Social & Management Sciences

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Research Papers/Topics Social & Management Sciences

Knowledge Transfer From Developed Nations To Local Businesses In Tanzania: A Case Of Bakhressa Group Of Companies Ltd

ABSTRACT The Purpose of this study was to understand the knowledge transfer from developed nations to local businesses in Tanzania. The objectives of the study were to understand the major business conducted by Bakhressa Group of Companies (BGC), to assess the transfer of knowledge towards production and to identify the challenges face by BGC in adopting knowledge transfer from developed countries. Data collection methods include structured questionnaires, Focus Group Discussion (F-G-D), Key ...

Psychological Distress And Coping Styles: A Study Among Mothers With Preterm Infants In The Neonatal Intensive Care Unit Ofkorle-Bu Teaching Hospital (Kbth)

ABSTRACT This study examined the psychological distress and coping styles among mothers with preterm infants at the major hospital (Korle-Bu Teaching Hospital) in the Greater Accra Region of Ghana. A sample of 100 mothers with preterm and 50 with term infants was used in the study. A cross-sectional survey method was used and the participants were administered with the parental stressor scale, Agricultural coping inventory, the multidimensional scale of perceived social support and the Brief...

Edu Frontiers 103 PAGES (26859 WORDS) Psychology Thesis
Factors Influencing Loan Repayment Among Savings And Credit Cooperatives Societies (Saccos): A Case Of Chamihado Saccos, Dodoma Tanzania

ABSTRACT This study assessed the factors influencing loan repayment among SACCOS members, specifically in CHAMIHADO SACCOS in Dodoma Municipality. It was guided by three specific objectives namely: to understand the loan process of CHAMIHADO SACCOS members, to assess the loan repayment rate among members and to determine factors influencing loan repayment among CHAMIHADO SACCOS members. The sample size of 88 respondents were employed whereby simple random sampling and purposive sampling techn...

Contribution Of Beekeeping Towards Rural Household Livelihood In Tanzania: The Case Of Two Selected Wards Mlali And Chamkoroma In Kongwa District, Dodoma

ABSTRACT This study aimed at assessing the contribution of beekeeping towards household livelihood with the aim of determining the potentiality of beekeeping towards the households’ livelihoods as an effort to reducing poverty in Mlali and Chamkoroma wards in Kongwa District, Dodoma. Specifically, the study intended (i), to assess the factors that influence people to engage in beekeeping activities in the study areas. (ii), to investigate the contribution of beekeeping towards household liv...

Impact Of Social Security Investments In Improving Retirement Benefits: A Case Study Of Local Authorities Pensions Fund (Lapf) Head Offices In Dodoma

ABSTRACT This study assessed the impact of social security investments in improving retirement benefits, a case study of Local Authorities Pensions Fund (LAPF) Head Offices in Dodoma. Four research objectives guided the study. First, to find out the types of investments held by LAPF, in the second place was to find out the proportion of members contribution towards payment of their retirement benefits; thirdly, to find out the proportion of investment income towards improvement of the retirem...

Contribution Of Local Poultry Keeping On Poverty Reduction In Tanzania: A Case Of Kongwa Dist

ABSTRACT There is an emerging and expanding demand for food of animal origin both in the domestic and export markets. Farmers are hence expected to exploit and increase their demand for more adoptive and productive animals. This is in line with the current “Kilimo Kwanza” initiatives and the on going National Strategy for Growth and Reduction of Poverty (NSGRP) as envisaged in the Tanzania Development Vision 2025. There has been initiative with insignificant results since colonial times t...

Perception And Attitude Towards Forest Governance Reforms And Their Implication To Local Communities: A Case Of Biharamulo Forest Reserve

ABSTRACT Forest governance reforms are expected to bring an optimal solution to sustainable forest management challenges. This study was conducted to assess the perception and attitude toward forest governance reforms and their implication to local communities living adjacent Biharamulo forest reserve, in Kagera and Geita regions. The objectives of the study were to examine the local communities’ awareness toward forest governance reforms; to analyse factors which influence local communitie...

