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Research Papers/Topics Social & Management Sciences

Roles And Performance Of MTAA Committee In Enhancing Citizens’ Participation In Urban Local Governance: A Study Of Kikuyu Mission MTAA In Dodoma Municipality

ABSTRACT To realize participation of the citizens in local governance, Tanzania has opted for decentralization by devolution (D-by-D). To support D-by-D, Tanzania has made citizens’ participation a mandatory aspect. The Mtaa Committee is a body that has been entrusted with duties of mobilizing citizens’ participation in urban local governance. The general objective of the research was to assess the performance of Mtaa Committees in enhancing participation in urban governance in Tanzania....

Impact Of Climate Change On The Livelihood Of Small Scale Spices Producers In West District, Zanzibar

ABSTRACT This study intended to analyse the effect of climate change on spices production and impact on the livelihood of small scale spices producers in West District Unguja, Zanzibar. Data for this study was collected using interviews, observations and Focused Group Discussion from a total of 90 respondents including farmers from West District of Zanzibar and key informants from government institutions.Data were descriptively analysed for figure, means and percentages. Results indicated th...

Determinants of Anti-Social Among Students in Selected Universities in Enugu Metropolis

ABSTRACT Antisocial behaviour has been a problem among university students in the Enugu metropolis. This could be as a result of the existence of many tertiary institutions in the city and its environs. This study was designed to identify the key causative factors of some selected anti-social behaviours such as cigarettes smoking, alcohol consumption, drug abuse, involvement in illicit sex, fighting and stealing. The factors include father’s highest education, mother’s highest education,...

An Assessment Of Women Access To Land Ownership For Poverty Reduction In Tanzania: A Case Study Of Bahi District In Dodoma Region

ABSTRACT The study is about assessment of women access to land ownership for poverty reduction in Bahi District, Dodoma Region. The main objectives of the study were to examine the prevailing status of women access to land in Bahi District Council, to scrutinize the effects of women access to land ownership on poverty reduction in the study area, to identify the factors affecting women access to land ownership in the study area and to document the community suggestions on how to improve wome...

The Impact Of Service Charter On Service Delivery In Higher Learning Institutions: A Comparative Study Of Private And Public Universities In Tanzania

ABSTRACT Improvement of public service delivery has been continuous effort of every state institution so as they can be able to maintain the legitimacy to the citizens. Tanzanian government see the need to strengthen delivery of service by introducing service charter applicable in both public and private organisations. This study therefore attempts to assess the impact of service charter on service delivery in higher learning institutions: A comparative study of private and public universiti...

Development of Individualized Instructional Packages in Clothing And Textiles Crafts For Teaching Home Economics Students in Colleges of Education in North Central States, Nigeria

ABSTRACT The study developed Individualized Instructional Packages in Clothing and Textiles Crafts for teaching Home Economics students in Colleges of Education in North Central States, Nigeria.The study determined the following; objectives, tasks, material resources, step by step procedures, methods and evaluation activities, developed a draft based on feedback from specific purposes 1 – 6, validated the draft, revised the draft based on feedback from the validation and developed Individu...

Relationship Between Capacity Building Efforts of Selected Initiatives on Sustenance of Women in Enterprises in Awgu LGA Enugu State

ABSTRACT Rural women in Awgu currently live below the poverty line of one dollar per day. Their skill levels need to improve to take advantage of a competitive market. Government development initiatives and some non-governmental organizations (NGOs) design capacity building programme to achieve this. The purpose of the study was to evaluate the relationship between the capacity building efforts of selected initiatives and the sustenance of rural women enterprises in Awgu L.G.A. using a sampl...

Peace Education Curriculum For Integration Into Senior Secondary Home Management Program in Rivers State

ABSTRACT The main aim of this study was to develop a Peace Education curriculum for integration into senior secondary school Home Management programme in Rivers State. Specifically, the study sought to: determine objectives of Peace Education curriculum for integration into senior secondary school Home Management programme, determine content for Peace Education selected for Peace Education, find out methods for teaching Peace Education, determine instructional materials for teaching the cont...

