Natural & Applied Sciences

Natural & Applied Sciences Research Papers/Topics

Design And Implementation Of A Responsive Secure Student Case Grading System For An Academic Affairs Directorate In A University.

ABSTRACT:Online semester defer application system is basically customized to the directorate of academic affairs in any university. Students are expected to log into the university’s website and apply for semester or year they would wish to defer by filling an application form. Thereafter the director of academic affairs who is solely responsible for approving students applications retrieves their respective details from the university’s database and verifies as to whe...

Information System For Air Security In Uganda Casestudy: Entebbe International Airport

Abstract This research project consists of five chapters, background of study, literature review, system study and investigation, implementation and discussion, conclusion and recommendations. Chapter one consists of the introduction, background to the study, problem statement, objectives, research questions, the scope of the study, significance and justification. The literature review comprises of the information system, related system, management information system, data base and conclusion...

An Online Health Insurance Management System Case Study: Mengo Hospital

TABLE OF CONTENTS DECLARATION APPROVAL ii DEDICATION iii ACKNOWLEDGMENTS iv TABLE OF CONTENTS v LIST OF FIGURES viii LIST OF TABLES ix ABBREVIATIONS x CHAPTER ONE 1 INTRODUCTION 1 1.0 Background 1 1.1 Research Questions 1 1.2 Problems Statement 1 1.3 Main objective of the Project 2 1.4 Specific Objective 2 1.5 Justification of the Study 2 1.6 Scope 3 1.6.1 Academic scope 3 1.6.2 Time Scope 3 1.6.3 Geographical scope 3 1.6.4 Content Scope 3 CHAPTER TWO 4 LITERATURE REVIEW 4 2.0 Introduction 4 ...

Acentralized Online Air Ticket Reservation System Case Study: Uganda Airline

ABSTRACT Uganda Airline is a leading travel company offering leisure and business travelers the widest selection of )W fares as well as deals on lodging and vacation packages. The system was created to address the need r an unbiased, comprehensive capture and display of fares and rates in a single location for passengers. Uganda Airline search results are presented in an easy-to-use Matrix that displays a vast array of travel options for you. Uganda Airline is the first and only travel system...

A Synchronized Online Database System For A Supermarket A Case Study Of Uchumi Supermarket Uganda.

ABSTRACTThe project report was undertaken in order to learn and use the features that PHP and MySQL offer. In particular, it was suggested from the researchers and the main goal was to design and implement an online database platform to hold information for all supermarket products thatUchurni supermarket sell nowadays. This database communicates with a Web interface; to allow Internet users to order products and find all the information they need about the product from an...

Design And Implementation Of Database Management System For Motor Spare Parts Dealer

ABSTRACT A computerized database management system for motor spare parts dealers is very useful for carrying out motor spare patis transactions. It can make the work for dealer administrators easier since the system is systematic than using the manual system. In addition, it can improve the timt- .. efficiency and provides user friendly environment and paperless. To plan, design, implement and evaluate a computerized database management system for motor spare parts dealers system, which will ...

Designing And Testing Of An On Line Job Centre Website For Ex~Fumugati0n And Job Centre

ABSTRACThe aim of this project was to design and test of anon line job centre web site for ex-fumugation and job centre. The old system was found to be completely manual faced with numerous problems like duplication, loss of records, huge storage space and time consuming.~n investigation was carried out to establish how the existing system functions and what its problems were. To help in investigation, the interview, Observation and Questionnaires were sed in Data Collecti...

Design And Implementation Of A Train Ticketing System For Toyland Theme Park

ABSTRACTThe Train Ticketing System is developed to show the effectiveness and efficiency of the park towards its customers who visit the park. It’s developed with the aim of providing easy and quick access of the customers to these various attractions through the purchase of the tickets The database involves vital information about the parks transactions which are got from the customers who visit the site which so far facilitate in decision making process of the company....

Design And Development Of A Secure Web Based Monitoring And Evaluation System For Community Based Funding A Case Study Kalel Community Based Organization

ABSTRACT This project is about monitoring and evaluation system for community based funding in Kalel community organization as a case study. This organization was running its monitoring and evaluation system manually and this had numerous shortfalls like inefficiency in record tracking, storing, record loss, duplication, errors, retrieval and manipulation of information when required. The researcher employed interviews and questionnaires as methods of data collections to conduct collection of...

A Web Based Travel Desk Management System Case Study: Rwandair

TABLE OF CONTENTSpagesDECLARATIONAPPROVAL iiACKNOWLEDGEMENTLIST OF ABBREVIATIONS viiiCHAPTER ONEINTRODUCTION1 .0 General introduction 11.1 Background of the study 1I .2 Statement of the problem 21 .3 Project objectives 2Specific objectives 21.4 Scope of the project 31 .5 Interest of the study 31.6 RESEARCH QUESTIONS 3CHAPTER TWO 5LITERATURE REVIEW 52.0 Introduction 52.1 Previous studies 52.4 The advantages of web-based applications 82.5 Advantages of using the travel agencies 92.7 File Proces...

An Expert Medical System For Diagnosis Oftropical Malaria Illnesses .Jn Mbale Regional Referral Hospital

Table of ContentDeclarationAcknowledgement iiAppreciationApproval ivAcronymsCHAPTER ONEINTRODUCTION 11.0 General Introduction1.1 Background of the study 21 .2 Problem statement 41.3 Objectives of the study 51.3.1 General Objective 51.3.2 Specific objectives 51.4 Research questions 51.5 ScopeoftheStudy 61.6 Significance of the study 71.7 Conceptual frame work 8CHAPTER TWO 10LITERATURE REVIEW 102.0 Timeline in computer invention towards medical therapy 10vi2.1 Online Medical Processing.112.2 Ro...

An Analysis Of Computer Forensic Activites In Data Network

ABSTRACT The report summarizes that in this Information Technology age, the needs of law enforcement are changing. Some traditional crimes, especially those concerning finance and commerce, continue to be upgraded teehnological1~. Paper trails have become electronic trails. Crimes associated and manipulations of data are detected daily. According to the website www.cyber, an attack is defined as any kind of malicious activity targetted against computer s~ stem resources. including,b...

Impact of Brand Positioning on Brand Equity. A Coca Cola Case Study. Adebola Oluwaseun

The scope of this study, is to evaluate the role brand positioning plays in the marketplace, acceptance of Coca Cola in Nigeria, especially in the cola segment.The study would therefore,  be a local evaluation, as the largest non- alcoholic beverage company in the world, Coca Cola is sold in more than 200 countries and territories. 

Web-Based Shopping Application For Supermarkets In Kampala Case Study: Standard Supermarket

AbstractThe number of mobile phone and Internet users in Uganda is increasing continuously, it is no doubt that online shopping market in Uganda certainly sees a rapid rise and great developing potentials with many investment opportunities. With the advent of the Internet and networktechnology, many organizations are now being equipped with Internet connections, either through wired connections or wireless infrastructure. Internet access provides customers an easy access t...

Awewbased Management Information System For Students’ Hostels Case Study: Kiu Main Hostel

Table of ContentsDedicationApprovalAcknowledgementTable of Contents vList of Acronyms viiiCHAPTER ONE iINTRODUCTION1.1 Background of the Study 11.2 Case study description 21.3 Statement of the problem 31.4 Objectives 41.4.1 Main Objective 41.4.2 Specific Objectives 41.5 Justification 41.6 ScopeCHAPTER TWO 6LITERATURE REVIEW 62.1 Introduction 62.2 Management Information Systems 6V2.3 Web-based Management Information Systems ,‘i2.3.1 Characteristics of Web-based Management Information Systems...

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