Sanitation and Incidence of Malaria in Urban Areas: A Case Study in Gbawe, Accra

ABSTRACT Rapid urbanization in Accra over the years has come with its attendant sanitation and health problems. It is said that the major health problems in urban centers are preventable and communicable diseases attributed to poor environmental sanitation. This study examined the perceived causes of poor sanitary condition and their links with the incidence of malaria in Gbawe. The study also identified the major factors influencing the disposal of household wastes and established the facto...

Public Participation in Environmental Impact Assessment in Ghana: The Case of Bui dam project.

ABSTRACT The study set out to assess public participation in environmental impact assessment (EIA) processes using the experience of Bui Dam Project in Ghana. The research adopted the case study design within qualitative research approach. A sample size of thirty-five (35) respondents from across different categories were selected for the study. This included five (5) respondents from Environmental Protection Agency; five (5) opinion leaders from the resettled communities, two (2) officials ...

Factors Hindering Women’s Participation In Tanzanian Politics: A Case Of Kinondoni District

ABSTRACT Women have been lagged behind in many issues from political, social and economic issues compared to men. In Tanzania the number of women in government posts and even other non political positions is small to compare with men. This study was aimed at finding out the factors that make women paying less attention in politics to compare with men in Kinondoni district. Also the study explored the women‟s awareness in politics and voting turnout as part and parcel of politics. The study ...

Impact Of Sexual Abuse On Psychological Wellbeing Among Senior High School Students In Northern Ghana

ABSTRACT Child sexual abuse occurs throughout the world, although in most sub- Saharan countries there has been little research conducted on the problem and its psychological effects. Current research has established that a childhood history of sexual abuse is usually associated with a range of problem behaviours in childhood, adolescence and adulthood. Firstly, this study seeks to document the relationship between childhood sexual abuse and psychological wellbeing. Secondly, this study seek...

Edu Frontiers 146 PAGES (34948 WORDS) Psychology Thesis
Comparative Study On Non-Financial Supports And Performance Of Microenterprises In Tanzania: A Case Of Government And Non-Government Agencies

ABSTRACT The non-financial supports and performance of micro-enterprise in Tanzania from government and non-government agencies was clearly addressed. Specifically the study addressed types of non-financial supports offered by government agencies to micro-enterprises, types of non-financial supports offered by non-government agencies to micro-enterprises and relationship between non-financial supports (from both agencies) and performance of Micro-enterprises. The study was adopted a cross-sec...

Assessment Of Floods In Mvomero District A Case Of Dakawa Ward

ABSTRACT In recent years, the flood has brought severe problems in Mvomero District. This phenomenon has led to uncertain conditions to the people‟s lives and property, as well as destructions of infrastructures. This study made an assessment of the effects of floods and flood management practices in Dakawa Ward which found in Morogoro Region. The study used household survey and interviews to collect data from 100 households and 8 key informants. Also, the study employed observation method ...

Effects Of Industrialization On Tanzania’s Economic Growth: A Case Of Manufacturing Sector

ABSTRACT This study analyses the Effects of Industrialization on Tanzania’s Economic growth: A Case of Manufacturing Sector. Due to recently controversial literatures on manufacturing as an engine to economic growth or not, the study adapt a VAR model to examine the underlying effects of industrialization (manufacturing) on Tanzania economic growth from 1970 to 2017 period using yearly time series data by using the Granger Causality test and OLS method. The empirical results indicate that m...

Cooperation And Contestation In Crime Prevention In Asesewa In The Eastern Region Of Ghana

ABSTRACT This research sought to qualitatively examine how the various partners of crime prevention cooperate in crime prevention and whether while cooperating, there are many forms of contestations among them. The nodal governance theory (which purports that there are various partners which fall on different strategies to govern the system individuals inhabit) was employed. The theory argues that these partners can benignly support each other or conflict while they attempt to prevent crime....

Edu Frontiers 134 PAGES (36306 WORDS) Sociology Thesis

9931 - 9945 Of 19445 Results