Natural & Applied Sciences

Natural & Applied Sciences Research Papers/Topics

Global System for Mobile Communication (Gsm) Subscription Fraud Detection System Using Artificial Neural Network Technique

ABSTRACT This project is concerned with GSM subscription fraud detection system using artificial neural network technique. Fraud is a multi-billion problem around the globe with huge loss of revenue. Fraud can affect the credibility and performance of telecommunication companies. The most difficult problem that faces the industry is the fact that fraud is dynamic, which means that whenever fraudsters feel that they will be detected, they device other ways to circumvent security measures. In s...

Five Child-killer Diseases and Under-five Mortality in Yola Adamawa State, Nigeria (2001-2015)

Abstract The study was set out to investigate the prevalence of the five-child killer diseases and its cause effect on under-five mortality. It was driven by four major objectives; Determining the prevalence rate of the five child-killer diseases; Determining the proportion of mortality due to the five child-lciller diseases to the total under-five mortality in the studying area; Examining the correlation between the five child-killer diseases and under-five mortality and Determining the caus...

Food Craving and Aversion Among First Time Pregnant Women in Selected Health Facilities in Enugu Metropolis Enugu State

ABSTRACT This study was aimed at examining the food craving and aversion among first time pregnant women in selected health facilities in Enugu metropolis. The objectives of this study were to determine the type of food first time pregnant women crave for or have aversion to, identify their reasons for their specific food craving and aversion, determine the first time pregnant women’s awareness of the implication of food craving and aversion in pregnancy and to identify measures taken by fi...

Study of Mechanical, Physico-Chemical and Sensory Properties of Products from Four Cassava Varieties

ABSTRACT Four varieties of cassava, namely: 91/02324, 97/4779, 98/2101 and NR87184 were processed into chips (30 x 2.0 x3.0 mm), ‘abacha shreds (0.80, 1.0, 1.6 mm thick) ‘abacha’ slices (0.5 mm x 60 mm) and gari. Part of the chips was processed into ‘abacha’ slices and gari to compare the products with those made from fresh roots. The mechanical properties of the products, the hydration kinetics of the chips and the ‘abacha’ shreds as well as the chemical, functional, rheologica...

A Non-Linear Regime Switching Models in Financial Series with Two Regimes

ABSTRACT In this study, two economic series which have changes in regimes were considered. Models considered for the two series are Simple Switching Mixture (SSM) model and Markov Switching Autoregressive (MS-AR) model. Predictions of future transition regime probabilities were performed using the Hamilton filter of m-period transition matrix for MS-AR model, while, the two state ergodic m-step ahead transitions probabilities for SSM model. Subsequently, forecast evaluation measures for the t...

Investigation of Magnetic Anomalies of Chibok and Damboa Areas in North Eastern Nigeria, Using High Resolution Aeromagnetic Data

ABSTRACT The aeromagnetic data of Chibok (sheet 134) and Damboa (sheet 112) areas, southern Chad basin were interpreted qualitatively and quantitatively. Spectral Analysis, Source Parameter Imaging (SPI), Standard Euler deconvolution, Forward and Inverse modelling methods were used in the quantitative interpretation with the aim of determining depth to the magnetic source bodies, magnetic susceptibilities and the possible mineralization in the area. Oasis Montaj 6.4.2, WinGlink 1.62.08, Surfe...

Framework of a Clinical Decision Support System for Diagnosis of Type 1 Diabetes

ABSTRACT Diabetes is one of the most prevalent chronic mellitus which occurs when blood glucose (sugar) increases more than normal. Diabetes management has been playing an important role on preventing or delaying occurrence of the life threatening diabetes complications. By providing a roaming operation environment, internet healthcare technologies can bring efficiencies and convenience to both diabetics and relative medics on diabetes management. The remote monitoring of patients is consider...

Project Report for Design of a Website for Abacus Tours Uganda

ABSTRACT The speed at which tourism industry growing in Uganda, East Africa and Africa as a whole has created need to extensively advertise to the rest of the world through internet based advertising. This project therefore was to develop a web solution for Abacus tours Uganda. Our study has established that unlike all other forms of advertising (Electronic and print media and word of mouth), the internet based advertising commands a wider coverage is more appealing to the user and is less ex...

