Food Science and Technology Research Papers/Topics

Phenolics Comparison between Twinning and Celestial Peppermint Teas using HPLC-DAD

Abstract Twinings and Celestial pure peppermint herbal tea is made from 100% select peppermint leaves and is naturally caffeine and gluten-free and parts of their differences lie in the packaging. The HPLC profile of Twinning peppermint and celestial peppermint teas showed that both the teas samples contain caffeic acid, ellagic acid, pcoumaric acid, rosmarinic acid and rutin while celestial peppermint tea had an extra phenolic compound called quercetin. Quercetin was known for its anti-i...


ABSTRACT This study was undertaken to assess the functional properties of flours from three varieties of sweet potato (Ipomoeas batatas). The varieties used in this study include orange flesh sweet potato – ‘Umuspo – 3 (Mother’s Delight)’, cream flesh sweet potato – ‘Ex-igbarium’ and red skin-white flesh sweet potato varieties. The functional properties analysed include Swelling power, Water absorption capacity, Oil absorption capacity, Bulk density and least gelation capacity...

Migration, Urbanization And Its Implication On Food Security Among Low Income Households In Manzini City Swaziland

This paper seeks to contribute to recent food security debate. On the basis of field study conducted in three low income areas of Manzini, this study investigated how insufficient food has become a chronic development problem in Africa’s urban area due to rapid urbanization which is eating up the resourceful land and pushing food production further away. Therefore this study was designed to capture the role of migration, urbanization and its implications on food security among the selected ...


ABSTRACT Micronutrients which are nutrients that are only needed by the body in minute amounts play leading roles in the production of enzymes, hormones and other substances and also help to regulate growth activity, development and functioning of the immune and reproductive systems. MicronutrientsPace ficiency conditions are widespread among 2 billion people in developing and in developed countries. These are silent epidemics of vitamin and mineral deficiencies affecting people of all gender...


The greatest problem consumers encounter with soy milk remains its very short shelf life due to microbial activity. The combination of different preservation methods may just be the solution to the problem. The synergistic  effect of citric acid and sodium benzoate preservatives at various concentrations within their maximum permissible levels along with pasteurization, on the microbial keeping quality of home- made soy milk stored at ambient temperature was therefore, studied. This is with ...

Phytonutrients In Common Fruits and Vegetables For Managing Chronic Diseases: A Review Article(in progress)

ABSTRACT Foods and vegetables belong to an important class of natural products with capacity to exert therapeutic effects – due to presence of phytonutrients. A phytonutrient is any non – toxic food component that has scientifically proven health benefits, including diseases prevention and treatment. This article focuses on about 40 Natural products (fruits, vegetables, spices) which includes Water melon (Citrulus lanatus), Apple (Malus domestica), Pawpaw (Asimina triloba) and Banana (Mu...

Effect of Fusarium Nygamai Infection on the Chemical Composition of Flour From Two Yam Varieties

ABSTRACT Yams (Dioscorea spp) are among the oldest food crops. It is estimated that after six months of storage up to 56% of the crop is lost to rot.  In Nigeria, fresh yam tubers are used for production of Elubo (yam flour) for preparation of amala, as it is called among the Yoruba in Western Nigeria, and akwunaji in the east of the River Niger. Many researchershave emphasized the importance of microbial rotting in causing storage losses. This study evaluated the effect of yam rot on the n...

Evaluation of four baking temperature regimes and their effects on shelf stability of bread loaves

The work was done to determine the effects of baking temperature on the proximate, micronutrient, microbial and sensory properties of bread. The breads were baked at four different temperatures of 190, 200, 210 and 220 0C for BT1, BT2, BT3 and BT4 respectively. The protein ranged from 10.53% to 12.42% and a significant (p < 0.05) difference existed between the samples. The crude fibre ranged from 1.50% to 1.70% and a significant difference existed between samples BT1, BT2, BT3 and BT4. The fa...


ABSTRACT The effects of variety and processing methods on the functional properties of cassava flours were studied. The functional properties of the flour were determined using standard procedures. Cassava roots were fermented, blanched, soaked, dried and milled into flour. The functional properties of the flour were determined. There were variety and method of processing influence of the functional properties significantly. The gelation capacities varied between 75% and 80% bulk density, emu...

Effects of Infestation by Bruchid Beetles on the Nutritional Quality and Sensory Properties of Cowpeas.

The effects of infestation by Callosobruchus maculatus on the chemical, nutritional and sensory properties of three cowpea varieties were investigated. Proximate analysis showed that infestation led to an increase in moisture content by 28.6% on the average. Decreases of 10.6%, 46.5% and 11.4% in crude protein, ash and soluble carbohydrate content respectively were observed. For the three cowpea varieties, the minerals sodium, calcium and magnesium decreased by 6.7%, 10% and 1.3% respectively...

The impact of cooking on the proximate composition and anti-nutritional factors of water yam (Dioscorea alata)

Raw and boiled water yam tubers (Dioscorea alata) were analyzed for proximate contents such as ash,crude protein, carbohydrate, crude fibre, crude lipid, energy and anti-nutrients using standardprocedures and methods. The crude protein contents (10.27%), ash (2.93%) and lipid (0.15%) weresignificantly (p


Abstract— Raw Azdirachta indica seed oil is gradually adopted by local farmers as a protector of stored grains and legumes against the common insects, but with some reservations on its safety. The study investigated the safety A. indica on mammalian objects using haematological and antioxidant indices. A. indica seed was obtained from the trees in the same location in Utu Ikot Ukpong, Essien Udim Local Government Area, Nigeria. The Albino rats were  obtained from the Animal House of Bioch...

Evaluation of safety of Azdirachta indica seed oil on Albino rat through haematological and some antioxidants by the rotatable central composite design (RCCD) of the response surface methodo

Abstract— Raw Azdirachta indica seed oil is gradually adopted by local farmers as a protector of stored grains and legumes against the common insects, but with some reservations on its safety. The study investigated the safety A. indica on mammalian objects using haematological and antioxidant indices. A. indica seed was obtained from the trees in the same location in Utu Ikot Ukpong, Essien Udim Local Government Area, Nigeria. The Albino rats were  obtained from the Animal House of Bioch...

Rheological Properties of Gums Extracted from Detarium microcarpum and Colocasia esculenta in Comparism with a Standard: Gum Arabic

AbstractGums were extracted and purified from Colocasia esculenta and Detarium microcarpum.Rheological properties ofthese gums in comparism with a standard,Gum Arabic were determined.Result showed that gums from D.microcarpum(0.0113cps) and C.esculenta (0.0110cps) exhibited Newtonian characteristics and had higher apparent viscosity than GumArabic (0.0109cps).These gums exhibited shear thickening characteristics when apparent viscosity was plotted against shearrate.Density values for extracte...

211 - 225 Of 296 Results