Microbiology Research Papers/Topics

Extended Spectrum Beta-lactamaseproducing Bacteria: Molecular Studies And Effects Of Medicinal Plants

ABSTRACT   Molecular studies of ESβL-producing bacteria isolated from clinical samples was determined as well as the effects of medicinal plants on the isolates. The study was conducted from September 2013 to September 2015. A total of 480 bacterial isolates (250 from urine, 110 from wound swab & 120 from HVS & US)  were used. The knowledge, attitude and practices (KAP) of health workers in Imo State towards multiple antibiotic resistant bacterial isolates and extended spectrum beta-lacta...

Characterization of antimicrobial resistant pseudomonas spp. And other bacteria from infected wound

ABSTRACT Background: Wound infections mostly caused by Pseudomonas are on the increase in hospitals in Ghana. Most of these infected wounds are very difficult to treat with available antibiotics. This failure of treatment has resulted in increased need for healthcare, undue financial burden on both hospitals and patients and finally death of many of these patients. This has become a source of worry for both patients and healthcare providers in Ghana. General Aim: The main aim of this study w...

Extraction, Purification, Characterization And Bioactivities Of Polysaccharides Isolated From Selected Namibian Mushrooms

Abstract Mushrooms are considered as one of the notable functional foods for human consumption that have been cultivated and gathered for hundreds of years. The usage of mushrooms has expanded to a wide extent not only as food but also in the area of pharmaceuticals and nutraceuticals. In particular, mushrooms have been appreciated and consumed for both their nutritional value and medicinal properties. Bioactive molecules, particularly polysaccharides (PS) from mushrooms have been the subject...

The Mycobacterium smegmatis 'Proteome': Effect of Growth Phase on Total Protein Synthesis and on the Response to Heat Shock

Abstract As an initial step towards characterisation of the molecular processes that define the phenotype of the mycobacterial stationary phase, the effect of growth phase of Mycobacterium smegmatis on total protein synthesis and on the heat shock response was investigated. De novo protein synthesis was monitored by labelling with 35 [S]methionine and the protein expression profiles analysed using one- and/two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis , autoradiography , and/or immunoblo...

Plasmid Profile, Methicillin Resistance Determinants And Characterisation Of Staphylococcus Species Isolated From Clinical And Community Environments

ABSTRACT Methicillin-resistant staphylococcus (MRS) infections are of global concern in healthcare institutions and community settings with significant morbidity and mortality due to multidrug resistance challenges. In Nigeria, most methicillin resistance detection was based on phenotypic method with scanty reports on molecular characterisation of MRS. In this study, molecular techniques were used to determine the presence of methicillin resistant gene (mecA) with its associated resistance de...

Plasmid Profile, Methicillin Resistance Determinants And Characterisation Of Staphylococcus Species Isolated From Clinical And Community Environments In Ibadan

ABSTRACT Methicillin-resistant staphylococcus (MRS) infections are of global concern in healthcare institutions and community settings with significant morbidity and mortality due to multidrug resistance challenges. In Nigeria, most methicillin resistance detection was based on phenotypic method with scanty reports on molecular characterisation of MRS. In this study, molecular techniques were used to determine the presence of methicillin resistant gene (mecA) with its associated resistance de...

Physiological Studies On Bacillus Species Isolated Erom Fermented African Locust Bean

A B S T R A C T The physiological activities of Bacillus species that ferment African locust bean (Parkia biqlobosa (Jacq.) BenthJ to produce ' iru1 were investigated. The strains studied belong to the B. subtillis group and Were designated BS1 , BS2, BS3, BLl, BL2, BL4 and BP2. These seven strains showed significant differences (at c* = 0.05) in gtowth and extracellular proteinases production. The following (defecending) Order was obtained for the growth of the organisms in liquid medium: BS...

Performance Characteristics Of Fungal Degraded Rice Bran And Palm Kernel Cake Substituted In Clarias Gariepinus Feeds

ABSTRACT Fish farming enterprise has increased in recent times due to public demand for fish protein. However, rising costs of fish feed ingredients have greatly reduced the profit margin of local fish farmers. Cheap, readily available and locally sourced ingredients may be better substitutes to the costly fish feeds. The aim of this study was to evaluate the performance of fermented Palm Kernel Cake (PKC) and Rice Bran (RB) as substitutes in the diet of Clarias gariepinus. Fungi were isolate...

