Food Science and Technology Research Papers/Topics


ABSTRACT This research was carried out to study the influence of three cooking methods (frying, smoking and roasting) on the physicho-chemical properties and the shelf – life of snail meat (Achachatina marginata). The snail meat was first washed using different washing agents (lime, alum, salt and ash) and through sensory evaluation, the best washing agent was selected and used to prepare snail meat samples for subsequent processing. The snail from the best washing agents was divided into ...

Production and Quality Evaluation of Spoonable and Drinkable Yoghurt with Watermelon (Citrullus Lanatus) Juice and Pulp

ABSTRACT Yoghurt was produced and flavoured with graded levels of watermelon pulp and juice. Watermelon (Citrullus lanatus) juice and pulp was used to substitute 0, 10, 20, 30, 40 and 50% of yoghurt. The chemical, sensory and microbiological properties of the yoghurts were determined. The results showed that the pH of the yoghurt ranged from 4.68 to 4.90. The protein, ash, and fat content decreased with increase in watermelon juice and pulp. The fiber content increased with the watermelon pu...

Production and Evaluation of Extruded Snacks from Composite Flour of Bambara Groundnut (Voandzeia Subterranea (L) Thoaur ), Hungry Rice (Digitaria Exilis Staph.) and Carrot (Daucus Carota L.)

ABSTRACT Cleaned Bambara groundnut seeds were divided into four lots. Each lot was separately pretreated thus: germinated, roasted, germinated and roasted, and unprocessed which served as control. Each sample was ground, sieved, and extruded using single screw extruder. Consumer preference test was done by a taste panel of 50 people who rated the products on the attributes of colour, taste, flavour and overall acceptability using a 9-point hedonic scale. The treatment (roasting) given on the...

Effect of Co-Extruded Film on the Shelf Stability of Sliced Salted Pork Meat Product

ABSTRACT The study evaluated the efficiency of co-extruded polypropylene (PP) and low density polyethylene (LDPE) in extending the shelf-stability of unam inung traditional meat product during storage under ambient conditions. Fresh pork was processed, in traditional way, into unam inung meat product and stored for 6 months, under ambient room conditions as unpackaged, clay pot packaged (traditional method), and those packaged in polypropylene (PP), low density polyethylene (LDPE) and co-ext...

Quality evaluation of zobo concentrate sweetened with inverted sugar syrup and sodium cyclamate.

AbstractIn this study, triple strength Zobo concentrate (ZC) was prepared using purple calyx of Sorrel by Hurdle Technology; and asepti-cally packaged in ambered coloured containers for spray drying. The prepared samples of ZC were sweetened with inverted sugar syrup (coded 617) and sodium cyclamate (coded 615) were subjected to sensory, physico-chemical and microbial analyses.The physico-chemical properties of both samples for the pH ranges from 4.1for sample 615 (i.e.ZC sweetened ...

Effect of Chemical Pre- Milling Treatments On the Physico-Chemical Properties of Mucuna Sloanei ‘Ukpo’

ABSTRACT This study examined the effects of chemical pre-milling treatment on the physico-chemical as well as pasting properties of Mucuna sloanei ‘ukpo’ flour. The seeds were treated with Distilled water, Citric Acid, Sodium bicarbonate, and Sodium Chloride solutions at various levels of concentration (1% 2.50%, 5% 7.5%, 10% w/v) before milling into flour. Proximate and functional properties of the flour were evaluated. Functional property analysis, of the Chemical treated flour showed t...

Developments on the Bioactive Compounds and Food Uses of the Tubers: Colocasia esculenta (L) Schott (Taro) and Xanthosoma sagittifolium (L) Schott (Tannia)

Two varieties of Cocoyam Colocasia esculenta (L) Schott (Taro) and Xanthosoma sagittifolium (L) Schott (Tannia) are experiencing renewed interest not only in Africa but also in the rest of the world. They are considered to be cheaper sources of carbohydrates than cereals or other bulbous crops because of their high calorie yield per hectare, low production costs, and relatively low susceptibility to insect and pest infestation. In addition to their nutritional benefits, they contain bioa...

Effect of Oven Drying Temperatures in Preserving African Breadfruit (Trecuila Africana)

ABSTRACT The study was designed to evaluate the effect of oven drying temperature in Preserving African Breadfruit (Trecuila africana). African breadfruit was sorted out, washed with clean water, parboiled for three mins to enable easy dehulling of the seed, dehulled using manual disc attraction mill, winowed and cleaned. The African breadfruit was subjected to different rates of drying temperature (50°c, 60°c and 70°c). Proximate, mineral, phytochemicals and sensory evaluation of the raw ...

