Accounting Research Papers/Topics


ABSTRACT This research was undertaken to investigate the effects of impact of non-implementation of internal audit recommendations on the financial performance of MSU. The objective of this study is to identify factors hindering the implementation of internal audit recommendations and to determine the relationship between effective implementation of the recommendations and organisational performance. The research is qualitative in nature. The research was based on case study of Midlands State...

An Exploration Of Funding Gap On Capital Projects In State Universitties. Case Of Midlands State University

ABSTRACT The aim of the study is to evaluate the effect of the funding gap on capital projects in state universities. The researcher was mainly focusing on the situation at MSU. The researcher used mixed research methodology which involves qualitative and quantitative methods in data gathering. Research information was gathered using questionnaire and interviews. Results indicated that funding gap do exists in state universities especial those in developing countries. At Midlands State Univer...

Effectiveness Of Internal Audit On Organizational Performance Of Ngos: (Casestudy Of Hivos Zimabwe)

ABSTRACT The main objective of the study was to determine the impact of internal audit effectiveness on organizational performance of NGOs using a case study of local NGO in Zimbabwe: Case study of HIVOS .The major issue that gave rise and prompted the researcher to study across this area was increased level in project performance inefficiency and funding inefficiency which was the major reason for the organization’s stagnant growth as these two forms the major basis of the operations of no...

Bridging The Funding Gap For Public Sector Investment Projects. (A Case Of The Department Of Agriculture, Technical And Extension Services (Agritex).

ABSTRACT The need to provide adequate and equitable housing has remained a major priority for every government while facilitating homeownership has always been a key component of housing policies generally. The study was aimed at investigating the impact of inadequate funding of Public Sector Investment Projects (PSIP), particularly staff houses using a case study of the Department of Agriculture Technical and Extension Services (Agritex). Evidence highlighted that Agritex started on some PSI...


ABSTRACT The Air Force of Zimbabwe (AFZ) like any other public sector companies is not spared from financial control irregularities in the form of fraud, unauthorised expenditure and misappropriation of funds. This has been evident during the audits by the Ministry of Defence internal audit and reports from the special investigations branch of the AFZ. Despite having an internal control system in place these practices continued to take place on an increasing scale. This has motivated the rese...

An Evaluation Of The Effectiveness Of The New Value Added Withholding Tax System In Zimbabwe

ABSTRACT The new value added withholding tax regime moved from the traditional VAT collection systems to tax deduction at source. Under the traditional VAT collection system, the registered VAT operator was the one who had the mandate of preparing the VAT schedule and remitting the whole tax amount. The new system however gave the mandate to remit some of the VAT to registered value added withholding tax agents, and that is to be remitted as a withholding tax. The value added withholding tax ...


ABSTRACT The research project is about bridging the fund gap in public construction projects, the case of Ministry of Local government, Public works and National Housing. The research was carried out concurrently with the final semester as a visiting student at the Midlands State University. The major objectives of the study were to establish the existence of the funding policy for construction projects, identifying policy implementation guidelines which are in place, determining controls in ...

Assessment Of The Impact Of Internal Audit On Cut Hotel Profitability

ABSTRACT The study sought to investigate the impacts of internal audit on profitability of firms in the hospitality industry. Recent corporate scandals at global and local level in the presence of legislature and internal audit departments propelled the need to examine the impact of internal audit departments on profitability. The case study used was Chinhoyi University Hotel. A sample of 21 employees of Chinhoyi University of Technology was drawn from the population and stratified random sam...

Fraud In Seventh Day Adventist Secondary School In Central Zimbabwe Conference

Abstract The study established the relationship between the Fraud Triangle and the increase of fraud. It was prompted by the increase of repeated fraud cases in Seventh Day Adventist Secondary Schools in Central Zimbabwe Conference. The study adopted a quantitative descriptive research design to establish the relationship between the Fraud Triangle and the increase of fraud cases in Seventh Day Adventist Secondary Schools in Central Zimbabwe Conference. The population study considered was all...

An Analysis Of The Effect Of Plastic Money On Profitability Of Banks: A Case Study Of Cbz Bank Limited.

ABSTRACT This research was aimed at investigating the effects of plastic money on profitability of banks. A mixed research approach was used to describe the phenomenon as it naturally happens (descriptive design). The data was collected from CBZ Bank Limited with a target population of forty seven (47) personnel. A sample was used were thirty three questionnaires and seven interviews were administered to the population. The key result of the study indicated that increased use of plastic money...

An Investigation Of Impacts That A Partially Non-Integrated Computerized Accounting System Cause On Financial Reporting In Local Authorities: Case Study Of Chiredzi Town Council

ABSTRACT The Computerized Accounting System (C.A.S) is of extreme importance in providing the financial information for decision making purposes within the organization. The research is about the impact that a Partially Non-Integrated Computerized Accounting System causes on Financial Reporting in Local authorities. For the past years Chiredzi Town Council has been facing challenges due to the operation of Non-Integrated CAS. The Local Authority used three different accounting packages which ...

An assessment on the effectiveness of the internal audit function at Fabco Pvt Ltd

ABSTRACT The purpose of this research was to assess the effectiveness of the internal audit function at Fabco Pvt Lt. The questioning of the necessity of internal audit by the major shareholder and recurrent increased stock write-offs without adequate explanations by management probed the researcher to carry out the study. The study involved internal audit personnel, management and accounts staff. The study sample composed of three internal audit personnel, five managers and four accounts per...

Evaluating The Impact of Tax Knowledge on Tax Compliance among SME in Zimbabwe

Abstract Tax non-compliance is an area of concern for all government and tax authorities and it will continue to be an important issue that must be addressed. From a tax administration point of view the, the rapid development of SMEs in the economy signifies a rapid increase in the number of ‘hard to tax’ tax payers. The objective of this study was to evaluate if lack of tax knowledge was contributing to the high levels of tax non-compliance amongst SMEs in Zimbabwe. To achieve this, a qu...

The Impact Of Fraud And Corruption On The Effectiveness Of Customs Duties Collection: Case Of Zimbabwe Revenue Authority

ABSTRACT The Zimbabwe Revenue Authority has been suffering from fraud and corruption challenges due to inadequate controls, discretional interface, lack of accountability and the network of accomplices. It is against this background that the study seeks to investigate the impact of fraud and corruption on the effectiveness of custom duties collection with specific emphasis on the relationship between fraud and revenue .The objectives of this study were to identify the causes of fraud and corr...

An assessment of the ZINARA Road Fund: A case of Ministry of Transport and Infrastructural Development

ABSTRACT The research seeks to assess the road fund policy used by ZINARA a case of Ministry of Transport and Infrastructural Development This was motivated by the fact that ZINARA is failing to receive enough revenue to meet its operations and obligations. In literature different sources reviewed different policies used in funding the maintenance and rehabilitation of roads. The best practices in road funding that can be implemented were also reviewed. A descriptive research design and strat...

391 - 405 Of 1735 Results