Information Website Kampala International University Accommodation Service Providers

ABSTRACT This research project was conducted to avail a centralized source of information concerning accommodation services provided by private hostels and other rental buildings for Kampala International University members. Current accommodations services provide by the university are limited. The research involved establishing the information one need to facilitate acquiring of these services by any individual of Kampala international University at any given time any where. This research ap...

Effect of Smoking and Oven-Drying on Shelf Stability and Sensory Properties of Atlantic Mackerel Fish Fillets (Scomboromorus Scombrus)

ABSTRACT The work was carried out to determine the effectiveness of smoking and oven drying on the shelf stability and sensory characteristics of Atlantic mackerel fish fillets during storage. In the study, mackerel fish was eviscerated and cut into fillets, weighed and measured, cleaned and dipped in 75% saturated brine for 1 minute. It was smoked at a temperature of 60-70oC for 4hours. Products were then divided into four (4) batches after smoking and cooling. One batch was kept at room tem...

Optical, Solid State and Structural Characterization of Optimized Grown Thin Films and Their Possible Applications in Solar Energy

ABSTRACT Solution growth technique was used to deposit thin films of Manganese Suphide (MnS), Calcium Sulphide (CaS), Magnesium Sulphide (MgS), Barium Sulphide (Bas), Zinc Fluoride (ZnFz) and Calcium Oxide (CaO) on micro-slides (Substrates) at different bath parameters which include temperature, molarity of solution, Volume of solution and water, time of d.eposition and pH. The absorbance, A was measured using spectrophotometer ranging from ultraviolet to visible regions. The Transmittance, T...

Evaluation of Nutraceutical Potentials of “Atama” (Heinsia Crinata) and “Uchakoro” (Vitex Doniana) Leaves

ABSTRACT Extracts and powders produced from the leaves of two indigenous vegetables – ‘atama’ (Heinsia crinata) and ‘uchakoro’ (Vitex doniana) were evaluated. Four groups of processes were applied on the vegetables to obtain the samples: blanching, oven drying and milling; oven drying and milling; steam blanching, wet-milling, filtration, and fermentation; fermentation, wet-milling and filtration. After, a preliminary study to evaluate the antinutritional factors at different interv...

Decision Support System for Finding the Shortest Path to a Destination

ABSTRACT This study is concerned with the design of a Decision Support System for finding the Shortest path to a destination. The objectives of the study is to determine the optimal shortest/fastest path to a given destination or optimal shortest distance/fastest time to a given destination amongst others. The shortest path algorithm used is Dijkstra’s algorithm with finite nodes in the road network for optimum performance. Hence, the system developed in this study, seeks for an optimal sol...

A Hydro chemical Study of the Brine Fields of Awe, Keana and Giza Areas, Middle Benue Trough, Nigeria

ABSTRACT This research work presents findings of the extent and distributions of saline zone and the hydrochemical characteristics of the groundwater of Awe, Keana and Giza areas in the Middle Benue Trough of Nigeria.Staticwater levels(swl) of hand dug wells were measured andthe results used to generate hydraulic head data and hydraulichead map. The static water levels range from 1.0m to 13.5m at Awe, 1.0m to 4.5m at Keana and 2.2m to 9.2m at Giza. The hydraulic head maps for the three areas ...

The Role of Diagenetic Water in the Migration of Petroleum: A Case Study of Micaceous Shales in the Lower Benue Trough, South-Eastern Nigeria

ABSTRACT The role of water in petroleum migration has hitherto been grossly underplayed because of the unsuccessful search for a model that demonstrates the movement of water and hydrocarbons combined in a single phase, It appears, however, that many of the alternative mechanisms that have been favoured also require the availability and movement of large quantities of water at great depths for their efficiency. For example in models that favour continuous oil phase during migration, excessive...

1666 - 1680 Of 8856 Results