Statistics Research Papers/Topics

On the generation of new generalized families of distributions with applications

Abstract: In this thesis, new generalized families of distributions namely, Weibull Odd Burr III-G (WOBIII-G), Ristic-Balakhrishnan Odd Burr III-G (RBOBIII-G), Risti ´ c-´ Balakhrishnan Marshall-Olkin-G (RBMO-G), Exponentiated Half-Logistc Odd Burr III-G (EHL-OBIII-G) and Half-Logistic Odd Power Generalized Weibull-G (HLOPGW G) families of distributions are developed and studied in detail. Furthermore, the mathematical and statistical properties of these new families of distributions such ...

The type II Topp-Leone-G power series distribution with applications on bladder cancer

Abstract: Statistical distributions are important in modeling the real life of an item and therefore proper distributions that provide useful information for sound conclusions and decisions are needed. For that reason, the demand for developing new generalized distributions have become appropriate for data that have both monotonic and non-monotonic hazard rate functions. In this paper, we develop a new distribution called the Type IITopp-Leone-G Power Series (TIITLGPS) distribution by compou...

The burr-weibull power series class of distributions

Abstract: A new generalized class of distributions called the Burr-Weibull Power Series (BWPS) class of distributions is developed and explored. This class of distributions generalizes the Burr power series and Weibull power series classes of distributions, respectively. A special model of the BWPS class of distributions, the new Burr-Weibull Poisson (BWP) distribution is considered and some of its mathematical properties are obtained. The BWP distribution contains several new and well known...

The Topp Leone-G Power Series class of distributions with applications

Abstract: We present a new class of distributions called the Topp-Leone-G Power Series (TL-GPS) class of distributions. This model is obtained by compounding the Topp-Leone-G distribution with the power series distribution. Statistical prop erties of the TL-GPS class of distributions are obtained. Maximum likelihood estimates for the proposed model were obtained. A simulation study is carried out for the special case of Topp-Leone Log-Logistic Poisson distribution to assess the performance o...

An interaction model between Cotesia flavipes and Cotesia sesamiae, parasitoids of the gramineous stem-borers at the Kenya Coast

Abstract: One of the greatest challenges facing the people of sub-Saharan Africa is the production of sufficient food to feed a rapidly increasing population in the face of dwindling finances. As the population grows at 3% and food production at 2% per annum, an annual shortage of 250 million tons of food is expected by year 2020. The greatest obstacle to increasing the production of maize and sorghum, the staple food in many African communities south of the Sahara, is damage by phytophagous...

The Statistical Analysis on Road Traffic Accidents in Nigeria

ABSTRACT  Biologically, every living thing has a general property. One of these properties is movement. As a result of this movement, some hazard can occur. One of these hazards is accident. Generally, in Nigeria, the major mode of movement is by road. Road accident has become a major threat to lives of citizens of the country especially during the festive period. The increasing magnitude of fatal road traffic accident globally has been attributed to population explosion and increased leve...


ABSTRACTAIDS is an acronym for acquired immune deficiency syndrome it cause a destruction of the immune system. It is the most advance stage of HIV viruses (Human Immune deficiency syndrome Virus). This research work is carried out to determine the relationship between male and female HIV patient using data collected from National Tuberclosis and Leprosy training centre Says Zaria. The model arrived in this research. It shows a linear trend model for the male patients Yt=2038 -55.4,364*t show...

Determinants of Child Mortality and Morbidity in South Sudan.

ABSTRACT  The main objective of this study was to examine factors associated with childhood mortality and morbidity in South Sudan. The specific objectives were to establish childhood mortality, examine the effect of childhood factors on morbidity as well as examining the contribution of mother factors on childhood mortality and morbidity. The study used both descriptive and inferential analysis using secondary data from Second South Sudan household health survey (SSHHS2). Using univariate, ...

Determinants of Child Mortality and Morbidity in South Sudan

ABSTRACT  The main objective of this study was to examine factors associated with childhood mortality and morbidity in South Sudan. The specific objectives were to establish childhood mortality, examine the effect of childhood factors on morbidity as well as examining the contribution of mother factors on childhood mortality and morbidity. The study used both descriptive and inferential analysis using secondary data from Second South Sudan household health survey (SSHHS2). Using univariate, ...

Multivariate Approach to Time Series Model Identification

ABSTRACT  This work suggests an exact and systematic model identification approach which is entirely new and addresses most of the challenges of existing methods. We developed quadratic discriminant functions for various orders of autoregressive moving average (ARMA) models. An Algorithm that is to be used alongside our functions was also developed. In achieving this, three hundred sets of time series data were simulated for the development of our functions. Another twenty five sets of simul...

Five Child-killer Diseases and Under-five Mortality in Yola Adamawa State, Nigeria (2001-2015)

Abstract The study was set out to investigate the prevalence of the five-child killer diseases and its cause effect on under-five mortality. It was driven by four major objectives; Determining the prevalence rate of the five child-killer diseases; Determining the proportion of mortality due to the five child-lciller diseases to the total under-five mortality in the studying area; Examining the correlation between the five child-killer diseases and under-five mortality and Determining the caus...

A Non-Linear Regime Switching Models in Financial Series with Two Regimes

ABSTRACT In this study, two economic series which have changes in regimes were considered. Models considered for the two series are Simple Switching Mixture (SSM) model and Markov Switching Autoregressive (MS-AR) model. Predictions of future transition regime probabilities were performed using the Hamilton filter of m-period transition matrix for MS-AR model, while, the two state ergodic m-step ahead transitions probabilities for SSM model. Subsequently, forecast evaluation measures for the t...

Seven-Factor Central Composite Design Robust to a Pair of Missing Observations

ABSTRACT In this work, the seven-factor central composite design () is studied in respect of a pair of missing values using the minimax loss criterion. It was observed empirically that seven-factor central composite design with k = 7 , = 128 f n , = 14 a n , = 3 c n and n = 145 is robust at a = 2.6 and variance robust at a = 2.45. We also observed that the loss effect of missing a pair of factorial points is a decreasing function of increasing a , while the loss effect of a pair of axial poin...

Integer Programming approach to Staff Scheduling of Resource Persons to a Polytechnic: A case study of NBTE’s Accreditation team

Abstract In this work,we applied an Integer Programmingapproach to schedulingof resource persons on National Board for Technical Education (NBTE) accreditation team to a Polytechnic. The level of compliance of the institution to national minimum benchmark for academic standards with respect tostaff mix was deduced.The use of Integer Programming approach and Lingo software in solving the model developed, resulted in considerable drop in accreditation cost from four million, seven hundred and f...

Methodological Models for Optimal Control of Marine Oil Spill

Abstract The frequency of accidental discharge of oil into aquatic environment has presented a significant threat to marine biota with related adverse effects on the supply of products and services of importance to human cultures. This threat of economic and environmental devastation led to the development of a number of monitoring and clean-up alternatives such as remote sensing and chemical dispersants, respective. This study proposed a new possible research direction in marine oil spill mo...

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