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Research Papers/Topics Social & Management Sciences

Causes Of Social Security Contribution Evasion In Zimbabwe

ABSTRACT This study sought to investigate the causes of social security contribution evasion in Zimbabwe. In this study 228 social security contributors were used. The researcher used questionnaires as research instruments. The study showed that the main causes of social security contribution evasion in Zimbabwe are the negative macroeconomic fundamentals, planned behaviour and poor compliance culture. The study revealed that Economic deterrents do not influence the social security contribut...

An Empirical Investigation Into The Factors Affecting The Performance Of Smes In The Retail Sector In Windhoek, Namibia

Abstract In developing countries, Small and medium enterprises (SMEs) play a crucial role in fostering socio-economic development. They create employment opportunities, empower communities and make positive contributions towards the gross domestic product. The survival of SMEs is therefore crucial in alleviating poverty and achieving sustainable development. This research aims to investigate the factors that affect the performance of SMEs in the retail sector in Namibia. The research will be...

The Effectiveness Of Conciliation And Arbitration As Dispute Resolution Mechanism In The Ferro-Alloy Industry

ABSTRACT The research evaluates the effectiveness of conciliation and arbitration as an alternate dispute resolution mechanism in the Ferro – Alloy Industry. A case of ZIMASCO and Zimbabwe Alloys International, 2 major players in the industry, were examined in a descriptive research design. Backing the research is the concept of legal pluralism which then defined conciliation and arbitration as alternative dispute resolution systems. A sample size of 35 comprising of Management and Trade Un...

Rural Local Authorities And Investment Attraction. The Case Of Umzingwane Rural District Council.

ABSTRACT The research topic came after realisation that UMzingwane Rural District Council was failing to attract investment despite having vast natural resources, a tarred main road and a railway line. In order to carry out the intended purpose the research objectives and research questions were out lined to guide the research on the topic: Rural Local Authorities and investment attraction. The case of UMzingwane Rural District Council. Relevant Literature was used to explore the viewsofother...

The Contribution Of Zimche Towards Ensuring Quality Education At Tertiary Level In Zimbabwe: The Case Of Zimbabwe Ezekiel Guti University

ABSTRACT Today Zimbabwe is awash with graduates from different degree programmes. Each and every year, the country is churning out thousands of graduates from its various universities. It is ranked among one of the most literate countries not only in Southern Africa but the continent at large. Despite such a milestone achievement, the graduates have been facing challenges in getting employment. The major question that might be posed by the writer is, “are these degree programmes relevant a...

Impact Of Economic Growth On Environmental Quality In Zimbabwe 1985-2015

ABSTRACT This research was mainly aimed at investigating the environmental impact of economic growth in Zimbabwe for the period 1985-2015. Various authors have expressed their views with regards to the determinants of environmental degradation with economic growth as the major player. CO2 was used as a proxy for environmental quality. Using the Ordinary Least Squares model, the researcher obtained that in the early stages of development, growth accelerates the rate of environmental quality lo...

The Impact Of Cultural Heritage On Sustainable Development Of Local Communities: A Case Of Great Zimbabwe Heritage Site

ABSTRACT This research study focused on the impact of cultural heritage on sustainable development of local communities. The thrust of the study was to know how Great Zimbabwe heritage site as a cultural resource has effected any development in the local people who lived in its vicinity. What is critically important to underscore is the value of the site to society. The study reveals that cultural heritage has effected sustainable development of local communities living in its vicinity altho...

Plastic Money Transaction Processing Problems And Their Impact On Inventory Turnover: Case Of Ok-Hwange (2016-2017).

ABSTRACT Inventory turnover ratio is a very important performance measure regards the efficiency and speed at which organisations turn inventories held into cash and/or sales. This research examined the impact of the continued decline of inventory turnover ratio on the profitability and survival of OK Hwange during the dominance of plastic money. This is because big supermarkets such as OK Hwange charge low mark ups over and above their costs with the aim of maximising sales volumes to remain...

The Effects Of Mobile Money Transfer Services On Traditional Banking Services Offered By Banks: Case Study Of Bancabc

The Zimbabwean banking sector has experienced turbulent times resulting in the closure of many commercial banks due to liquidity problems or shortages which has also had its repercussions, as many people lost faith in the formal banking sector due to such uncertainty and perceived risks. The main aim of this research study was to investigate the effects of mobile money transfer services on traditional banking services offered by banks. A case of BancABC. The objectives of this study are; to e...

The Effectiveness Of Strategies In Improving Customer Loyalty Case Of First Mutual Life

Abstract The purpose of this study was to assess the effectiveness of customer service strategies engaged by First Mutual Life Assurance Company. The objectives being: to find out the effects that training employees on customer service have on customer loyalty; to identify if employee emotional intelligence results in customer loyalty; and lastly, to establish the effects of customer follow-up on customer loyalty. Studies on other customer service management strategies in the past decade, ha...

The Role Of Civil Society Organizations In Disaster Response And Relief. A Case Of Tokwe-Mukosi.

Abstract The research set out to assess the roles of civil society organizations in disaster response and relief in regards with the Tokwe-Mukosi flood disasters. The research used both primary and secondary sources to collect data. Qualitative data collection methods were applied through the use of interviews and questionnaires. The key findings of the study is that civil society organizations failed to provide adequate response and relief services to the victims of Tokwe-Mukosi flood disast...

An Assessment Of Climate Change Adaptation Strategies For Chirumanzu District

ABSTRACT The aim of the study was to look at the effectiveness of climate change adaptation strategies in Chirumanzu District. The study took into cognizance the fact that climate change has affected the livelihoods of communities and sought to find out how communities have adapted to climate change. Qualitative approach was used as it gave vivid descriptions of climate change impacts, community response and adaptation. Interviews, focus group discussions and observations were the tools impl...

Contribution Of The Informal Sector To Urban Livelihoods: The Case Of Home Industries In Glen-View, Harare.

ABSTRACT Informal sector has become the main source of urban livelihoods through employment creation due to shrinking formal sector. The government of Zimbabwe has embarked on major socio –economic transformation through supporting the informal sector in an endeavor to improve urban livelihoods. In this context, this research sought to examine the contribution of the informal sector to urban livelihoods. Specific focus was on the home industries in Glen – View. The study mainly used the q...

The Impact of ICT Revolution in Enhancing Rural Education. A Case Study of Ward 9 Schools in Mudzi North

ABSTRACT  The study was assessing the impact of ICT revolution in enhancing rural education. The study was carried out in three secondary schools in Ward 25 of Mudzi district. The study was conducted to assess how ICT is being used to enhance the quality of education, improving teaching and learning process, assisting educational management as well as improving educational outcomes such as better academic performances and opportunities for both pupils and the school. The study also assessed ...

Feasibility Study Of The Fuel Card System, A Case Of Sakunda Energy

ABSTRACT  Sakunda Energy has been facing declining revenue for the past three years. The company was using the fuel coupons as a way of managing its revenue and the fuel coupon was causing the company to suffer losses in revenue. The fuel coupons had problems which include recyclability and vulnerability to theft of the coupons. This resulted in the company introducing the fuel card system as a way to mitigate these shortcomings. The newly implemented was put to use but there seems to be per...

8866 - 8880 Of 19445 Results