Social & Management Sciences

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Research Papers/Topics Social & Management Sciences

Procurement Practices And Financial Performance Of Kenya Meat Commission

ABSTRACT Effective implementation of procurement practices significantly improves the effectiveness of purchasing decisions and thus improved firm performance. To achieve this goal, procurement Practices must be fair, competitive and must control costs. if procurement is well managed, it adds value to an organization and save time and money as well. Key benefits of proper procurement management include value for money, protection and enhancement of the environment, more efficient use of resou...

Organizational Resources And Strategic Plans Implementation In Administration Police Service In Baringo County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Implementation of appropriate strategies is a long and challenging process which depends on the available resources and scanning of the environment in which an organization exists among other factors. Many private and state corporations in Kenya rarely have implemented fully their formulated strategies to achieve desired goals and objectives. The aim of the study was to explore the relationship between organizational resources and strategic plans implementation in Administration poli...

Mergers And Acquisitions And Performance Of Commercial Banks In Kenya

Abstract Commercial banks and other financial sector players have faced a myriad of challenges ranging from globalization, heightened competition, uncontrolled market and unfavourable government policy. In Kenya most banks have gone into receivership and others winding up due to entry of many players into the market and therefore high competition. This had led to dwindling of profits, returns on assets, reduced investments and therefore instability. Majority of the commercial banks have cut o...

Loan Repayment And Sustainability Of Government Revolving Funds In Murang’a County, Kenya

ABSTRACT In the attempt to alleviate poverty and empower the deprived, many non-governmental organizations and Government line agencies have been providing revolving funds and social services to rural dwellers in Kenya. The role of these funds is to help the rural poor, to earn a decent living, through their on-going income-generating activities. The government of Kenya overtime has formulated a series of revolving funds to counter the problem. The most notable and current, is the Youth Enter...

SSA Research 235 PAGES (42764 WORDS) Finance Thesis
Factors Hindering Performance Of Women Enterprises In Laikipia West Constituency

ABSTRACT The study seeks to investigate the factors that hinder performance of the women enterprises. Factors refers to constituent or element that brings about certain effects or results, or change in the enterprise while performance refers to the changes resulting from the constituent or element. The women enterprises are the numerous businesses managed by the women informal or formal and are used because of the efforts made by the government in gender mainstreaming policy. The problem of t...

The optimal size of government expenditure and economic growth in kenya 1963 – 2012”

ABSTRACT The effect of government size on economic growth has given rise to conflicting views among economists. Some view a large government size as harmful to economic growth due to inefficiencies inherent in government. The other group of economists argues that a larger size of government is likely to enhance economic growth. Kenya’s public expenditure has been experiencing rapid growth since 1963, while GDP growth over the same period has not followed the same path. The main objective of...

SSA Research 58 PAGES (12184 WORDS) Economics Thesis
Dividend Payout And Financial Performance Of Manufacturing Firms Listed At The Nairobi Securities Exchange

ABSTRACT To determine the correct mix of dividend and retained earnings and how it affects profitability has been a subject in Literature of financial management. This research came in to contribute to the on-going debate by examining the relationship between dividend pay-out and financial performance of manufacturing firms listed in the Nairobi Securities Exchange. The key motivation was to establish if the findings of this study are consistent with prior empirical studies as found in both S...

Employee Turnover And Performance Of Commercial Banks In Kenya

ABSTRACT Many commercial banks in the world are experiencing high rates of employees’ turnover which have been affecting the overall bank performance. High rates of employee turnover mostly have a negative effects of the profitability of many commercial banks when not managed properly In Kenya, the banking industry has witnessed high employee turnover rates for the past five years and this has affected banks performance in terms of profitability; quality of banks services and level of custo...

Effect Of Online Services On Tax Compliance Behaviour By Enterprises In Western Region

ABSTRACT Tax plays a vital role in Kenyan economy as it finances the public expenditure of the country. Due to increased public spending, there is need to increase the revenue base. One of the sources of revenue for the Government is taxation. This calls for increase in compliance by tax payers as this increase in revenue may not be possible if the taxpayers are not compliant. One of the reforms which have been put in place by Kenya Revenue Authority to enhance tax collection is the online s...

Fuel In Kenya: An Analysis Of Household Choices In Major Kenyan Cities

ABSTRACT In the developing nations of Sub-Saharan Africa, providing households with modern energy services is a critical step towards development. A large majority of households in the region rely on traditional biomass fuels for cooking, which represent a significant proportion of energy used in the domestic setting. The disadvantages of these fuels are many: they are inefficient energy carriers and their heat is difficult to control; they produce dangerous emissions; and their current rate ...

Environmental Determinants Of Organization And Structure Of Kenya’s Cabinet

ABSTRACT In any government, the constitution of line ministries and selection of Cabinet Secretaries (CSs) is influenced by key ecological factors that include: social, political, economic, cultural, legal, historical, and to an extension global. This is espoused in the Contingency Theory. Although the Constitution of Kenya (CoK) 2010 offers guiding principles on design of the Cabinet, its formation remains in contention. The following external environmental factors for the purposes of this s...

Capital Structure And The Financial Performance Of Deposittaking Savings And Credit Cooperative Societies In Kenya

ABSTRACT The Savings and Credit Cooperatives subsector is a key player in the provision of financial services to Kenyans. Savings and Credit Cooperative Societies play an important role in pooling of financial resources needed for investment and wealth creation. However, although the Savings and Credit Cooperative Societies spur economic growth through mobilization of domestic savings, it has been noted that several of them have been unable to fulfill their mandate of providing loans and ...

Determinants Of Financial Performance Of Real Estate Investment Trusts In Kenya

ABSTRACT In Kenya, the housing sector has been characterized by inadequacy of affordable and decent housing. There is a paucity of studies on the lack of growth and development of viable alternatives to the traditional real estate growth model despite incentives such as waiver of corporate tax on such products. Equally, there is a glaring lack of literature on enablers and constrains to the uptake of REIT in Kenyan market. The general objective of the study was to find out the determinants of...

Tea Production Automation Influence On Selected Multinational Tea Companies Field Costs In Kericho And Bomet Counties, Kenya

ABSTRACT The independent variables of the study were; automation, information technology and human capital information systems while the dependent variable was field cost. The purpose of this study was to determine Tea Production Automation Influence on Selected Multinational Tea Companies Field Costs in Kericho and Bomet Counties, Kenya. The specific objectives which guided the study were to; examine the effect of automation, Information Technology and Human Capital information systems on Fi...

Influence Of Internet Banking On Savings Among Low Cadre Employees In Mau Tea Multipurpose Cooperative Society Limited In Kericho County, Kenya

ABSTRACT ICT innovation has revolutionized the banking sector in a bigger way and their application has led into emergence of internet banking. As a result, consumers are shifting from tradition channels to digital ones leading to the new and popular trends of financial transactions. This research seeks to examine influence of internet banking on savings among low cadre employees in tea industry in Kenya. The specific objectives were: To determine the effect of Mobile Network Operations, esta...

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