Natural & Applied Sciences

Natural & Applied Sciences Research Papers/Topics

A Probability Projection of Male and Female Life Expectancy of Inhabitants Living in Ghana. A Case Study of People Living in the Accra Metropolitan Area

ABSTRACT This thesis is an educational piece which deals with methods and decision-making ways of detecting for life expectancy in the sub-Saharan region of Ghana precisely the Accra Metropolitan area. The data was picked from the archives of the district health directorate of Accra Metropolitan area. A secondary data was used the variables of interest includes age, number of deaths and population and this was done by searching for the age data of the given period and matching it to the numb...

Heat Transfer Analysis of A Proposed Fuel Assembly For Supercritical Water Reactors Under Star CCM + CFD Code

ABSTRACT Accurate knowledge and understanding of heat transfer characteristics near and above critical conditions is crucial to the successful design of the SCWR. Many studies, both numerical and experimental assessments have been conducted on bare tubes and simple geometries like annuli. However, heat transfer performance studies of the fuel assemblies for SCWR are scarce. Thus, there is still a lack of understanding of heat transfer performance in the fuel assembly designs for SCWR. Moreov...

Longitudinal Analysis of Cereals Yields in Ghana

ABSTRACT The aim of this study was to investigate cereal crop yields in Ghana. Specifically, this research determines whether there is a significant difference in the yields across the ten regions in Ghana and also finds out the evolution of crop yields among the regions. Data on two major cereal crops (Maize and Rice) produced and consumed in Ghana was attained from Ministry of food and Agriculture (MOFA). Multivariate Analysis of Variance (MANOVA) and Linear Mixed model (LMM) were employed...

Hydrochemistry And Stable Isotope Assessment of Ground Water And Surface Water, Bongo District, Upper East Region Ghana

ABSTRACT The hydrogeochemical data of groundwater and surface water of Vea dam water of the Bongo District in the Upper East Region of Ghana were examined to determine the main factors controlling the groundwater chemistry and the resultant water type formed in order to determine the suitability of the water for different uses. Conventional graphical methods combined with multivariate statistical analysis are the main methods applied to groundwater and surface water hydrochemical and stable ...

On The Geometric View of Pentagram Integrals of Polygons Inscribed in Non degenerate Conics

ABSTRACT The Pentagram map is a well notable integrable system that is dened on the moduli space of polygons. In 2005, Richard Evan Schwartz introduced certain polynomials called pentagram integrals (Monodromy invariants) of the pentagram map and dened certain associated integrals, the analogous rst integrals. Schwartz further studied in 2011 with S. Tabachnikov on how these integrals behave on inscribed polygons. They discovered that the integrals are equal for every given weight of polygon...

Cattle as Potential Reservoir for Parasitic Zoonotic Diseases in the Lower Manya Krobo District in the Eastern Region of Ghana

ABSTRACT The transmission of zoonotic gastrointestinal parasites in cattle is dependent on the availability of intermediate hosts, poor sanitation and principally, the husbandry and management practices of cattle. The research work was aimed at studying cattle as reservoirs for parasitic zoonotic diseases in the Lower Manya Krobo District of southern Ghana. Microscopic examinations were done on stool samples to determine the prevalence and intensity of egg counts among cattle (N = 486) sampl...

Synthesis Of Novel Atimalarial And Antitubercular Isonicotinohydrazides

ABSTRACT Malaria and tuberculosis (TB) though curable and preventable, remain serious public health problems globally, with devastating consequences. Co-infection of these two deadly diseases worsens the situation and particularly makes treatment very difficult. While the current mainstay for malaria treatment, artemisinins, may gradually lose their potency due to the development of resistance by P. falciparum, M. tuberculosis has developed Multi-Drug Resistance (MDR) and Extensive Drug Resis...

Effect Of Chloroquine On The Induction Of Rat Uterine Peroxidase By An Oral Contraceptive

ABSTRACT Uterine peroxidase has been induced in immature female rate with estradiol and anovlar 21. Anovlar 21 is a steroid contraceptive containing 4 mg. norethisterone acetate (a progestin)t and 0.05 mg. ethinyl estradiol (an estrogen) per tablet. Maximum enzyme activity was found to occur 24 hours after oral administration of the contraceptive. The increased peroxidase activity accused by the eonbined steroids was inhibited by the administration of aycloheximide and puromycin (inhibitors o...

