Textile dye effluents are released into the environment without any pretreatment and pollute water, to prevent contamination of our valuable resources; removal of these pollutants is of great vitality. For this purpose, waste water samples were collected from dye contaminated sites of Kofar Mata dye pits based in Kano State. Certain parameters which include temperature and pH were determined in the Laboratory. The residual bacterial load was found to be in the range of 1.4 x106 - 4.0x106 cfu....
Abstract Schlumberger array is the most commonly used among other arrays for Vertical Electrical Sounding (VES) and it requires large spacing at both ends for deeper subsurface information. The problem of limited space for spreading in built up areas could lead to incomplete information from deeper depth. The Geolectrical survey involving electrical resistivity methods has been carried out at Birnin Kebbi and Fakai Local Government Area in Northern Nigeria with the view to delineate ...
Great attention has been paid to food and water quality for centuries. The requirements have been changed according to the development of human knowledge in the field of nutrition, chemistry, microbiology, and analysis. It is necessary first to point out that the term food and water quality is a complex one that includes many indicators. For food and water to be classified as good, it has to fulfill the requirements, especially from the nutritional, sensory, hygienic-toxicological, and techn...
The main aim of this research was to characterize the enterobacterial uropathogens with respect to drug resistance in Awka, south-eastern Nigeria. The following enterobacterial uropathogens isolated from patients attending Chukwuemeka Odumegwu Ojukwu University Teaching Hospital, Awka were studied: E.coli (58), Salmonella spp. (15), K. pneumoniae (14), Citrobacter freundii (10) and Enterobacter aerogenes(3). Their antibiotic susceptibility patterns against major classes of antibiotics were e...
Reverse Osmosis (RO) is the finest of all membrane filtration system, it is a membrane based technology to purify water by separating the dissolved solids from feed stream resulting in permeate and reject stream for a wide range of applications in domestic as well as industrial applications. The objective of this paper is to review the concept of reverse osmosis and the current developments in the RO membrane materials which are the key determinants in the process. This review paper also ...
Phytochemical investigation was carried out on the crude ethanol extracts of the leaves of Spondias mombin. The antibacterial activity of the ethanolic and the Chloroform leaf extract was tested against four bacteria; Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Salmonella typhi using disc diffusion method. The results indicated that both extracts showed inhibitory activity against clinical isolates of the gram negative bacteria Staphylococcus aureus, P. aerugi...
The physicochemical parameters and levels of selected heavy metals (Cd, Cr, Mn, Zn and Pb) in soil around Dana Steel Rolling Limted Katsina were investigated in this research. The sample area was divided into four units; East, West, North and South and label as A, B, C and D respectively using stratified random sampling method. The soil was digested using H2SO4, HClO4 and H...
ANTIBIOTIC SENSITIVITY TESTING ON EGGS FROM LAYERS TREATED WITH ANTIBIOTIC A RESEARCH PROJECT ABSTRACT Antibiotic sensitivity testing is the susceptibility of bacteria to antibiotics, it is carried out to determine which antibiotic will be most successful in treating a bacterial infections. The total mean colony count of the bacterial isolates in the two set of egg sample carried out showed the mean total bacterial count as 0.33x102 – 3.6 x 102 cfu/ml. While the antibiot...
ANTIBIOGRAM OF BACTERIAL ISOLATED FROM SEALED AND UNSEALED DRUGS A RESEARCH PROJECT ABSTRACT The study on the isolation and antibiogram of bacterial isolated form sealed and unsealed drugs revealed total Bacteria count ranging form 1.2 X 107 to 11.5 X108cfu/g for unsealed and 1.5 X107 to 9.2 x 107cfu/g for sealed. The following bacterial isolates were identified these include Bacillus sp, klebsiellssp, staphylococcus sp Escherichia sp, Lactrbacillussp, proteussp and Citrobacter...
ANALYSIS OF TRACEMETALS IN MUSCLE AND LIVER OF COWMEAT PURCHASE FROM URUA IKOT OSURUA. A RESEARCH PROJECT ABSTRACT The concentration of trace metals (cadmium, Lead, Iron, Copper and Zinc) in two organ (muscle and liver) from cow meat obtained from urua Ikot Osurua was determined using Atomic absorption spectrophotometer. Their result was as follows muscle (Cadmium: 0.78±0.002, Lead: 0.044±0.001, Iron: 0.711±0.000, Copper: 0.833±0.082, Zinc: 0.580±0.001). The obtained result declared that...
ANALYSIS OF TRACE METALS IN KIDNEY AND SKIN OF COWMEAT PURCHASE FROM URUA MBAKARA A RESEARCH PROJECT REPORT ABSTRACT This study was to determine the concentration of trace metal (Cd, Pb, Fe, Cu and Zn) in the skin and kidney of a cowmeat. The analysis was carried out using Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer (AAS). The concentration of the trace metals in the different organs were as follows, skin cadmium 0.86 + 0.003, Lead 1.09 + 0.002, Iron 14.30 + 0.001 Copper 0.85 +...
Preliminary structural evaluation of an X-Field Onshore in Niger Delta using 3D seismic data A structural evaluation of a post stack time migrated (PSTM) 3D seismic data over an X–Field in the eastern Niger Delta has been attempted. The objective of the study is to structurally evaluate the field with a view to identifying structural features such as faults, map geologic horizons and analyze reflection characteristics that might be a good lead to probable hydrocarbon accumulations. Results ...
Pest and diseases have a serious effect on food production. Global crop yields are reduced by 20 to 40% annually due to impact of pests and diseases.Indiscriminate use of insecticides to combat insect challenges, have increased the selection pressure leading to resistance in insects. In such a situation, alternate options of insect control are advocated. The use of microbial insecticidal compounds offer adequate levels of insect control and pose fewer hazards.Microbial insecticidal compou...
ABSTRACT The research work was conducted with the view of solving the problems encountered in the Ministry of Benue Internal Revenue Service, Benue state by using Network Activity Monitory System. The activity monitoring system was designed, tested and found to achieve the following: It monitored the daily activities of the clients, has a great impact on memory management of the server, Detected active users, Provided accurate evidence on corporate fraud when investigation is being carried ou...
Electromagnetic Distance Measurement (EDM) equipment is calibrated on a base to determine instrument constants and errors. A series of measurements on a base can also be used to check the performance and reliability of the instrument over time and to assess its precision against the manufacturer's specifications. This research work, the establishment of Electromagnetic Distance Measurement (EDM) calibration base entails the setting up of a functional base where calibration of electr...