Molecular Biology and Biotechnology Research Papers/Topics

Prevalence And Susceptibility Of Uropathogens Causing Urinary Tract Infections In Patients Presenting At Masvingo General Hospital

ABSTRACT Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs) are a serious problem globally and are some of the most common diseases encountered in medical practice today. Despite the widespread availability of antibiotics, UTIs remain a problem because of antimicrobial resistance. Antimicrobial susceptibility testing therefore provides information that allows physicians to select the most appropriate antibiotics for UTIs. This study was carried out to: (i) determine the prevalence of UTIs among patients present...

The Effect Of Osmotic Stress And Hspi2 On Passive And Active Transport In The Yeast

ABSTRACT The yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae is used extensively in many important industrial applications that often expose these organisms to a range of stresses. Consequently, a considerable amount research has focused on understanding the nature of stress response in yeast and the development of more stress resistant yeast. The stress protein Hsp12 has since garnered interest, as it is upregulated in response to a wide variety of environmental stresses. Using an Hsp12-GFP construct, we con...

Interactions Of Antimicrobial Compound With Selected Drugs Used In The Clinical Management Of Sickle Cell Disease

ABSTRACT Though the promotion of resistant bacteria worldwide has mainly been attributed to the injudicious use of many antibiotics, the role of non-antimicrobial drugs used in the clinical management of pathological conditions of non-infectious diseases in the modulation of microbial drug resistance or susceptibility needs to be assessed. The effects of the antibioticnon- antibiotic drug-drug interactions against bacteria in SCD patients and in other chronic diseases cannot be overemphasized...

Isolation And Characterization Of Haemophilus Ducreyi Strains From Children With Cutaneous Lesions In Yaws Endemic Regions, Ghana

ABSTRACT Recent discovery of cutaneous H. ducreyi has complicated the epidemiology of Yaws in endemic countries. Yaws and H. ducreyi ulcers are clinically indistinguishable from each other and some other causes of skin ulcerations. The aim of the study was to isolate and characterize H. ducreyi strains from lesions of children in yaws-endemic areas. Symptomatic patients were first screened with Dual Path Platform (DPP-RDT) Syphilis Screen & Confirm test kit (Chembio, Medford, New York) for ya...

Detection Of Crimean-Congo Haemorrhagic Fever Virus (Cchfv) In Ticks Collected From Livestock In Ghana

ABSTRACT Crimean-Congo haemorrhagic fever virus (CCHFV) is an arbovirus which belongs to the Crimean-Congo haemorrhagic fever serogroup. It belongs to the viral family, Nairoviridae and genus, Orthonairovirus. Crimean-Congo haemorrhagic fever serogroup and Nairobi sheep disease serogroup both fall under this genus. Viruses from these two serogroups are pathogenic to humans and animals respectively, and therefore have a significant economic impact. Tick species of three genera are known to tra...

Investigating Conditions That Modulate Pyrazinamide Susceptibility In Mycobacterium Tuberculosis

ABSTRACT Tuberculosis (TB) remains one of the major life threatening infectious diseases of public health concern globally. Its treatment is long and complex, requiring a cocktail of four drugs administered for six months. Pyrazinamide (PZA) is a cornerstone drug in the treatment regimen for tuberculosis that has contributed to reducing the treatment time from nine to six months. PZA is a pro-drug that is converted to its active form, pyrazinoic acid (POA) by the bacterial enzyme nicotinamida...

Copy Number Variation Of Gtp Cyclohydrolase 1 (Gch1) Gene And Its Impact On Antifolate Drug Resistance Of Plasmodium Falciparum In Ghana

ABSTRACT As part of the malaria control measures in Ghana, sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine (SP) is used as an Intermittent Preventive Treatment (IPTp) among pregnant women and now as a seasonal chemoprophylaxis (SMC) in children on pilot basis. However, parasite resistance to the drug has been reported in the country and this has been linked to point mutations in the dhps (dihydroptoreate synthase) and dhfr (dihydrofolate reductase) genes, the targets of SP. There is also an evidence of amplificati...

