Natural & Applied Sciences

Natural & Applied Sciences Research Papers/Topics

Anti-Diabetic And Probiotic Effect of Kombucha on Alloxan-Induced Diabetic Rats

ABSTRACT  Diabetes mellitus, is a metabolic disorder caused by the inability of the beta pancreatic cells to adequately produce insulin or due to insulin resistance of cells. As a result of the increasingly high incidence of diabetes globally, the World Health Organization (WHO) has set timelines and guidelines for the reduction of the risk of mortalities and morbidities associated with noncommunicable diseases including diabetes, by the year 2030. However, this agenda is hinged on the avai...

3-D Seismic Attributes Analysis And Reserve Estimation Of “Guramala Field”, Coastal Swamp Depobelt, Niger Delta.

 ABSTRACT An integrated seismic interpretation using 3-D seismic data, check shot data and a suite of well logs for four wells were analyzed with the Petrel (seismic to simulation software). The objectives were to carry out a detailed formation evaluation, reservoir characterisation and a 3-D assisted structural interpretation of the densely faulted oil field in the coastal depo-belt of the Niger Delta. RMS amplitude, instantaneous frequency map and interval average extraction maps were ext...


This project is concerned with the development and evaluation of an atom trapping technique for determination of heavy metals in environmental samples. Modified atom-trapping technique using fabricated nickel tube/sample holder (crucible) was employed to increase the sensitivity of a flame atomic absorption spectrometry.MBasic performance data for different parameters, such as burner height and the height of the support, were studied. Different designs and ways of placing the atom trap ov...

Molecular Characterisation Of Some Multi-Drug Resistant Salmonella Enterica Of Human Origin In Southeast Nigeria

ABSTRACT There has been an increase in the occurrence of antibiotic resistance among Salmonella enterica, one of the commonest causative agents of Salmonella infections. Fluoroquinolones and third generation cephalosporins are usually the drugs of choice in the management of Salmonella infections. Previous reports have indicated common occurrence of multi-drug resistance (MDR) including resistance to β-lactams and fluoroquinolones among clinical Gram-negative organisms. However, there is pa...

Luminescence Sensitisations Of Natural Quartz Using Pre-Exposure Dose And Thermal Activation Techniques

ABSTRACT Luminescence sensitisation is an important stage in the application of quartz in predose retrospective dosimetry and dating. The existing techniques for sensitisation in quartz are Pre-Exposure Dose (PED) and Thermal Activation (TA). Previous works were centred on combined actions of PED and TA with less attention given to the separate contributions of these techniques in pre-dose sensitisation of quartz. This work was undertaken to determine the separate contributions of PED and TA...

Entomological Indices Of Anopheles Gambiae Sensu Lato At A Rural Community In South-West Nigeria

ABSTRACT Background & objectives: Investigations were conducted to obtain key entomological indices of Anopheles gambiae s.l. at Igbo-Ora, a rural community in south-west Nigeria. Methods: Mosquitoes were caught daily for a week from rooms where tenants had slept the previous night in each of the four months June, July (2001), and August, September (2002). Anopheles gambiae s.l. sibling species were PCR-identified, the blood meal origin was determined by direct ELISA, and the circumsporozoit...

Cytotoxicity Of Hexavalent Chromate Compounds In Ch310t1/2 Cells And Cytomodulation By Sodium Arsenite And Methanol Extract Of Rauvolfia Vomitora (Afzel) In Mice.

ABSTRACT Exposure to certain hexavalent chromate compounds (HCC) causes lung and colon cancers. Their mechanisms of cytotoxicity are unclear, but believed to be affected by ascorbate and particle size. However, their role is not clearly defined. Co-exposure with sodium arsenite (SA) is common, but its effect on HCC toxicity is unknown. Current therapy has side effects, necessitating the search for antidote from unexplored natural products such as Rauvolfia vomitora (RV). This study therefore...

Screening For Microalbuminuria In Ghanaian Diabetic Patients: Albumin Blue 580 Fluorescence Probe Evaluated

ABSTRACT The Albumin Blue 580 fluorescent dye was evaluated for the measurement of urine albumin content. The calibration of the assay was linear up to 150.0mg/L with a minimum detection limit of 1.4mg/L. The intraassay CV was 4.3%(14.5mg/L), 3.7%(50.2mg/L) and 1.4%(100.0mg/L), interassay CV was 2.7%, 2.6% and 3.7% for the respective urine albumin concentrations. Recovery of added albumin to urine was 95-112%, reproducibility for 9 replicate analysis of 3 urine samples was 8.2%(6.0mg/L), 4.6%...

Effect Of Porosity On Surface Of Drawdown In An Unsteady State Drainage In Porous Material

ABSTRACT This work considered the unsteady state drainage of fluid from a vertical column of porous material of varying porosities in an attempt to verify 'variation of drawn dawn surface with porosity and time using riverbed sand. Kerosene was used as the flowing fluid: Mathematical assumptions ware made in connection with Ducy's law.

Taxonomy, Exploitation and Conservation of Dolphins in the Marine Waters of Ghana.

ABSTRACT Little is known about dolphins present in Ghanaian coastal waters. Taxonomic status, catch rate, and impact of the fishery on these animals, are areas, which have remained virtually untouched by previous workers. The present study attempts to fill-in these gaps in knowledge. Studies conducted during 1998 -2000 revealed the presence of the following eight species in Ghanaian waters: Stenella clymene, Stenella attenuata, Steno bredanensis, Tursiops truncatus, Grampus griseus, Lagenodel...

Management Of Indigenous Medicinal Plants In Nigeria Using Phenological Information

ABSTRACT Available information on medicinal plants indicates habitat loss and has heightened the need for more proactive conservation strategies. Conservation efforts in this direction resulted in an ecopharmacological survey in the West African sub-region by three countries (Nigeria, Ghana and Republic of Benin) to assess frequently used medicinal plants. The result of the socio-economic study based on utilization pattern regionally was used to produce a list of ten topmost frequently used a...

Modification Of Fluid Flow Equation In Saturated Porous Media

ABSTRACT Experimental investigations have shown that variation of porosity and hydraulic gradient are responsible for the deviations from Darcy's law, which is perfectly obeyed only when the fluid flow is laminar in porous media. Previous attempts to modify this equation considered only the effects of porosity of surface-active materials such as clay in causing deviations from Darcy's law. In this study, both the effect of porosity of any porous medium and hydraulic gradient from recent exper...

Anti-Nutritional Status Of Uninfested And Prostephanus Truncatus (Horn) (Coleptra: Bostichidae) Infested Dried Cassava Chips

Abstract This research study focus on the determination of anti-nutritional content status of the uninfested and infested dried cassava chips by Prostephanus truncatus. Prostephanus truncatus, the larger grain borer, is an alien invasive post harvest pest; with wide spread population all over cassava growing regions. After an infestation period of 10 weeks in the laboratory, proximate analysis revealed increased values for only alkaloids content in the infested dried cassava chips, while all...


ABSTRACT Background: Dengue and malaria are two important mosquito-borne diseases. Together, both diseases are indistinguishable due to similarities in clinical and laboratory characteristics. These similarities have contributed immensely to the overdiagnosis of malaria and the under-recognition of dengue in many countries in subSaharan Africa. No baseline study has yet been conducted in Ghana to estimate the burden of dengue. This study therefore set out to estimate the prevalence of dengue ...

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