A Comparative Study of Staff Turnover in Selected Male And Female Headed Small And Medium Enterprises in Enugu Urban

ABSTRACT The study aimed to ascertain the extent to which gender differences impact staff turnover in SMEs in Enugu Urban, compare the factors responsible for staff turnover, compare the staff welfare packages, and ascertain whether the rate of staff turnover affects the performance in male and female-headed SMEs in Enugu Urban. The questionnaire was used to elicit information from 292 stratified randomly selected out of 1,080 respondents. The average mean score (AMS) technique was adopted t...

Effects of Minimum Wage in Public Sector on Selected Macroeconomic Variables in Nigeria

ABSTRACT Minimum wage legislation is meant to give wage earners the necessary social protection in terms of the minimum permissible level of wage. But despite these positive intentions, the policy has been highly criticized by many as its performance has also been doubted. This study examines the effect of minimum wage in the public sectors on selected macroeconomic variables in Nigeria between 1970-2010 with special focus to find the effect of minimum wage on inflation, private consumption,...

An Evaluation of Community Care in Nigeria Project on The Secure Livelihood of Orphans Vulnerable Children in Selected Communities of Anambra State Nigeria

Abstract This study evaluates the community care in Nigeria intervention in OVC, a case study of three communities in Anambra state. The objective of the study among others is to determine the sustainability and what difference the SHP programme has made in enhancing access to basic needs/welfare among beneficiaries, evaluate to what extent this model can be replicated and what factors can enhance that replication. Primary and secondary sources of data collection were employed. Questionnaire...

Factors Contributing To Low Teachers Retention In Rural Public Secondary Schools: A Case Study Of Kiteto District In Tanzania

ABSTRACT  The purpose of the study was to examine the factors contributing to low teachers retention in rural public secondary school in Kiteto district. The objectives of the study included: to establish the effect of remuneration on teacher retention; to find out the effect of conditions of working environment on teacher retention in, and to examine the effect of a general school management on teacher retention. Literature review related to study topic which done by other scholars were inc...

Traditional Values, Beliefs and Reliance on Indigenous Resources for Crime Control in Modern Southwest Nigeria

Abstract Traditionally, people from the southwest Nigeria believe and place high premium on the use of indigenous resources for warfare like some other groups in Nigeria. The sustenance of the belief in these values has largely been promoted by the inadequacy of modern policing system and the rising crime rate in our society. It is against this background this paper attempts to examine the prevailing values, belief and practices among the people of the southwest and its utility in the mainten...

Evaluation of the effect of cognitive therapy on perioperative anxiety and depression among Nigerian surgical patients

Abstract Study Objective Des instruments Ies plus importants utilisCs dans cet Ctude surgical paients have been known to benefit immensely Ctaient sous balance d'ttat de I'inquibtude de speilberger state-Trait from psychological interventions. This study set out to assess Inqui?tude d'inventaire (STAI) et inquietude de l'h8~ital et the pre and postoperative anxiety levels and depression and l'inventaire de l'ht depressif. the effect of cognitive therapy among Nigerian surgical R~ultats~rinci~...

Fiscal Stance And Macroeconomic Performance In Nigeria

ABSTRACT Nigeria’s fiscal deficits have persistently exceeded the conventional benchmark of 5.0% as a proportion of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) when it averaged 9.8% per annum between 1970 and 2008. Over the same period, the mean annual growth rates of real GDP, investment and money growth stood at 2.3%, 1.8% and 2.6%, respectively. While, there is a growing body of empirical literature on the effect of fiscal deficit on the current account balance, there is very little attempt by research...

SSA Research 180 PAGES (43644 WORDS) Economics Thesis

10426 - 10440 Of 19439 Results