Electrolite Imbalance in Type 2 Diabetics

CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background Of Study The prevalence of diabetes is increasing rapidly and electrolyte disturbances are common in patients with diabetes. According to World Health Organization, over 1.4 Nigerians are diabetic in 2017. Diabetes can be defined as a disease condition in which the body’s ability to produce or respond to the hormone insulin is impaired, resulting in abnormal metabolism of carbohydrates and elevated levels of glucose in the blood. They are two major ...

In Vitro Mechanistic Study of Anti-Leishmanial Activity of Novel Tetracyclic Iridoid Compounds Isolated from Morinda Lucida

ABSTRACT Leishmaniasis is widely considered among neglected tropical disease and threatens about 350 million people globally. In spite of advances in drug discovery, high toxicity, and drug resistance limits current drugs. With current emphasizes on use of medicinal plants worldwide, three novel tetracyclic iridoids, Molucidin, ML-2-3 and ML-F52 were identified from Morinda lucida, a medicinal plant, to have anti-trypanosomal activity. This study sought to determine the activity of irido...

The Role Of Natural Antioxidants In The Attenuation Of Mycolactone Toxicity In Buruli Ulcer Disease

ABSTRACT Mycobacterium ulcerans’ mycolactone, is reported to mediate the production of ROS in keratinocytes; cells that play critical role in wound healing. The key stimulatory function of macrophages in the production of keratinocytes and fibroblasts during wound healing may also be impaired by mycolactone-mediated ROS. To ensure regeneration of tissues with proper and timely healing of the wounds, antioxidants that can combat the effects of ROS ought to be investigated. This study was the...

Genetic Diversity Of Mycolactone Producing Mycobacteria Causing Buruli Ulcer In Ghana And Côte D’ivoire

ABSTRACT Buruli ulcer remains a neglected tropical disease endemic in Africa especially Ghana and Côte d’Ivoire. It is a necrotizing skin and soft tissue infection caused by Mycobacterium ulcerans which produces mycolactone which causes adverse effects associated with disease in humans. Other mycolactone producing bacteria (MPMs) have been identified to cause granulomas in fish and frog. There are limited advanced genetic tools for studying transmission of the diseases and for carrying out...

Genetic Markers Associated With Striga Gesnerioides Resistance And Seed Sizes In Cowpea [Vigna Unguiculata (L.) Walp.] Inbred Lines

ABSTRACT Production of cowpea is severely hampered by different races of the parasitic weed, Striga gesnerioides. Cultivation of Striga-resistant cowpea is the most reliable protocol to effectively combat the parasite. The current study reported the identification of genetic markers associated with multi-race-Striga resistance and seed size across the genome of cowpea RIL populations. The landrace GH3684 from Ghana was tested for resistance against all known races of Striga gesnerioides in ...


ABSTRACT The effect of composting substrates prepared from four agricultural wastes: corn cob, oil palm fruit fibre, rice husk and sawdust on growth, yield and nutrient content of oyster mushroom, Pleurotus ostreatus, (Jacq. ex Fr.) Kumer was investigated. One set of the substrates was decomposed and the other set was not. The mother spawn, obtained from oyster mushroom fruit body tissues and spores from two sources and a spawn from a third source, cultured on Potato Dextrose Agar medium grew...


ABSTRACT Buruli ulcer is caused by mycolactone, a toxin produced by Mycobacterium ulcerans. Drug development for the treatment of the disease and early diagnosis is greatly hampered by the lipid nature of the mycolactone and bacterial resistance to currently used antimycobacterials. Kombucha tea is a health drink consumed worldwide. Research has shown that Kombucha exerts medicinal properties including enhanced wound healing and antimicrobial activity. This study was aimed at characterizing t...


ABSTRACT Majority of life-threatening fungal infections in clinics are caused by Candida albicans. The emergence of azole resistance in fungi complicates patient management. In response to chemical stress, C. albicans make transient changes in the gene expression for survival. Notable among these is the upregulation of efflux pump which is known to be the main mechanism of antifungal resistance. Potent therapeutic agents targeting this resistance mechanism are urgently needed. Chemo-sensitiza...

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