Natural & Applied Sciences

Natural & Applied Sciences Research Papers/Topics

Source Rock Evaluation And Depositional Environment Of Middle Eocene – Early Miocene Sediments In Umuahia And It’s Evirons, Niger Delta Basin, Southeasthern Nigeria

ABSTRACT The study area is bounded by latitudes 5027’N and 5034’N, and longitudes 7025’E and 7035’E. It falls within the Northern Niger delta Basin. The aim of this present study is to evaluate the hydrocarbon potentials of the sediments in the area, determine their age and environment of deposition. To achieve this aim, geochemical analysis (TOC and Rock-Eval) and Palynological studies were carried out on fifteen (15) samples. Results from the analysis indicates that the total organi...

Physico-Chemical Studies of the Lower River Niger

Table of Contents Certification . . . Dedication r . . . Acknowledgement r . Abstract . . . . . . L i s t of Figures . . List of Tables .. . Table of Contents .. Introduction Importance of t h e River . . Niger Possible Sources of P u l l u t i o n Xeed for Study . . Objective . . . . L i t e r a t u r R~ ev iew Experiment a1 Study Area Sampling Poi-nts Sampling . . Analysis .. Temperature Conductivity pH .. 0. Colour . .

Safety And Quality Of Commercial Cereal-Based Complementary Foods Produced And Marketed In Mwanza Region

EXTENDED ABSTRACT Commercial cereal-based complementary foods (CBCF) for infant porridge are increasingly produced and sold in developing countries including Tanzania. A crosssectional study was conducted to determine the safety and quality of commercial cerealbased complementary foods produced and marketed in Mwanza region. Twenty differently formulated cereal-based complementary food products (CBCFs) from 20 processors were purchased from supermarkets and retail shops in Mwanza region. Pro...

Structure, Pattern And Problems Of Yam Production And Marketing In Benue State, Nigeria

ABSTRACT The purpose of this study is to investigate the structure, pattern and problems of yam production and marketing in Benue State, Nigeria. The specific objectives are to: examine the socioeconomic characteristics of yam farmers and the volume of yam production in Benue State. To examine the socio-economic characteristics of yam traders and the structure and pattern of yam marketing. To investigate the contribution of the middlemen and yam marketing associations towards marketing of ya...

Determination Of Mycobacterium Tuberculosis Odour Compounds Detected By Cricetomys Gambianus Rats For Diagnosis Of Pulmonary Tuberculosis In Low-Income Settings

ABSTRACT Novel methods for rapid diagnosis of tuberculosis (TB) are urgently needed to complement the widely used smear microscopy in low income settings. Trained TB detection rats offer a promising tool for rapid diagnosis of TB in resource limited settings. The Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb) specific volatile compounds detected by trained Cricetomys gambianus rats in sputum of TB patients are unknown. It is also not known whether rats detect odour signals from other mycobacteria and micr...

Models For Sequentially Selecting Between Two And Three Experiments For Optimal Estimation Of Prevalence Rate With Imperfect Tests

ABSTRACT The idea of pool testing originated from Dorfman during the World War II as an economical method of testing blood samples of army inductees in order to detect the presence of infection. Dorfman proposed that rather than testing each blood sample individually, portions of each of the samples can be pooled and the pooled sample tested first. If the pooled sample is free of infection, all inductees in the pooled sample are passed with no further tests otherwise the remaining portions o...

Impact Of Chloroquine Drug Withdrawal On Resistance Of Local Plasmodium Falciparum Malaria Parasites To The Drug In Tiwi And Mbita Towns Of Kenya

ABSTRACT Chloroquine (CQ) drug was replaced in 1998 by Sulfadoxine - Pyrimethamine (SP) and later Artemisinin Based Combination therapy (ACT) as a first-line treatment of uncomplicated malaria in Kenya. This was due to development of resistance to CQ in Plasmodium falciparum Welch, 1897 malaria parasite. This study set out to determine the prevalence of the CQ resistance in malaria endemic Tiwi and Mbita towns of Kenya. Blood sample were collected from out-patient candidates with uncomplicat...

