Natural & Applied Sciences

Natural & Applied Sciences Research Papers/Topics

Hydrocarbon Potential and Palaeodepositional Environment of Subsurface Sediments of the Anambra Basin, South Eastern Nigeria

Abstract Subsurface core samples obtained from Enugu 1325 and 1331 wells within the Anambra Basin were characterized by standard organic geochemical methods; Rock-eval and GC-Ms; to deduce the hydrocarbon potential, source input of the organic matter and palaeodepositional environment of the basin. The lithologies in both wells consist of coals, shales and siltstones and belong to the Mamu Formation. The Total Organic Carbon (TOC), Soluble Organic Matter (SOM) and Genetic Potential (GP) of t...


ABSTRACT The prevalence of multi-drug resistant tuberculosis is an increasing health challenge. Attention has therefore been shifted to the use of ethno-medicines in combating this disease. Traditionally, Syzygium guineense (stem-bark) and Mimosa pigra (aerial parts) are used in the treatment of respiratory tract infections with no scientific justification. This study was designed to identify the constituents of Syzygium guineense and Mimosa pigra that may be active against Mycobacterium tub...

Analysis Of Wave Exciting Forces On A Floating Rectangular Barge At Zero Forward Speed

ABSTRACT Surface waves have significant effects on the hydrodynamics of offshore bodies or structures on a fluid of finite depth. Wind, moving vessels, seismic disturbances of shallow sea floors (tsunamis) and the gravitational disturbances of the sun and the moon are factors responsible for generation of waves. Their influence is very crucial in engineering analysis, design, and optimization. Many researchers in the field of hydrodynamics have analyzed the effect that surface waves have on ...

Improving Vision Impaired Users Access To Electronic Resources In E-Learning Environment With Modified Artificial Neural Network

ABSTRACT Assistive Technology (ATs) provide means through which persons with visual impairment are empowered with adaptive devices and methods for accessing multimedia information. However, the degree of sensitivity and specificity values for access to electronic resources by visual impaired persons varies.  Existing ATs were designed as “one model fits all” (static calibration requirements), thereby limiting the usability by vision impaired users in an e-learning environment.  The stu...

Molecular Identification And Drug Sensitivity Of African Trypanosome Stabilates From Livestock In Lamu County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Animal African Trypanosomiasis (AAT) causes economic losses estimated at US $5 billion per annum. Records from the veterinary department indicate high levels of trypanocidal drugs use in Lamu County. The objective of this study was to identify the trypanosome species causing infections in domestic animals in Lamu using parasitological and molecular techniques and to determine their drug sensitivity in white Swiss mice. Fifteen trypanosome stabilates and 92 whole blood samples collec...

Effects Of Mineral Acids On Absorption Signals Of Metal Analytes In Water By Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy

ABSTRACT A major requirement in flame spectroscopic methods is that the sample be introduced into the excitation source in form of an aqueous solution. Unfortunately, many materials of interest such as soils, animal tissues, plants, petroleum products and minerals are not directly soluble in water and extensive preliminary treatment is often required to obtain a solution of the analyte in a form ready for atomization. On the other hand, some samples contain both organic and inorganic matrice...

A Computation Of Laminar Now in Open Channels and its Application to Sheet Erosion

ABSTRACT The results of an investigation of open channel flow in the laminar and transition range are presented. This type of flow found its application in runoff from rainfall. Values of Reynolds number were determined for different slopes in the range 10≤ 0≤ 450. It was found that the velocity of the fluid increases ar the slope of the bottom surface increases. There was a point where the laminar flow range change drastically to transitional flow range and later turbulent.

Determination Of The Focal Length Of A Lens Generating Aberrations

ABSTRACT In most laser applications it is necessary to focus, modify or shape the laser beam by using lenses and other optical elements. The most important characteristic of a lens is its focal length. The focal length of a lens gives a measure of how strongly the lens either converges or diverges light. When the lens is imperfect, it generates aberrations. This imperfection could be due to disfigured or imperfectly figured optics and misalignments of the lens in an optical system. It’s im...