Studies On The Screening Of Some Ghanaian Plants For Fungitoxic Activity Against Five Fungal Pathogens

ABSTRACT The effect of the aqueous and methanol extracts of 12 Ghanaian plants belonging to 10 families on some aspects of the physiology of Sclerotium rolfsii, Helminthosporium sp., Aspergillus niger, A. flavus and Fusarium oxysporium were investigated in vitro in either liquid broth or agar medium amended with varying dilutions (undiluted, 1:1 - 1:5 v/v) of the extracts. Comparatively higher fungistasis against Sclerotium rolfsii and Helminthosporium sp. were found in both aqueous and metha...

The Role Of Traditional Birth Attendants In Promoting Maternal And Child Health Delivery In The Central Gonja And Yendi Districts.

ABSTRACT Maternal and Child Health Care (MCH) has been a challenge to government, NonGovernmental Organisations (NGOs,) service providers and beneficiaries in all developing countries. In fact, it is an area on which a lot of government resources are expended to with the ultimate goal of reducing maternal and child mortality. Majority of the people in developing countries live in rural communities, most of whom do not readily access proper health care. It was in the light of this that the stu...

Radiation Preservation Of Smoked Guinea Fowl (Numida Meleagris) Meat For Enhanced Shelf Life

ABSTRACT Guinea fowl “(Numida meleagris) production is the”main basis of livelihood to many Ghanaians with substantial “role in nutrition and food security.”Due to the nutritional quality of guinea fowl meat, it has resulted in processing of the meat into various shelfstable and ready-to-eat” meat “products, such as”smoked, grilled or fried meat. However, the current traditional guinea fowl meat processing methods do not always guarantee a prolonged “shelf life and quality of ...

Phenotypic Characterization And In Vitro Response Of Lymphocytes Of Ghanaian Children With Burkitt’s Lymphoma To Plasmodium Falciparum Malaria Antigens

A bstract It has been show n in epidem iological studies that m alaria m ay play a role in the pathogenesis o f endem ic B urkitt’s Lym phom a (eBL). The contribution o f m alaria to the pathogenesis o f eBL is believed to be due to the im balances in the im m une regulation during m alaria infection. Studies have show n a loss o f C TL function due to a shift o f the im m une responses from T h l tow ards Th2 T-cell function during m alaria infection. This study sought to investigate the p...

Molecular Characterization Of Hepatitis B Virus In Rural And Semi-Urban Areas In The Central Region Of Ghana.

ABSTRACT Hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection is a major cause of liver inflammation accounting for 887,000 deaths annually. The introduction of HBV vaccines has significantly reduced new cases of the infection, but there are still 65 million people living with the virus in Sub-Saharan Africa. Currently, 10 genotypes (A-J) of HBV have been classified. Several studies have shown that the different HBV genotypes differently influence clinical presentation, progression of liver diseases and respons...

Methione Metabolism in Filarial Worms

 ABSTRACT Adult filariae apparently lack the vitamin BI2-dependent and -independent methyltransferases for the de novo synthesis of metonline and seem to meet their requirement of this amino acid from an exogenous source and the activity of S - a d e nos y lm et hi o ni ne ( Ad o Me t) : homocysteine S-methyltransferase. The properties of filarial AdoMet: homocysteine methyltransferase was similar to the analogous microbial enzyme. However, adult filariae possess the enzymatic capability to...

Anti Diabetic And Probiotic Effect on Kombucha on Alloxan Induced Diabetic Rats

ABSTRACT Diabetes mellitus, is a metabolic disorder caused by the inability of the beta pancreatic cells to adequately produce insulin or due to insulin resistance of cells. As a result of the increasingly high incidence of diabetes globally, the World Health Organization (WHO) has set timelines and guidelines for the reduction of the risk of mortalities and morbidities associated with noncommunicable diseases including diabetes, by the year 2030. However, this agenda is hinged on the availa...

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