Accounting Research Papers/Topics

An Investigation Into The Effects Of The Pricing System On Financial Performance In Public Sector Entities. A Case Study Of The Judicial Service Commission.

ABSTRACT For the period 2011 to 2013, the Commission has been poorly performing financially. The expenditure has always been more than the revenue. The poor performance has been seen to be as a result of the pricing system adopted by the Commission. This research focused on an investigation into the effects of pricing system on financial performance in public sector entities, taking a case study of the Judicial Service Commission. The study made use of the descriptive research design, where i...

Effectiveness Of Tax Incentives On The Zimbabwe Food Industry

ABSTRACT This chapter presents an introduction on the study on the effectiveness of tax incentives on the Zimbabwe’s food industry. The chapter contains background to the study, problem statement, conceptual framework, research questions, research objectives, significance of the study, delimitation of the study, limitations, abbreviations and acronyms

An Association Of Capital Injection, Restructuring, And Financial Performance Of A Company: A Case Study Of Zimasco

ABSTRACT Purpose: The purpose of this study is to examine the associationof capital injection, restructuring and financial performance of a company, To investigate the reasons why capital injection and restructuring are failing to translate to desired performance levels and provide guidelines to protect the integrity of the association in a bid to guard against retarded financial performance. Design/methodology: The research made use of primary and secondary data at the disposal of the resear...

An Analysis Of The Effectiveness Of Cost Management System In Enhancing Profitability At Pathfinder Luxury Coaches (Pvt) Limited

ABSTRACT Road transport is a flexible mode of transport, however, management of road transport companies is faced with technical, legislative and economic problems (Sukalvoa and Ceniga; 2014). Management is usually compelled to adopt different methodologies and techniques in order to manage costs rather than to reduce them (Siyanbola; et al, 2013). In many cases, managers try to simply cut costs without considering the organizational or operational effects associated with those reduced costs ...

An Assessment On The Role Of Cost And Management Innovations In Creating And Sustaining Competitive Advantage: Case Of Jet Stores

ABSTRACT This research sought to investigate the Effectiveness of the role of cost and management innovations in creating and sustaining competitive advantage: Case of Jet Stores ’’. . The study was carried out as a result of the noted persistent loss of business to competitors and inability to fulfill the company’s growth strategy during the period of 2011 to 2014. The research covered a body of literature for a further exhaustive knowledge of cost and management accounting techniques ...

The Effectiveness Of Mergers As A Strategy To Create And Sustain Competitive Advantages. A Case Of Chevron Hotel'

ABSTRACT Most researches on mergers have concentrated on mergers as a tool to improve financial performance, shareholders value and as a way to gain access on new markets. This study seeks to analyse the effectiveness of mergers as a strategy to create and sustain competitive advantages. In 2012 Chevron Hotel and Flamboyant Hotel merged and the motives behind the merger were the creation of economies of scale, cost synergies, effective management of interdependence and strengthening of the ca...

The Impact Of Owner Management On The Financial Performance Of A Company: A Case Of Hofstra Manacc Consultancy

Abstract This research seeks to examine the impact of owner management on the financial performance of a company using Hofstra Manacc Consultancy as a case study. Some scholars were of the view that ownership structure plays a significant role in determining the financial performance of a company. However, others argued that ownership and management structure of a company has nothing to do with the financial performance of a company. In conducting this research, the researcher used the mixed ...

Analysis Of Government Policy On Financial Performance Of Zimbabwe Motor Industry: Case Study Of Croco Motor.

ABSTRACT The aim of the research is to analyze the government policies on financial performance of Zimbabwe Motor industry. The literature on the research study constituted all the objectives of the research study and what other authors have said about the government policies on financial performance. Questionnaires were used as the main data collection instruments essential in the collection of data. Primary and Secondary sources were both used to obtain data. The targeted population size us...

An Investigation On The Effectivenesss Of Cutting Employee Related Costs As A Perfomance Measure. A Case Of Damofalls Investments (Pvt) Ltd

ABSTRACT The research was carried out to evaluate the effectiveness of cutting down on employee related costs on the viability and performance of the organization as exercised by Damofalls Investments. This was lined with the background that the company was experiencing increasing costs and on the other hand declining profits. So this arose the need for the company to try and cut costs to maintain a standing ground in the construction industry. The research sought to evaluate the current empl...

An Assessment Of Funding Operations Of Parastatals. A Case Of National Museums And Monuments Of Zimbabwe

ABSTRACT This study sough to investigate the assessment of parastatals funding, specified to the case study of National Museums and Monuments of Zimbabwe .The statement of the problem is that the company is facing financial problems as evidenced by recurring losses. This is as a result of continuous decline in government support in form of grants and poor performance of domestic revenue inflows against the background of rising recurrent expenditures which has been forecast to continue to cons...

An Investigation Of The Funding Operations Of Zimbabwe Geological Survey Department

ABSTRACT The research sought to investigate the funding operations of the Geological Survey Department, under Ministry of Mines and Mining Development. The study was motivated by the fact that the department has been experiencing an increasing operational funding deficit. There has been a trend of perpetual rise in costs while revenue has been decreasing between 2010 and 2013. The Geological Survey department is gradually losing capacity to generate new information. There has not been any fie...

The Effectiveness Of Budget Benchmarks On The Financial Performance Of Local Authorities, A Case Study Of The Rural And Urban Local Authorities In Zimbabwe

Abstract This study investigated the effectiveness of budget benchmarks on the financial performance of local authorities, a case study of the Rural and Urban Local authorities in Zimbabwe. A hypothesis was developed to look at the relationship between budget benchmarking and financial performance. A descriptive research design was used in this research. The population of the study was 97 consisting of Directorate and senior officials from the Ministry of Local Government, Public Works and Na...

Audit Risk: An Investigation Into Workload Compression And Materiality Towards Audit

ABSTRACT This research investigates the effects of applying materiality under workload compression demands, on the quality of audited financial statements. Carrying out interviews and distributing questionnaires to the audit staff, research found that application of materiality under workload compression conditions is literal and audits are of lower quality when compared to audits performed under non-workload compression conditions. Evidence was also found indicating that workload compression...

Relevance Of Forensic Auditing In Detecting Fraud In Related Party Transactions (A Case Study Of The Duration Gold Mining Group

BSTRACT Apart from their declared motives, related parties transactions (RPTs) can mask stakes related to the enrichment of one party at the expense of other parties that are not involved in the transaction. They may, thus, lead to the expropriation of minority shareholders, to the benefit of controlling shareholders, directors or administrators. These groups can make profits by selling to the firm (or buying from it), assets, goods or services, at prices higher (lower) than the market price....


ABSTRACT The general objective of this study was to establish the importance of Risk Based Internal Audit on the growth and sustainability of microfinance institutions. Literature from different authors was reviewed concerning objectives of the research project. Descriptive research design was used in this research, together with case study design and FMC Finance, Harare was used as a case study. The researcher used judgemental sampling to determine the population and sample size. The researc...

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