Medical Physics Research Papers/Topics

Neutron Capture Throw Interaction Neutron with Material

Abstract :- neutron capture, type of nuclear reaction in which a target nucleus absorbs a neutron (uncharged particle), then emits a discrete quantity of electromagnetic energy (gamma-ray photon). The target nucleus and the product nucleus are isotopes, or forms of the same element. Thus phosphorus-31, on undergoing neutron capture, becomes phosphorus-32. The heavier isotope that results may be radioactive, so that neutron capture, which occurs with almost any nucleus, is a common way of pro...

Verification and Monitoring of Radiation using Invivo and In-vitro Dosimetry in External Beam Radiotherapy in Libya

Abstract Radiation therapy has been used in the treatment of cancer patients since its discovery in 1895, and these techniques were always in continuous scientific and technical development. It was necessary to introduce diode in-vivo dosimetry for radiation measurements to control the dose administered to patients. The patient simulating device, planning system and treatment machine are tested regularly according to set protocols developed by national and international organizations. Even t...

Assessment of Grid Alignment of X-Ray Units in Khartoum State.

Abstract This study aimed to assess grid alignment for radiology departments in Khartoum state. A total of 10 x-ray units in radiology departments in Khartoum state from different manufacture were tested by grid alignment test tool and the optical density for radiographic film was read by transition densitometer . In this study the final result showed that the percentage of grid misalignment for x-ray machines was (40%), less than those with grid alignment x-ray machines (60%). Which means a...

Assessment Of Design Of Nuclear Medicine Department Design And Radiation Safety

ABSTRACT The purpose of this study is to highlight the importante of radiation protection in nuclear medicine, to assess the level of application of Radiation safety measures programs in the nuclear medicine department. This study was done in selected departments of nuclear medicine included the National Center for radiotherapy ,Alneilin , Fadil and Royal Care using questionnaire for workers for evaluation of radiation safety in the departments, in the period from January 2015 to may 201...

Assessment Of Gamma Camera Quality Control Performance In National Cancer Institute -Wad Madani

Abstract This Study Was Performed To Assess The Performance Of Gamma Camera Quality Control System In National Cancer Institute-Wad Madani Department Of Nuclear Medicine For The Following Parameters: Uniformity, Energy Resolution And Physical Inspection Peaking Using Tc99m. The Samples Of This Study For Quality Control Reading Includes 61 (Readings), Extrinsic Uniformity 52, Energy Resolution 9. Were The Data Collected In Period From January To June 2020. All Results That Was Obtained From T...

Evaluation Of Performance Of The SPECT Camera In Elnilien Medical Diagnostic Centre In Khartoum

Abstract The objective of this study is to evaluate the performance of the SPECT gamma camera at Alnilien Medical Diagnostic Centre of Khartoum This study was carried out in Nuclear Medicine Department in Alnelein Medical Diagnostic Centre (NMDC) and the results were compared with the international guidelines. The study evaluates the following parameters: energy resolution, uniformity, sensitivity and linearity All results that obtained from the study have been compared with the accepta...

Evaluation of the Operation system for the hydrometric Measurement stations using Value Engineering

Abstract Integrating Administrative and Engineering Sciences, It has profound effect in Enriching both for the good of mankind, As the value management Approach depends on the Organization of Scientific Steps in order to reach the point of balance between quality, cost and time ,Which invited engineers to exploit and apply this approach during the different phases of the project to achieve this balance in all aspects of technical and administrative project in general. And the Proportion of h...

A comparative Study for Analysis and Classification of the Electronic Passport using Genetic Algorithm and Logistic Regression ( Case study of the Sudanese Electronic Passport)

Abstract For the purpose of comparison of the traditional statistical methods used in analysing and classifying data with a vast amount of information and modern statistical methods computerized to obtain relationships and models that help in extracting useful information and support for decision making and hence the problem of study in how Employing this field in the organization, analysis and classification of such a large amount of data, and the establishment of a general rule concerning ...

Measurement of the Prostate Motion in External Beam Radiotherapy

Abstract: Organ motion in Radiotherapy induce an error in the received dose by the tumour therefore this experimental study conducted at different hospitals in Sudan (Radiation and Isotopes Centres of Khartoum (RICK) and Antalya clinic centre in period of 7 months, from May 2014 to December 2014. The main objective of this study was to detect and measure the periodic physiological prostate motion during external beam radiotherapy (inspiration and expiration) , to accurate and continuous tumo...

Evaluation of Image Quality in Fluoroscopy Machines in Khartoum State

Fluoroscopy refers to the use of an X ray beam and a suitable image receptor for viewing images of processes or instruments in the body in real time. Fluoroscopic imaging trades the high signal to noise ratio (snR) of radiography for high temporal resolution, as factors that maintain patient dose at an acceptable level must be used. The aim of this study was to perform quality control (QC) of image quality for three digital fluoroscopy units used c a r d io va s c ula r a n d interventi...

Assessment of Quality Control of X-ray Mammography Machine in Alnilain Medical Center& Royal Care Hospital

Abstract A systematic approach for assessing critical performance indicators can be achieved through the implementation of a quality assurance (QA) program. The objective of this study was to evaluate the quality control of x-ray mammography machine in two centers, namely: during the period from October to December 2017. The test results were done by quality control tools and image quality tools. Series of tests(specific radiation output, output variation with kVp, output variation with mAs,...

Assessment Of Grid Alignment For X-Ray Units In Khartoum State.

Abstract This study was aimed to assessment of grid alignment for radiology departments in Khartoum state. A total of 15 x-ray units in radiology departments in Khartoum state were tested by grid alignment test tool and the optical density for radiographic film was read by transition densitometer. In this study the final result showed that the percentage of grid misalignment for x-ray machines (66.7%) greater than the grid alignment x-ray machines (33.3%). The final assessment of grid misali...

Assessment Of Radiation Dose During CT Brain

Abstract The purpose of this study to assessment radiation dose of CT scanner on brain by calculate effective dose , then to confirm is there any difference between effective dose of male brain and female brain according to differences at anatomical structure of male brain and female brain , and to determine typical parameter that help to reduce overdose . This study performed in Modern Medical Center , the study showed amount of average effective dose (1.26756002 mSv ± 0.2 mSv ) and it's n...

Evaluation of image quality in digital mammography in Khartoum state

Abstracts: The mammography is examination of x – ray to early detection of the breast cancer. However the delectability of micro calcifications is required high quality image. Thus evaluation of image quality is important. The main objective of this study was to evaluate image quality for full field digital mammography at omer sawey hospital Khartoum state - Sudan. The tests that were performed in this study include: Contrast to noise ratio and spatial resolution. Contrast to noise ratio wa...

Assessment of Radiation Dose Received during Thoracolumbar and Skull Examinations in Red Sea State Medical centers

ABSTRACT The main objective of this study was to assess patient dose during x-ray examination of skull and thoraco-lumbar in Red Sea state Hospitals. The dose received by 146 adult patients was measured using CALDOSE software by entering the parameters: focus to detector distance FDD, mAs , KVP. The result of the study showed that the mean of ESAK were found to be (0.79 ± 0.30) for skull and (0.37 ± 0.2) for thoraco-lumbar. The INAK were found to be (0.52 ± 0.14) for thoracic lumbar and (...

16 - 30 Of 78 Results