Natural & Applied Sciences

Natural & Applied Sciences Research Papers/Topics

Development Of Starter Culture For Fermentation Of Millet Into Fura and Preservation Of Fura By Gamma Radiation

ABSTRACT Lactic Acid Bacteria (LAB) are the most widespread of organisms responsible for food fermentation and have been applied as commercial starter cultures in many food industries. A study was conducted to develop a starter culture for the fermentation of millet into Fura and to extend the shelf life of Fura by gamma radiation. The isolation, characterization and identification of the LAB and yeasts responsible for Fura fermentation was carried out using physiological methods. A brief su...

Electro-Magnetic Duality, Magnetic Monopoles And Topological Insulators.

Abstract The Maxwell equations of electrodynamics acquire an additional symmetry if one assumes the existence of hypothetical particles-magnetic monopoles, carrying a magnetic charge. The additional internal symmetry is the electromagnetic duality generated by the rotations in the space of electric and magnetic charges. In this project we revise the electromagnetic duality in his global aspect starting with the celebrated Dirac monopole, a singular solution in a slightly modified Maxwell the...

A Naive Finite Difference Approximations For Singularly Perturbed Parabolic Reaction-Diffusion Problems

ABSTRACT In this thesis, we treated a Standard Finite Difference Scheme for a singularly perturbed parabolic reaction-diffusion equation. We proved that the Standard Finite Difference Scheme is not a robust technique for solving such problems with singularities. First we discretized the continuous problem in time using the forward Euler method. We proved that the discrete problem satisfied a stability property in the l∞ − norm and l2 − norm which is not uniform with respect to the pertu...

Trust Aware Recommender System For Social Coding Platforms (Github Case Study)

ABSTRACT Social networking systems have found their way into all sectors of life. With the advent of social coding platform like GitHub, networks of developers can be inferred based on the projects they participated in. When a new project is created by a developer on such social coding platforms, these platforms lack the capacity to recommend potential collaborators. Recommender systems are software techniques and tools that give item suggestions to users who might be interested in such an i...

Text Mining Of Twitter Data: Topic Modelling

ABSTRACT Access to the Internet is becoming more affordable especially in Africa and with this the number of active social media users is also on the rise. Twitter is a social media platform on which users post and interact with messages known as "tweets". These tweets are usually short with a limit of 280 characters. With over 100 million Internet users and 6 million active monthly users in Nigeria, lots of data is generated through this medium daily. This thesis aims to gain insights from ...

Analysis Of Magneto Hemodynamics Of Blood In A Stenosed Artery

Abstract Human body responds to physical activities, external temperature, external magnetic field, and other factors by homeostatically adjusting its blood flow in order to deliver nutrients such as oxygen and glucose to every organ in the body and allow them to function. Complications in this hemodynamic may arise due to acute coronary syndromes such as stenosis or arteriosclerosis leading to obstruction of coronary arteries. These complications do cause a change in the blood flow to the b...

Design And Simulation Study Of A Scalable And Resilient Network Architecture For A Hybrid Cloud; Its Billing System

ABSTRACT A Hybrid Cloud refers to a cloud computing environment that provides pay-as-you-go services to users using the integration of public and private clouds resources. Cloud computing is one of the latest areas in the field of Information Technology (IT) with a promising future. There are predictions that in no distant future, many users will simply go in for cloud computing services as the users will only “Pay-as-they-go” without incurring the cost of the equipments they use or the ...

Femtosecond Laser Surface Texturing of Materials for Various Applications

Abstract Femtosecond lasers represent an electromagnetic field with field intensities approaching and even exceeding atomic binding field. When irradiated on a target, the material responses change from linear to nonlinear within a very short time. In most situations nonlinear absorption dominates and can be used in micromachining of materials. In this work, analytical formulae are outlined relating laser and target parameters. This permits prediction of ablation conditions of materials. Ion...

Design And Evaluation Of An Adaptive Network On Chip For Multicore Architectures

Abstract Network – On – Chip (NoC) communication architecture have emerged as a solution to problem of lack of scalability, clock delay, lack of support for concurrent communication and power consumption exhibited by the shared bus communication approach to System - On - Chip (SoC) implementations. However, a NoC communication requirement such as bandwidth is affected by architecture parameters as topology, routing, buffer size etc. In this project, we implement an adaptive approach of N...

Evolution Equations and Applications

This project concerns Evolution Equations in Banach spaces and lies at the interface between Functional Analysis, Dynamical Systems, Modeling Theory and Natural Sciences. Evolution Equations include Partial Dierential Equations (PDEs) with time t as one of the independent variables and arise from many elds of Mathematics as well as Physics, Mechanics and Material Sciences (e.g., Systems of Conservation Law from Dynamics, Navier-Stokes and Euler equations from Fluid Mechanics, Diusion equation...

Contributions To The Control Theory Of Some Partial Functional Integrodifferential Equations In Banach Spaces

ABSTRACT This thesis is a contribution to Control Theory of some Partial Functional Integrodifferential Equations in Banach spaces. It is made up of two parts: controllability and existence of optimal controls.

Comparative Study Of Annotation Tools And Techniques

Abstract A huge amount of data is generated on daily basis. The generated data can be both structured and unstructured data. The sources from which most of the unstructured data are found are the dailies, social networks (posts from Facebook, tweeter, etc.), event reporting (for example recounting an accident), etc. One of the biggest challenges in Big Data analysis is the use of unstructured data. There is need to structure the corpus so as to permit analysis and one of the approaches for s...

Observatory System for Monitoring Road Accidents in Nigeria

ABSTRACT Road Accidents are on the rise due to the high amount of migration from the rural area to the urban areas, Urbanization people are now finding it easier to own cars and use it for their day to day activities. Due to that reason the amount of Road Accident has also risen to all-time highs with estimate of 2000 deaths in four months around the country. Although we record such amounts of Accidents we are not able to learn from them and try to make changes with the same Roads claiming l...

A Real-Time Data Stream Processing Model For A Smart City Application Leveraging Intelligent Internet Of Things (Iot) Concept

ABSTRACT Due to the vast amount of data that is being generated by the sensors through the smart devices in smart cities, streams of data must be processed in real time to gain insight quickly and to make decisions that are in most cases critical and time sensitive. The difficulty is diminished by using big data methods such as Cassandra, Hadoop, Kafka and Spark to perform real-time stream processing in an Internet of Things (IoT) environment, such as traffic monitoring in a smart city envir...

Prediction Of Heart Disease Using Bayesian Network Model

ABSTRACT The Heart Disease according to the survey is the leading cause of death all over the world. The health sector has a lot of data, but unfortunately, these data are not well utilized. This is as a result of lack of effective analysis tools to discover salient trends in data. Data Mining can help to retrieve valuable knowledge from available data. It helps to train model to predict patients’ health which will be faster compared to clinical experimentation. A lot of research has been ...

5521 - 5535 Of 8859 Results