Material Science Research Papers/Topics

Quantum Entanglement Properties Of Polarization States Of A Semi-Classical Optical Parametric Oscillator

ABSTRACT Entanglement is a fundamental feature of quantum mechanics which originated from the 1935 paper of Einstein, Podolsky and Rosen (EPR) and has been demonstrated in many quantum systems for development of quantum technology. Entanglement of photons occurs through polarization states generated in nonlinear parametric processes. The Optical parametric oscillator (OPO) constitutes a nonlinear process in which a pair of entangled photons (signal and idler) is generated when a light mode fr...

Dependence Of Temperature Variation On The Shape Factor Of A Solar Parabolic Trough Concentrator (Ptc

ABSTRACT Solar radiation energy incident on a collector can be converted into electricity using PV cells or thermal energy by means of solar thermal collectors. Solar radiation intensity is sometimes lower than required for suitable applications, hence needs to be concentrated. Solar radiation concentration can be done by mirrors or lenses to obtain higher temperatures and thermal energy required for appropriate applications such as heating, drying, cooking and other industrial applications. ...

Effect of clay pozzolana on the corrosion behaviour of steel reinforcement in concrete.

ABSTRACT This study investigated the corrosion resistance of steel reinforcement in two types of concrete mixtures – ordinary Portland (OPC) used for concrete and clay pozzolana cement (CPC) used for concrete. These two concrete types were exposed to 3% and 5% (W/V) of Sodium Chloride (NaCl) and 3% (W/V) Calcium Hypochlorite (Ca(OCl)2) that acted as corrosion media. Mechanical properties and electrochemical analysis were performed over 1, 7, 15 and 23 days. The results indicated that concr...

Molecular clusters Cs3X3 and Cs4X4 (X = Br, I): Quantum chemical study of structure and thermodynamic properties

Abstract: The properties of trimer Cs3X3 and tetramer Cs4X4 (X = Br, I) molecules have been studied using DFT with B3LYP5 functional and MP2 and MP4 methods. Two equilibrium geometrical structures of trimers, hexagonal (D3 h) and “butterflyshaped” (Cs), and one for tetramers, distorted cubic (Td), are confirmed to exist; geometrical parameters and vibrational spectra are determined. The relative concentration of Cs3X3 isomers has been evaluated; the butterfly-shaped isomer dominates over ...

Simulation Studies Of Nodular Iron’s Bull’s Eye Effect On Stress Concentration Under Plane Stress Conditons

Abstract A simulation study on the effect of the “bull’s eye” in ductile iron on stress concentrations was done in this work. Using the model of graphite nodules in a cavity, a two dimensional plate strip was subjected to plane stress conditions. The results were compared to the traditional theory of modeling the graphite as holes (cavity) in the iron matrix. In plane stress conditions, while the graphite in the hole model showed the hole as areas of stress concentration and therefore v...

Sensitisation Study of Normalized 316L Stainless Steel

ABSTRACT Austenitic stainless steels with excellent corrosion resistance and good weldability have wide applications in industry. These iron-based alloys contain a high level of chromium which form protective oxide film on the surface hence resisting corrosion. The oxide film regenerates when damaged, making the steel 'stainless'. However, carbide precipitation due to a welding process or heat treatment can cause the occurrence of chromium-depleted zones at the boundaries, leading to a phenom...

Effect of zinc plating of low carbon steel on corrosion resistance in cocoa fluid environment

Abstract This work investigated the corrosion resistance of zinc-plated low carbon steel in cocoa fluid. Low carbon steel samples were zinc electroplated at voltages between 0.5 V and 0.9 V for 5–20 min. The plated samples were then subjected to a cocoa fluid environment for 30 days. The electrode potentials mV (SCE) were measured every day. Weight loss was determined at intervals of 5 days for the exposure period. The result showed corrosion attack on the zinc-plated steel, the severity in...

