Natural & Applied Sciences

Natural & Applied Sciences Research Papers/Topics


ABSTRACT Computer security incident response is a management activity within the corporate governance framework of a business enterprise, and has become an important component of information technology (IT) programs for IT enabled business establishments. It provides the strategic direction for security activities and ensures objectives are achieved and protects day to day business operations. This research work provides a platform for enlightening and assisting organizations on the awareness...

A Review on a Simplified Alternative Algorithm to the Simplex Method for Solving Linear Programming Problems

ABSTRACT This paper discusses the review of a new solution algorithms and a comparative analysis of standard Simplex Method and the Push and Pull algorithms in solving Linear Programming problems. Linear Programming is a branch of Operation Research in the field of mathematics. As a result of the complicated nature of solving and determining accurate results from linear programming problems, various methods and algorithms have been developed to reduce the complications and increase efficienc...

Nosocomial Infections as a Factor in the Spread of Infectious Diseases

  ABSTRACT The basic idea of healthcare facilities which is to make people well is on the verge of being defeated as a result of patients contracting infections while in healthcare settings. Nosocomial infections are infections acquired by patients or healthcare workers while they are in healthcare facilities, including, hospitals, dental offices, nursing homes and doctors’ waiting rooms. Infectious diseases are diseases caused by pathogenic microorganisms such as bacteria, viruses, parasi...

Chromosomal Study of two Cyprinid fishes of the genus Barbus; Barbus callipterus Boulenger 1907 and Barbus parablabes Daget 1957

The chromosomes of two cyprinid fishes of the genus Barbus; B. callipterus and B. parablabes were assessed in this study with a view to providing baseline information about the diploid chromosome number, karyotype and morphology. This study reveals that B. callipterus has a diploid chromosome number of 2n = 50, fundamental number of autosomal arms (NFa) of 66, and karyotype formula: 2n = 4m + 6sm + 6st +34T. On the other hand, B. parablabes has a diploid chromosome number of 2n = 50, fundamen...

The effects of modernization of ancient Kano city gates

This study examined the effects of modernization of ancient Kano city gates. Three local governments namely Kano Municipal, Nassarawa and Tarauni were used for this study, covering 150 respondents that were purposively sampled with 50 from each of the 3 local governments. Also, field surveys were carried out at all the 15 gates, discussions were held with the gatekeepers, the curator of Kano State museum and other observations were made from the data collected. Results obtained revealed that ...

Therapeutic Effect of Methanolic Extract of Telfairia occidentalis Leaves against Ethanol-Induced Oxidative Stress in Wistar Rats

This study sought to investigate the therapeutic effectof methanolic extract of Telfairia occidentalis leavesagainst acute ethanol-induced oxidative stress inWistar rats. Fresh plants of T. occidentalis werepurchased from Oja-Oba Market in Ibadan. Theleaves were dried and extracted using soxhletapparatus and methanol as the solvent. The methanolwas evaporated in a rotary evaporator at 35 oC witha yield of 2.31g representing a percentage yield of9.24%. Twenty adult male Wistar rats were used f...

Antihaemolytic Effect of Ethanolic Leaf Extract of Vernonia amygdalina in Wistar Rats

Antihaemolytic effect of ethanolic leaf extract ofVernonia amygdalina in Wistar rats is the aim of thisstudy. Fresh plants of V. amygdalina were harvestedfrom the Institute of Agricultural Research andTraining, Ibadan. The leaves were carefully removedfrom the stem and washed in running water toremove contaminants. They were air dried at roomtemperature in an open laboratory space for 14 daysand milled into powder. The extraction was doneusing soxhlet apparatus and ethanol as the solvent.Etha...

Preventive and Therapeutic Activities of Methanolic Extract of Talinum triangulare Leaves against Ethanol-Induced Oxidative Stress in Wistar Rats

Preventive and therapeutic activities of methanolicextract of Talinum triangulare leaves againstethanol-induced oxidative stress in wistar rats is theaim of this study. Fresh plants of T. triangulare werepurchased at a local market in Orita-Challenge,Ibadan. The leaves were dried and extracted usingsoxhlet apparatus and methanol as the solvent. Themethanol was evaporated in a rotary evaporator at35 oC with a yield of 2.76 g which represents apercentage yield of 11.04%. Twenty Wistar rats with...


With today’s ubiquity of smartphones, tablets and other mobile devices, more and more businessesdevelop and use mobile applications. Multiple platforms including Android and iOS form the market of mobiledevices, so it can be important to be able to deliver software for more than one platform. Vendor-supported SDKsare feature-rich but incompatible with other platforms. We compared a number of cross-platform frameworks formostly platform-independent development on mobile platforms, by evaluat...

Chemical changes in African Star Apple (Chrysophyllum albidium) fruits

ABSTRACT The study investigated the chemical changes inAfrican Star Apple (Chrysophyllum albidium) fruits prior to onset of rains and during the rainy season, with the aim of ascertainingits optimum consumption quality. The fruits were harvested from the School of Agriculture and Agricultural Technology, Federal University of Technology, Akure. Chemical analysis was carried out on the edible parts of the African star apple fruit(both the pulp and whitish seed coat). The result showed signific...

The Implicit Midpoint Rule of Non-expansive Mappings and Applications in Uniformly Smooth Banach Space

Let K be a nonempty closed convex subset of a Banach space E and T : K → K be a nonexpansive mapping. Using a viscosity approximation method, we study the implicit midpoint rule of a nonexpansive mapping T. We establish a strong convergence theorem for an iterative algorithm in the framework of uniformly smooth Banach spaces and apply our result to obtain the solutions of an accretive mapping and a variational inequality problem. The numerical example which compares the rates of convergence...


ABSTRACT Poultry eggs are eaten in most areas of the world with fewer social taboos associated with them than pigs and cattle. The most commonly used bird eggs are those from chicken. In Nigeria, the domestic foul dominates the poultry industry. Of the 120 million indigenous poultry population in Nigeria, the domestic fowl constitutes about 91 % of this. For this reason, the present work tried to evaluate the nutritional levels of the lipid composition of the free-range fertilized cooked chic...

Antioxidant Defense System in a Germinating P.Vulgaris

Phaseolus vulgaris, Common Bean is a herbaceous annual plant grown worldwide for its edible dry seed (known as just "beans") or unripe fruit (green beans) and a member of the legume family Fabaceae.  They are quite popular amongst the natives because of its high protein, minerals and vitamins content (Gentry et al., 1999). The use of a wide range of chemicals to destroy pests and weeds is an important aspect of agricultural practice in both developed and developing countries but there is a w...


ABSTRACT Nymphalid butterflies are excellent ecological indicator and portray a good picture of the ecological status of an area. Study on Nymphalid butterflies were carried out in the Delta state University, Abraka campus from five (5) different habitats (Grassland, Farmland, Riverside, Flowering shrub and Moderately disturbed habitat), for the period of four (4) months (May-August, 2015) using baited traps and Pollard sampling method. A total of 167 individuals of Nymphalid butterflies belo...

The Role of Transport in Quality Healthcare Delivery

ABSTRACT This project seeks to link the role of transport to quality healthcare delivery. The main objective of the study was to assess the role of transport in quality healthcare delivery. A variety of primary and secondary data were employed to gather data to respond to the study research questions. The primary data for the study were collected from the respondents through questionnaire administration and oral interview conducted by the researcher. Descriptive statistics was adopted to anal...

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