Biochemical Variations In Some Striga Resistant And Susceptible Maize Germplasm

ABSTRACT Rapid human population growth, increased demand for food supplies and intensified land use has led to reduced crop rotation and hence reduction of soil fertility. The decline in soil fertility has in turn intensified the extent of Striga infestation, causing the parasite to become a threat to food production. The Striga species decimates tropical crops such as maize, sorghum, millet, rice and cowpeas. Maize is specifically attacked by Striga hermonthica. In this study, biochemical m...

Effects Of Changes In Agricultural Land Use Practices On Household Food Security In Bureti Sub-County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Shortage of food in the world today has resulted from changes in agricultural land use practices among other factors including climate change, population growth and urbanization. In Kenya, over the past four decades there has been reducing number of people practicing agriculture in the country. Though agriculture is the main economic activity in the country, the increasing population and human settlement into the agricultural regions has led to the sub-division of the rural agricult...

Relationship Between Realization Of Right To Adequate Food And Food Security: A Study Among Pastoral And Small Farm Holder Households

ABSTRACT The Universal Declaration of Human Rights and International Convention on Economic and Social Cultural Rights underpin freedom from hunger and dignified lives for all. The study aimed at developing an innovative methodology for assessment of realization of the right to adequate food at household level and its validation; investigation of realization of the right to adequate food and its influence on food security, perception of rights to adequate food among pastoral and small farm h...

Molecular Characterization And Pathogenicity Of Melarsoprol Resistant And Sensitive Trypanosoma Brucei Rhodesiense Isolates From Uganda

ABSTRACT Molecular characterization and pathogenicity of two isolates of Trypanosoma brucei rhodesiense, one resistant to melarsoprol and the other sensitive to melarsoprol were investigated in Swiss white mice. The two trypanosome populations had been isolated from sleeping sickness patients in Uganda. The study aimed at investigating whether there are any molecular and pathogenesis differences between the two isolates. Each form of parasite was inoculated into eighteen mice at 104 trypanos...

Oxidative Stability Of Selected Vegetable Oils After Deep Frying In Different Types Of Foods In Kenya

ABSTRACT Vegetable oils are triglycerides extracted from plants. Deep frying is one method which involves submerging the food in hot oil. When this oil is overused it undergoes a series of chemical reactions which may affect human health. This has made it important to study the oxidative stability of selected vegetable oils as relates to the different types of food fried. The main objective was to determine the relative thermal oxidative stability of the palm, corn, peanut, soybean, and sunf...

Investigation Of Humidity And Temperature Effects On The Accelerated Photodegradation Of Polyethylene Flimsies Using Dma

ABSTRACT Polyethylene (PE) is a polymer of ethylene (ethene) used in the manufacture of packaging bags. The considerable growth in use is due to the beneficial properties it has over other alternatives. These include, extreme versatility, it is light, extreme durability, resistance to chemicals, water and impact, good hygiene properties for food packaging, excellent thermal and electrical insulation properties and relatively inexpensive. However PE disposal is a challenge, resulting in the u...

Potential Association Between Tsetse Fly And Its Endosymbionts In B-Vitamins Biosynthesis

ABSTRACT Tsetse flies are the cyclical vectors of African trypanosomes, flagellated protozoa parasites that cause sleeping sickness in man and nagana in cattle, diseases collectively known as African trypanosomiasis. Vector reduction and chemotherapy are the main strategies for controlling trypanosomiasis but their limitations necessitate improvement of current and/or development of novel methods. Tsetse has three maternally transmitted bacterial endosymbionts namely Wigglesworthia, Sodalis ...

Structure Prediction Of Matrix Metalloproteinases In Anopheles Gambiae Using Bioinformatic Tools

ABSTRACT Human malaria is the most important disease in tropical countries in terms of morbidity and mortality. Malaria transmission involves complex interactions between Plasmodium falciparum and Anopheles gambiae. For successful establishment of invasion/infection of the Anopheles gambiae midgut the parasite must overcome the immune responses of the vector. Matrix metalloproteinase (MMPs) are a family of zinc metalloendopeptidases known to disrupt subendothelial membranes, destroy tight ju...

3796 - 3810 Of 8859 Results