CONTENTS FRONT PAGE DEDICATION ACKNOWELDGEMENT  TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER ONE;INTRODUCT...

Quality Evaluation of Bread Made By Substitution of Bakery Fat with Bullet Pear (Canarium Schweinfurthii) Fruit Oil

Abstract Bullet pear (Canarium schweinfurthii) fruit oil was used as a replacement for bakery fat in bread production. Five loaves of bread samples were baked, the control sample was baked with 100% bakery fat and the other four loaves were baked with bullet pear fruit (BPF) oils as substitute for the bakery fat at 25, 50, 75 and 100% levels. The proximate, physical parameters and sensory quality analyses were carried on of these five loaves samples. The results showed some significant differ...

286 - 296 Of 296 Results