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Research Papers/Topics Social & Management Sciences

The Determinants Of Career Change Among Holders Of Higher Degrees: The Case Of University Of Ghana Employees

ABSTRACT The study entitled “Determinants of Career Change among Holders of Higher Degree: The Case of University of Ghana Employees” was undertaken to ascertain the major factors which influence individuals to change their careers at certain stages of their working life. The purposive and snowballing sampling techniques were used to select twenty-five members of faculty willing to participate in the study. A concurrent mixed-methods approach was adopted. Specifically, the study aimed at ...

State, Women and Democracy in Nigeria, 1999-2007

ABSTRACT Studies on the transition from dictatorship to democracy often argue that democracy provides a great opportunity for the advancement of women‟s political participation. This is premised on the equal participatory opportunity that democracy offers to all adult citizens. However, the extent to which this is borne empirically is yet to be established. This study, therefore, examined the extent to which the Nigerian state, under President Obasanjo, enhanced women political participati...

Corporate Governance And Share Holders Value

ABSTRACT The relationship between corporate governance and firms‟ performance is not a new phenomenon. Many researches were previously carried out with divergent findings. The performance measures used in those researches were the traditional accounting based performance measures which have been heavily criticized due to the fact that they fail to account for the cost of equity and debt which determines a firm‟s true value. This study adopted the value based performance measures, Economic...

Environmental Performance And Firm Performance: The Mediating Roles Of Market-Based Assets And Integrated Marketing Communication

ABSTRACT Africa, after the expiration of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) in 2015, was described as the most urbanising region of the world because the continent had witnessed a proliferation of new businesses. The upsurge of businesses, however, was not without environmental consequences which were affecting life. Pressure was mounting on businesses to safeguard the environment. But the response of businesses to this call remained mixed. Consequently, scholars are attracted to resear...

Socialization and Child Rearing Practices Among Nigerian Ethnic Group

ABSTRACT Children are socialized into adult roles in society through the process of socialization particularly through the family which is the first contact point of any child into the open world of human relations. Socialization forms differ from one society to the other, in Nigeria there are three major ethnic groups in addition to about two hundred and forty seven minor ones, the pattern and forms of socialization among these ethnic nationalities differ. Ethnic identities and loyalty are b...

Interdependence Of International Trade And Migration In A Globalising Economy: The Evidence From Nigeria

ABSTRACT The connection between trade and emigration has received increased attention in the literature. It has been shown that trade barriers and lack of adequate technology contribute to low exports and high imports of developing countries. This partly explains their high unemployment rate which, by implication, generates tendency to emigrate. Also, remittances from emigrants tend to increase imports. Although, researchers have investigated various aspects of trade, the connection between ...

Natal Care And Its Implication on Child Morbidity in Ghana

ABSTRACT  The fundamental reason for this study is the issue of child morbidity of pre-school children in Ghana. The aim of government with the help of the Ghana Health Service (GHS) and other stakeholders has been to reduce the level of child morbidity which leads to child mortality in Ghana. This study on natal care and its implication on child morbidity would help the government in formulating appropriate policies to curb this problem. This study uses Acute Respiratory Infection (ARI) wh...

Edu Frontiers 91 PAGES (21769 WORDS) Economics Thesis

This research study examined the determinants of exchange rate in Nigeria from 1980-2014. For this purpose, annual figures of interest rate, inflation and degree of trade openness at the economy were regressed on exchange rate in a framework of multiple models; ordinary least square (OLS) technique at estimation was employed. The result revealed that inflation rate was an insignificant determinant of exchange rate. Also interest rate was revealed to be insignificant determinant of exchange ra...

Psychological Effects Of Youth Unemployment In Ghana: A Case Study Of The Greater Accra Region

ABSTRACT This study investigated the psychological effects of youth unemployment in Ghana and the buffering role of religiosity and social support. Youths within the ages of 18 and 35 years in the Greater Accra Region of Ghana constituted the research population. A sample of 362 youths were purposely selected for the study. They comprised both the employed (n=172) and the unemployed (n=190). The employed youths served as a control group for comparative analyses. The crosssectional survey re...

Psychosocial Predictors of Drug Involvement Among Secondary School Students

ABSTRACT Predictors of drug involvement among secondary school students in Ibadan were examined in this study. Two hundred and four (204) students comprising 113 males and 91 females, whose age ranged between 13 and 25 years (M = 16.32, S.D. = 1.81) participated in the study. Data collected with a structured questionnaire were subjected to independent sample t-test, and regression analysis. Psychosocial factors (life purpose, need for achievement and self-esteem) significantly predicted drug ...

Rational Choice Theory and the Choice of Healthcare Services in the Treatment of Malaria in Nigeria

ABSTRACT This paper is on the rational choice theory and the choice of healthcare services for the treatment of malaria in Nigeria. It focuses on the factors that influence or determine the choice malaria treatment using the rational choice theory as the basis. It was discovered that there were many determinants of what informs the maximum utility but it is all wrapped up in the organization of the health care system. Hence, in choosing treatment for malaria, factors like; perceived and actua...

Factors Influencing The Performance Of Small Scale Entrepreneurs In The Garment Industry Of The Tamale Metropolis Of Ghana

ABSTRACT The aim of this study is to find out factors influencing the performance of Small Scale Entrepreneurs (SSEs) operating in the garment industry in the Tamale Metropolis of Northern Ghana. The study is necessary because of the immense contribution of SSEs to the economy of Ghana, in terms of the provision of employment, creation of wealth, and generation of revenue to government for national development. A framework on factors influencing entrepreneurial success has been used to suppor...

CDR Coalition 151 PAGES (31757 WORDS) Marketing Thesis
Factors Influencing Utilisation Of Traditional Birth Attendants' Services By Pregnant Women And Nursing Mothers In Ikole LGA Of Ekiti State, Nigeria

ABSTRACT Women and children die everyday from the scourge of maternal and infant! mortality due to the poor primary health care system in most rural communities and as such, this study intends " to explore factors influencing utilisation of traditional birth attendants' services by pregnant women and nursing mothers with children-; 5 years old in Ikole LGA of Ekiti State, Nigeria in a typical rural Yoruba community.


ABSTRACT The continued and sustained growth of any economy is dependent on a strong and robust financial sector. The Bank of Ghana in a bid to reform and ensure stability of the sector, withdrew the licenses of nine banks in Ghana, one of which was uniBank Ghana Limited. This study aims at finding the reasons why uniBank failed from the perspective of former staff. The study gathered qualitative data through interviews and quantitative data from annual reports of the bank. The study found ove...

Organizational Commitment, Job Satisfaction And Turnover Intentions Of Informal Work Groups: A Study Among Organizations In Accra

ABSTRACT Studies on job satisfaction, organizational commitment and turnover intentions in Ghana have not investigated the possible influence of informal groups on these organizational outcomes. The study compared organizational commitment, job satisfaction and turnover intentions among employees in informal groups and those who were not in any informal group. Job satisfaction, organizational commitment and groups (employees in informal groups and those who were not in any informal group) wer...

CDR Coalition 154 PAGES (32646 WORDS) Psychology Thesis

11821 - 11835 Of 19439 Results