Social & Management Sciences

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Research Papers/Topics Social & Management Sciences

Food Security Policies And Nutrition In Zimbabwe; Case Study Of Mashonaland Central Province: 2000 To 2015.

ABSTRACT The paper examines the role of food security policies that have been inaugurated or put in place to ensure food security and nutrition in Zimbabwe since 2000 till date. Such an idea has been necessitated culminating from Zimbabwe experiencing severe food shortage of crop and meet production due to continued early termination of rains (droughts), effects of the fast track land reform, banning of humanitarian aid societies, reduced socio-economic development, increased mortality and mo...


ABSTRACT The researcher focused on the effects of contract farming practice on production output in cotton industry. The cotton companies of Zimbabwe has experience a decline in production output. The study also gives the challenges faced by the companies in cotton sector and this was done by focusing on the Cotton Company of Zimbabwe (Cottco). The researcher attempt to answer objectives like the effects of contract farming on production output on production output as well as challenges affec...

An analysis of the effectiveness of funding systems of State Universities in Zimbabwe period 2010 to 2014.

ABSTRACT Inadequate state subsidy, and purely monetary interpretation of the private social rates of return from state Universities combined with the view that not all beneficiaries of public subsidies are students from poor background has led to a situation where there is a demand that the beneficiaries, that is parents and students be made to share the cost of providing University education. Furthermore, the need for cost effectiveness and supplementary income to argument public subsidy als...

An Investigation Of Debt Management Practices As A Perfomance Measure. A Case Of Harare Polytechnic College

ABSTRACT This research sought to investigate the debt management practices as a performance measure at Harare Polytechnic College. The college under study was facing liquidity problems due to the ineffective debt management methods employed. There has been an increase in debtors’ balances from 2014 to 2016 due to the college failing to recover debts from the students who owed the college and this affected the college financially. The researcher used the qualitative approach to carry out the...

Effects Of Intimate Partner Violence On The Well Being Of Male Survivors At Padare In Mutare

ABSTRACT The study sought to find out the effects of intimate partner violence on the wellbeing of male survivors at Padare Men‟s forum on Gender, in Mutare. The researcher reviewed relevant literature, theories, as well as previous studies from which the knowledge gap was identified. A qualitative research approach was employed and a phenomological research design was used. The target population comprised of male survivors of intimate-partner violence. Stratified random sampling was used t...

The Impact Of Decentralised Information Systems On The Quality Of Financial Reporting Case Of Size (Pvt) Ltd.

ABSTRACT The thrust of the research was to evaluate the impact of Decentralised Information System on the quality of Financial Reporting, case of Size Investments. The time frame of the research was 2011 to 2014. Objectives of the study were put in place to assess how the manual accounting system of accounting reporting, to evaluate the relevance of integrating Information System at the SBUs and Accounts Department and its impact on quality of financial reporting and to establish the relation...

The Women Development Fund And Women Empowerment In Zimbabwe, A Case Of Chipinge District Ward 6 And 17..

ABSTRACT In many African countries, women are marginalised in terms of their access to capital means of production, employment opportunities as well as credit facilities. In Zimbabwe, like many African countries empowering women through enlarging their access to finance has been viewed as a means of reducing women’s abject poverty, empowering them through reducing their vulnerability and improving their welfare. This study sought to find out if the government initiative Women Development Fu...

Budgetary Constraints Faced By Local Authorities In Zimbabwe. The Case Of Beitbridge Town Council

ABSTRACT The researcher sought to assess the constraints faced by Beitbridge Town Council in the budgeting process. In Chapter one the researcher focuses on the background of the study. Beitbridge Town Council has its set vision, mission, objectives, core-values and goals that guard their daily operations but they were insurmountable constraints being faced in the budgeting process leading to the council failing to meet the set objectives. Research objectives are stated whereby the researcher...

Prevention and Control of Non-Communicable Diseases for Sustainable Development in Harare

ABSTRACT The research study sought to explore the connection between NCDs prevention and control and sustainable development in Harare. The purpose was achieved through exploring the NCD health care system, the existing environment for prevention and control of the NCDs and also documenting how the population is being engaged in NCDs prevention and control activities. The methodology that the researcher adopted was the qualitative research method. In depth interviews, observations and focus g...

Public – Private Partnership For Sustainable Cities: The Case Of Harare City.

ABSTRACT The Zimbabwean urban environments are facing several challenges to which Public Private Partnerships are a possible solution. The field of urban regeneration is comparable to this. This research examined the role of Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs) in development, specifically in urban regeneration with specific focus on Harare City as a case study. The research also sought to examine challenges affecting PPPs, as well as critical success factors for the implementation of these ini...

An Investigation On The Effectiveness Of Cost Cutting Techniques On Financial Performance Of An Organisation: A Case Of Zinara.

ABSTRACT The current study was carried out to investigate on the efficacy of the cost cutting measures implemented at ZINARA in an attempt to enhance the financial performance of the organisation. The researcher opted for a descriptive research design which was effectively coalesced with a qualitative research approach. A systematic sampling technique was employed to identify the 45 respondents to questionnaires and 5 interviewees from the management and employees of ZINARA. Results indicated...

“An investigation of the pricing system at The Victoria Falls Hotel

ABSTRACT Pricing of hotel rooms is a key player in the tourism industry as it has a bearing on the nature of the hotel’s client mix and occupancy levels. The researcher noticed an unbalanced client mix and heavy debtors age analysis which led to a research being carried out on the pricing system at the Victoria Falls Hotel. Literature from other scholars was reviewed mainly pertaining to the different approaches to pricing, pricing strategies for a hotel, controls over pricing policy implem...


ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to investigate socialization factors influencing financial behaviors among university students in Zimbabwe. In this harsh economy evidenced in Zimbabwe where students’ no longer receive grants and loans, college life seems to be difficult for the university students and the situation requires one to be able to manage their finances well and to be financially literate. Theoretical and empirical literatures were both reviewed on socialization agents so a...

Exploring Identity Achievement Amongst Senior High School Students.

ABSTRACT The purpose of the study was to highlight on the levels of identity achievement amongst senior high school students, the study wanted to unveil underlying fundamental aspects of identity amongst senior High School students in order to assist with behaviour modification as identity is a key player in behaviour outcomes. The research wanted to address mainly the issue of lack of identity amongst senior high school students in Gweru, lack of identity was manifested through maladaptive b...

An Assessment Of The Impact Of Fast Track Land And Agrarian Reforms On Food Security In Umguza District.

ABSTRACT This study evaluates the effect of the Fast Track Land and Agrarian Reforms in Umguza District, Ward 10 Resettlement area as a case study and Ward 7 as a control area. The hypothesis is that the Fast Track Land and Agrarian Reforms have impacted positively on food security at household level. The research methodology employed is explained as well as the policy context for Land and Agrarian Reforms both on paper and practice, is reviewed. The study is underpinned by the Learning U Cur...

9241 - 9255 Of 19445 Results