Diversity And Distribution Of Tylosema Esculentum (Marama Bean) Endophytic Bacteria Communities In Omitara, Harnas And Otjinene, Eastern Namibia

ABSTRACT Tylosema esculentum is a nutritious drought avoiding plant endemic to the Kalahari Desert. Our study assessed the density, diversity and distribution of endophytic microbial community structures associated with leaves, stems and tuberous roots of T. esculentum in Eastern Namibia. Culture-dependent and PCR-based 454 pyrosequencing methods were used. ANOVA with pairwise comparison revealed a significant difference in bacterial density between below and above ground. Endophytic bacteri...

Application Of Bioaugmentation To Improve Nitrification At The Gammams Wastewater Treatment Plant

Abstract Namibia is among the driest countries in the world, and with the current drought that the country is experiencing, there is a greater need to provide drinking water not only to Windhoek, but the greater Nation at large. The Gammams Wastewater Treatment Plant, which is responsible for treating domestic and some industrial wastewater, regularly experiences toxic pluses that result in the inhibition of nitrification in the activated sludge process, leading to poor removal of ammonia. T...

Raffinose Metabolism And Utilisation By L. Plantarum Isolated From Indigenously Fermented Cereal Gruels For Nutritional Improvement

ABSTRACT Most African foods used in weaning are usually cereal-based gruels fermented by Lactic Acid Bacteria (LAB). The food mainly supplies carbohydrate; excessive intake of which might cause malnutrition in growing children. Minimum dietary requirements of a child could be met through fortification with protein-rich supplements. Soybean is rich in dietary protein but contains some antinutritional factors and raffinose, an oligosaccharide responsible for gas formation, bloating and flatulen...

Cytokine profiles and antibody responses to Plasmodium falciparum malaria infection in individuals living in Ibadan, southwest Nigeria

Abstract Background: The ability of the host immune system to efficiently clear Plasmodium falciparum parasites during a malaria infection depends on the type of immune response mounted by the host. Study design: In a cross-sectional study, we investigated the cellular-and antibody responses in individuals with P. falciparum infection, in an attempt to identify immunological signs indicative of the development of natural immunity against malaria in Ibadan, Nigeria. Levels of IL-10, IL-12(p70)...

Assessment Of The Prevalence Of Pathogenic Bacteria In Street Vended Ready-To-Eat Meats In Windhoek, Namibia

ABSTRACT While street vended ready-to-eat meats provide a source of readily available and nutritious meals for the consumers, there is a concern for their safety and microbiological quality. The prevalence of E. coli, Salmonella, Shigella, L. monocytogenes, S. aureus and Enterobacteriaceae was assessed in a total of 96 street vended ready-to-eat meat samples collected from Windhoek locations, namely, Katutura, Prosperita and Dorado Park. Selective media was used to assess aerobic plate count...

Isolation And Characterization Of Bifidobacteria Populations In Infants In The Khomas Region, Namibia

ABSTRACT Bacteria belonging to the genus bifidobacteria are reported to be the most abundant gut endosymbiotic flora in the intestinal tract of new-born infants, particularly those that have been exclusively breast-fed. This high concentration of this gram-positive anaerobic bacteria has been attributed to the prebiotic and bifidogenic factors present in human breast milk. Currently, there is limited information on the presence of bifidobacteri aspecies in Namibia. The aims of this study wer...

Isolation And Characterization Of Vigna Unguiculata Nodule Symbionts And Evaluating Cowpea Yield In Response To Bioinoculants In The Kavango Region.

Abstract The Kavango region is extensively involved in agriculture and is also known to be dominated by sandy arenosols. The bad soils in the region, which have poor nutrients and water holding capacity, combined with climate change have contributed to the reduction in yield of most crops grown in the area. One of the aims of this study was to isolate and identify cowpea nodule symbionts from soils in the Kavango Region while the other was to determine cowpeas’ response to bio-inoculants b...

271 - 285 Of 600 Results