Statistics Research Papers/Topics

On Optimal Complete Replicated Rotatable, Orthogonal, Efficient and Relative Efficient Central Composite Designs

ABSTRACT Replication is the repetition of the treatments under investigation to different experimental unit. Replication is essential for obtaining a valid estimate of the experimental error and to a greater extent, increasing the precision of estimating the pairwise difference among the treatment effects. It is on this note that when full replication (replication of cube and star point) is made, there exists need for optimal replication for the purpose of minimizing biasedness. Some variatio...

On Equal Predictive Ability and Parallelism of Self-Exciting Threshold Autoregressive Model

Abstract Several authors have developed statistical procedures for testing whether two models are similar. In this work, we not only present the notion of equivalence but also extend this to a measure of predictive ability of a time series following a stationary self-exciting threshold autoregressive (SETAR) process. A proposition and a lemma were used to join the structure of the predictability measure to the coefficients and sample autocorrelation of the SETAR process. Illustrative examples...

Agricultural Production and Economic Growth in Somalia from 1986 to 2016

ABSTRACT The study aimed at examining the effect of agricultural production on economic growth in Somalia from the period of 1986 to 2016 using time series data. Specifically, the study examined the causality and the effect of agricultural production on GDP growth. The objective was motivated by the fact that the problem statement emphasized that agricultural production has not yielded expected economic growth in Somalia. The study hypothesized that no casualty between agricultural production...

Determinants of Maternal Mortality of Somalia in the Period 1990 to 2012

ABSTRACT This study investigated the influence of gross domestic product per capita, total fertility rate and HIV/AIDS prevalence rate (termed as determinants) on maternal mortality of Somalia in the period 1990-2012. This model is dedicated from demographic transition theory-derived from modernization theory. Secondary data between 1990 and 2012 inclusive collected from the publications of United Nations Statistics Division (UNSD) and World Health Organization (WHO) was used for this study. ...

Population Growth and Youth Unemployment in Somalia (1991-2017)

ABSTRACT he purpose of the study was to investigate the relationship between the population growth and youth unemployment in Somalia. The specific objectives of the study were; to examine the long-run relationship, causation, and effect of population growth on youth unemployment rate. The study used a descriptive, correlation and longitudinal design and only employed the Quantitative research approach. L~ie study was carried out using secondary 4ata collected from 1991 to 2017. Augmented Dick...

Health Service Delivery and Maternal Survival at Banadir Hospitals for 2001 — 2010 in Mogadishu, Somalia

Abstract This study was set out to establish the relationship between health service delivery and maternal survival at Banadir hospitals for 2001 up to 2010 in Mogadishu, Somalia the study wanted to establish the foUowing to determine the trend and level of health service delivery for 2001 to 2010 at Banadir Hospitals, to establish the trend and the level of maternal survival-for 2001 to 2010 at Banadir Hospitals, and to investigate the relationship between the health service delivery and mat...

Population Growth and Youth Unemployment in Uganda (1991-2014)

ABSTRACT  This study was motivated by the fact the Uganda has one of the fastest population growth rates in the world accompanied by high unemployment rates thus the study aimed at investigating the relationship between population growth rates and youth unemployment in Uganda (1991 to 2014). The specific objectives of the study were; to find out the long run relationship between the population growth rate and youth unemployment rate in Uganda, to examine the causality between population grow...

Resource Availabilty and Maternal Mortality in Budaka District, Uganda 2005-2011

ABSTRACT  This study was set to investigate the relationship between resource availability and maternal mortality in Budaka District, Uganda from 2005 to 2011. The study basically examined secondary data. It was also a descriptive-correlation since it sought to examine the relationship between the independent variables (resource availability) and the dependent variable (maternal mortality). The population of this study was the records on the variables of the study from 2005 to 2011. The stud...

Assessing the Effects of Geographical Expansion of Consumer Price Index on Inflation in Uganda

ABSTRACT  This study details the effects of increasing Consumer Price Index (‘CPI,) geographical coverage on inflation in the country. The study looked at the level 0/significance of Headline inflation and its related components, bejbre and a/icr geographical coverage increment. A comparison ofanalytical results obtained with two diffrreni CPI coverage, inflation numbers with Fort Portal Centre included in the computations and inflation numbers without Fort Portal Centre. The study applied...

Private Sector Investment and Economic Growth in Uganda (1985-2014)

ABSTRACT The study aimed at examining the effect of private sector investment on economic growth in Uganda from the period of 1985 to 2014 using time series data. Specifically, the study examined the casuality, the long-run relationship between private sector investment and economic growth and also the impact of private sector investment on GDP growth. The objective was motivated by the fact that the problem statement emphasized that private sector investment has not yielded expected economic...

Economic Growth and Child Mortality in Uganda (1990 — 2010)

TABLE OF CONTENTS Declaration A Declaration B ii Acknowledgement iii Dedication iv Abstract v Page Acronyms 1 Chapter One THE PROBLEM AND ITS SCOPE 2 Background of the Study 2 Statement of the Problem 5 Purpose of the Study 6 Research Objectives 6 Research Questions 6 Hypothesis 6 Scope 7 Significance of the Study 8 Operational Definitions of Key Terms 9 Two REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE 10 Concepts, Ideas, Opinions from Authors/Experts io Theoretical Perspectives 16 Related Studies 17 Three M...

Population Growth and Youth Unemployment in Uganda (1991-2014)

ABSTRACT This study was motivated by the fact the Uganda has one of the fastest population growth rates in the world accompanied by high unemployment rates thus the study aimed at investigating the relationship between population growth rates and youth unemployment in Uganda (1991 to 2014). The specific objectives of the study were; to find out the long run relationship between the population growth rate and youth unemployment rate in Uganda, to examine the causality between population growth...

Population Growth and Youth Unemployment in Somalia (1991-2017)

ABSTRACT The purpose of the study was to investigate the effect of population growth on youth unemployment in Somalia from 1991 to 2016. The specific objectives of the study was to examine the long-run relationship, causation, and effect of population growth on youth unemployment rate. The study used crosssectional and longitudinal research design for the data obtained from World Bank where stationarity test was conducted using ADF tests prior to estimation. Unemployment,Gdp growth, populatio...

Effect Of Mortality, Fertility and Net Migration on Population Growth in Uganda (1985-2015)

ABSTRACT The study aimed at examining the effect of mortality rate fertility rate and net migration on population growth in Uganda from the period of 1985 to 2015 using time series data. Specifically, the study aimed at examining how each of these variables affects population growth. The objectives were; to examine the relationship between mortality rate and population growth rate in Uganda, to determine the relationship between fertility rate and population growth rate in Uganda are and to a...

Banking Competition A Comparative Study on Stanbic Bank And Centenary Bank Uganda (2005-2011)

TABLE OF CONTENTSDECLARATIONAPPROVALACKNOWLEDGMENTSLIST OF TABLESLIST OF FIGURES LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS CHAPTER ONE1.0 INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................................... 11.1 HISTORICAL BACKGROUND ........................................................................................... 11.1.1 Centenary Rural Development bank (CERUDEB) ..................................................................

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