Effects Of Extrusion Processing On The Physico-Chemical And Nutritional Characteristics Of Fish Feeds Containing Acheta Domesticus And Hermetia Illucens Meals

ABSTRACT Fish farming in Kenya is faced with the challenge of high cost of feeds because of the high cost of fish meal, an important protein ingredient incorporated into feeds. Thus, there is the urgent need for cheaper alternative protein sources that have similar or higher protein quality to partially or completely substitute fish meal in feeds. The effects of substituting fresh water shrimps meal (FWSM) with black soldier fly larvae meal (Hermetia illucens – BSFM) or adult cricket meal ...

The Role Of Antioxidants In Improving Treatment Outcome And Reducing Disease Severity In Late Stage Human African Trypanosomiasis

ABSTRACT Human African trypanosomiasis (HAT) is a tropical disease caused by two subspecies of Trypanosoma brucei: T. b. rhodesiense and T. b. gambiense. Melarsoprol, an organic arsenical is the only drug used to treat late stage T. b. rhodesiense infection in spite of its toxic side effects. A mouse model was adapted to study the effects of melarsoprol which was apparently toxic at normal intravenous doses of 3.6mg/kg body weight. Results from this study show that melarsoprol markedly reduc...


ABSTRACT Sorghum is one of the major cereals malted for the brewing of beer. The conditions of transport and storage of this cereal predispose it to contamination by microbes thus affecting the quality of the end products. The contamination is usually controlled by treating the sorghum with chemicals, which however alter the chemical constituents of the sorghum. Therefore, the need to seek alternative functional methods of control of microbial contaminants becomes imperative. This study was ...


ABSTRACT Chemically, the Rutaceae family is probably the most versatile of all higher family of plants. Three main groups of compounds, namely, limonoids, coumarins and quinoline alkaloids have been obtained from this family. The LLtroductory part of this work reviews very briefly the chemistry of each of these groups. In the main work, three plants of the West African genera of the Rutaceae were investigated. The wood of Afraegle paniculata (Schum and Thonn) yielded the furocoumarLD, imJ£er...

Association Between Risk Factors For Lifestyle Diseases And Prevalence Of Diagnosed Hypertension And Diabetes In The Swahili Community: The Case Of Kisauni And Old Town Districts In Mombasa,

ABSTRACT There is an increasing prevalence of lifestyle diseases in developing countries. The rise in these diseases reflects a significant change in dietary habits, physical activity levels and socio-economic status among other lifestyle factors. The study aimed at determining the association between selected risk factors for lifestyle diseases and the prevalence of diagnosed diabetes and hypertension among the Swahili community of Old Town and Kisauni districts in Mombasa County. Old Town ...

Field Persistence of S-Metolachlor and Pendimethalin Iin Maize-Based Cropping System and Impact on Earthworm Activities in Ogbomoso, Nigeria

ABSTRACT Application of chemicals on weed has been an effective method of weed control. However, this is with problems of persistence and hazardous effects on non-target organisms like arthropods. Common herbicides used in maize fields in Ogbomoso include atrazine, primextra, Lasso/atrazine, diuron pendimethalin, and S-metolachlor. Information on S-metolachlor and Pendimethalin persistence under field situations is inadequate. Therefore, persistence of S-metolachlor and Pendimethalin in maiz...

Larvicidal Compounds From The Plant Zanthoxylum Gilletii Against Malaria Vector Anopheles Gambiae Sensu Stricto

ABSTRACT Malaria is a serious health problem in many African countries. The Anopheles gambiae mosquito, which is the major vector for this disease, has developed resistance against synthetic pyrethroids, which are the main stay of insecticide treated bed nets. The development of insecticide resistance and side effects associated with synthetic pesticides has triggered intense research efforts towards natural products (for vector control) such as essential oils and the nonvolatiles because o...

3631 - 3645 Of 8859 Results