Modified Halloysite Nanotubes As Vehicle For Sustained Drug Delivery

ABSTRACT Halloysite, a natural mineral mined in many parts of the world has gained a lot of attention recently due to its ability to control and sustain the release of drugs and other active agents. It is a hollow tubular structure composed of double layer of aluminosilicate minerals in the nanometric range. They are non-toxic and biocompatible as compared to other nanocarriers. Its unique structure can be modified to improve its properties for control drug delivery applications. In this stud...

Ultra-High Dispersion Of Mgo/Cao In Mesoporous Sba-15 And Macroporous Sba-15 Using A One-Pot Method: Novel Material Preparation And Application As A Base Catalyst For Transesterification

ABSTRACT Global uncertainty over fossil fuels security provides the impetus for the development of fuels from renewable feedstocks. A promising route to diesel is available through transesterification of vegetable oils. In this work, there is a novel development of the true liquid crystal templating approach to the synthesis of uniformly dispersed ordered porous mixed oxides. Via this route, a family of mesoporous and mesomacroporous MgO/SBA-15 and CaO/SBA-15 catalysts with metal loading in t...

Photocatalytic Degradation Of Organic Dyes Using Zinc Oxide Nanoparticles.

ABSTRACT Nanocrystalline zinc oxide particles were synthesized via sol-gel method using zinc acetate as precursor. Calcination temperature was varied to determine its effect on particle size. The resultant samples were subjected to X-ray Diffraction (XRD), Fourier Transform Infra-Red (FTIR), UVvisible and Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) characterization techniques. X-ray diffraction results showed nanocrystalline wurtzite ZnO particles with crystallite size ranging from 16 nm to 30 nm resp...

The Effects Of Inoculum Acclimatisation On The Methanogenesis Of Ecklonia Maxima

ABSTRACT In the present scenario of the over dependence and shortcomings of fossil fuels, integrated biorefinery techniques have been developed to process biodegradable and sustainable feedstock for use as green energy. Brown seaweed biomass, recently has been under the spotlight for the production of biogas via anaerobic digestion. In this study, the effects of acclimatising inoculum to Ecklonia maxima, a brown seaweed type for the production of biogas have been investigated. Biomass of Eckl...

Design And Fabrication Of A Sustainable Construction Brick

ABSTRACT The urgent need for affordable housing is driving the research for cheap and sustainable building materials. The nuisance caused by cocoa pod husks, which is an agro waste, could be curbed by the incorporation of potash derived from its ash into brick batch mix. These potash incorporated bricks tend to allow sintering at lower temperatures thus reducing production cost and hence making them cheaper. In this project, the SiO2 – Al2O3 – K2O ternary phase diagram was used to design ...

Gold Nanoparticles For Medicine

ABSTRACT Gold nanoparticles were synthesized by reducing aqueous chloroauric acid (HAuCl4) with three different bacteria. Various microorganisms were verified to see how feasible they will be in synthesizing gold nanoparticles. Three microorganisms were screened and found to produce gold nanoparticles effectively. These bacteria include; Bacillus megaterium, Bacillus subtilis and serratia mercensis mercensis. Microorganisms in the synthesis of nanoparticles appear as an environmentally frien...

Studies Of The Chemical Vapor Deposition Method Of Generating Graphene

SUMMARY Since the pioneering report of the discovery of graphene in 2004 by Novoselov et al, scientists and researchers worldwide have carried out in depth investigations in this new family of carbon because of its myriad properties and potential applications. The synthesis of the novel nanoscale material is the main target in current material science. This study investigates the effect of different types of cabon source and catalyst for the production of large area, single/few crystalline l...

Biosynthesis Of Magnetic Iron Oxide Nanoparticles And Its Potential Application In Cancer Treatment.

ABSTRACT Cancer is one of the leading causes of death globally and its treatment and cure are therefore very important. Chemotherapy, radiation, and surgery have been the major forms of treatment. In this work, magnetic Fe3O4 nanoparticles are biologically synthesized using maize leaves, plantain leaves and peels extracts as mediators. The synthesized particles were magnetic and this aided in their washing after the synthesis. UV-Vis spectroscopy pointed to the formation of the Fe3O4 nanopart...

31 - 45 Of 161 Results