Nutritional Quality And Physico-Chemical Properties Of The Seed And Oil Of Chinese Fan Palm

ABSTRACT The oil of the raw seeds of Livistona chinensis (Chinese fan palm) was extracted and its physico-chemical properties evaluated. The proximate composition and the anti-nutrients present in the pulp, raw seed, blanched (4, 6, and 8 minutes), cooked (20, 40 and 60 minutes) and the roasted (1100C for 5, 10 and 15 minutes) seeds were determined. An acute toxicity study was also carried out on the seed during which albino rats were differently fed the raw and also the cooked and roasted s...

Effect Of Exogeneous Enzyme Hydrolysis Of Soybean (Glycine Max) Cell-Wall Materials On The Chemical Properties Of Soymilk

ABSTRACT The effect of cell wall enzymes on the sugar composition of soymilk was investigated using High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) and UV/Visible spectrophotometer. Soymilk was extracted from wet milled soybean slurry from three different varieties of soybean (Samsoy1, Samsoy 2 and TGX). Different cell-wall degrading enzymes (glucanase, cellulase. arabanase, hemicellulase and xylanase) were applied to each batch of soybean slurry before extraction of soymilk. The enzymes which...

Assessment Of Nutritional Quality Of Market Samples Of Fruit Drinks In Owerri

ABSTRACT Nutritional quality of market samples of some fruit drinks were assessed through laboratory analysis. The assessment covered the determination of quality parameters of six brands of fruits drinks which include California brands of orange and pineapple drinks, orange and pineapple fruta drinks and 5 – alive orange and pineapple drinks. The assessment indices included the determination of proximate compositions, mineral composition and vitamin composition of the drinks. From the res...

Antinutritional And Physicochemical Properties Of Flours Blended From Selected Tropical Tubers And Processed Bambara Groundnut (Vigna Subterranean).

ABSTRACT Some selected tropical root and stem tubers (cassava, cocoyam, sweet potato and yam) were dried and processed into flours. The cassava tuber was processed into flour using the high quality grading method. Bambara groundnut was processed to obtain the conventional bambara groundnut flour, bambara groundnut cotyledon flour and the steamed bambara groundnut cotyledon flour. Composite flours were formulated using each of the root tubers and each of the bambara groundnut treatments in th...

Antimicrobial Activities And Preservative Potentials Of Some Plant Extracts In Minced Meat.

ABSTRACT The antimicrobial activities and preservative potentials of crude plant extracts of stem bark of Alstonia boonei, leaves of Euphorbia hirta and seeds of Moringa oleifera were studied. Soxhlet extraction method and cold ethanol extraction method were used for the extraction of the dried and ground plant samples. The well in agar diffusion method was used for the antibacterial screening at different concentrations of 25mg/ml, 50mg/ml, 100mg/ml and 200mg/ml on Eschericia coli, Bacillus...

Effect Of Okara And Detarium Microcarpum Incorporation On The Quality Of ‘Talia’ Produced From Wheat And Sorghum Flour Blends

ABSTRACT The effect of Okara and Detarium microcarpum seed flours on the quality of talia noddles produced from wheat and sorghum flour composites was investigated. Composites of wheat semolina/sorghum flour blended in ratio of 100:0, 90:10, 80:20, 70:30, 60:40 and 50:50 were prepared and evaluated for water absorption capacity, soluble solids and swelling capacity. Cold extruded talia produced from each flour composites dough was evaluated for cooking time, cooking losses and total organic ...

Physicochemical and Sensory Qualities of Complemenatry meal made from Sprouted and Unsprouted Sorghum Irish potato and groundnut

Weaning food was produced from the blends of sprouted and unsprouted sorghum–Irish potato, and groundnut flour. In the developed weaning foods, moisture content ranged from 8.44% to 12.70%, crude protein (7.40%–14.53%) crude ash (1.53%–1.77%), crude fiber (6.65%–6.88%), crude fat (3.31%–3.73%) and carbohydrate content (65.10%–69.15%). Sprouting and protein supplementation with groundnut improved the protein content of the formulated meals with values comparable to commercial sam...

31 - 45 Of 296 Results