Accounting Research Papers/Topics

Effect of Monetary Policy on Stock Market Liquidity in Nigeria

ABSTRACT This study explores the effect of monetary policy on stock market liquidity in Nigeria.The objective of the study is to find out how monetary policy affects stock market liquidity in the Nigerian economy either positively and negatively. Data for this study were collected through primary and secondary data gathering sources. Data was analysedusing responses received using questionnaire which was designed in a yes or no format.iChi-square iwas iused ito imeasure ithe idiscrepancies ie...


ABSTRACT This research work seeks to unravel al the ambiguities and uncertainties  on the extent to  which  banks  rely on the accounting information submitted by their customers before granting  them credit, The commercial objective  of banks  is to maximize profit, tough other social and economic functions tend to deflect banks from profits maximization and their primary objective. Banks  are acknowledge agents of  social , economic  and political  development. As agents of deve...

The Effect of IFRS Adoption on the Quality of Financial Reporting of Companies listed in NSE

This study examined the effect of IFRS Adoption on the Quality of Financial Reporting of companies listed in NSE. The objectives of this study are to determine whether there is a significant effect of IFRS adoption on the quality of financial reporting of companies listed in NSE, to appraise the challenges faces by companies in the adoption of IFRS in Nigeria. Stratified random sampling was employed in the study whereby data were collected from 55 randomly selected companies covering the majo...

Impact of International Reporting Standard on Small and Medium Scale Enterprises in Nigeria

ABSTRACT  Despite the contributions of Small and Medium Scale Enterprise, it has been facing challenges of  diverse kind, which renders its benefits as though it is ineffective. One of the striking ways that was  developed in seeing that SMEs rise to meet up with future relevance is the introduction of IFRS for  SMEs. This was to give a global and universal direction to all SMEs and help the weaker businesses  succeed. Since it is to be adopted, the impact of its adoption to SMEs is to b...

The Usefulness of Financial Statement as A Guide to Investment Decision Making (A Case Study of Eternity Ltd, Sapele)

ABSTRACT           It is a fact that the useful ness of financial statement cannot be over emphasized, thus, this study was under taking to highlighting the users and analysis the problem associated with the usefulness of financial statement. For these objectives to be achieved, we undertook a marketing company called “Eternit Ltd Sapele” we also held an oral interview with some selected staff of the company. Our findings reveal that the major problem facing company knows what ...

The Use of Internal Control System in The Civil Service (A Case Study of Ministry of Finances, Asaba Delta State

ABSTRACT Project work being part of the requirement for the successful completion of the course is a commendable and much value integral part of the structure syllables. This have given me the opportunity to level into area of interest which internal control is applicable to civil services financial, and store controls this project work into the internal control system and with particular reference to ministry of finance, Asaba Delta State the sample was made up respondents elected from three...

The Use of Financial Information in Appraising the Performance of Business Organizations (A Case Study of Guinness Nig Plc)

ABSTRACT The financial statement prepared by the companies is one of the most important sources of information available to stakeholders for analyzing the strengths and weakness of  prospective firms to be invested in. against this background, this research study sought to examine “The use of financial statement in appraising the performance of business organizations. Research questions was raised to identify the problems and 40 questionnaires were distributed to the company (Guinness Nig....

The Significant of Auditing in Enhancement of Accountability in An Organization (A Case Study of Seven-Up Bottling Company Benin Depot)

ABSTRACT  This project work is initiated to evaluate the significant of auditing in enhancement of accountability in an organization. A case study of seven-up bottling company Benin Depot. Its purpose is to determine how auditing enhances accountability in an organization. The study shows possible ways, the auditor have assisted in checking, preventing fraudulent activities in an organization.  Hypothesis were presented and were tested also responses from respondents from questionnaires ret...

The Role of Nigeria Deposit Insurance Corporation (NdIC) In Managing Financial Distress

ABSTRACT This study was essentially conceived to evaluate the role of the Nigeria Deposit Insurance Corporation in managing financial distress. The study made use of brilliant writers, professionals and they constituted the literature reviews of the study the population of the study was comprised of the bank staff and bank customers of first bank of Nigeria plc, Enugu and the NDIC officials in Enugu. The sample size was determined with the Yaro Yamani formula. Primary and secondary sources of...

The Role of External Auditing in Fraud Detection (A Case Study of Union Bank Asaba Delta State)

ABSTRACT This study is an attempt to discover the need for an internal auditing in an organization for better performance. The research involved getting the opinion of accountants of three categories namely, Head of department of chief accountants, organization and practicing accounting in the federation. The researcher will make use of primary and secondary data. The methods of data collection would includes oral interview, observations and questionnaire scores standard deviation and normal ...

The Nigerian Stock Exchange: Growth and Development in The Nigerian Economy (A Case Study Of Stock Exchange Market Benin Branch)

ABSTRACT This study attempt to examine the roles of the Nigeria stock exchange in the growth and development of Nigeria economic. The Nigeria stock exchange in spite of its development and nature and other limiting factors that has contributed immensely in the development of the economic. Based on the data collected and tested hypothesis using the person product moment correlation the result shows that their his a significant relationship between the market capitalization of the Nigeria stoc...

The Nigerian Stock Exchange, Growth and Development in The Nigerian Economy (A Case Study Of Stock Exchange Market Benin Branch)

ABSTRACT This study attempt to examine the roles of the Nigeria stock exchange in the growth and development of Nigeria economic. The Nigeria stock exchange in spite of its development and nature and other limiting factors that has contributed immensely in the development of the economic. Based on the data collected and tested hypothesis using the person product moment correlation the result shows that their his a significant relationship between the market capitalization of the Nigeria stoc...

The Need for Proper Financial Record in An Organization (A Case Study of Eternit Limited, Sapele)

ABSTRACT This project is on “The need for proper financial record in an organization’ with reference to Eternit Limited, Sapele.  Chapter one deals with background of the study, statement of the problem, objective of the study, significance of the study, scope of the study and limitation of the study. Chapter two is literature review on users of accounting information, importance of accounting to business organisation, accounting concept and accounting convention, books of original entr...

The Need for Professional Accountant in Ministries A Case Study of Kogi State Ministries of Finance

TABLE OF CONTENTS TITLE PAGE APPROVAL DEDICATION ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ABSTRACT TABLE OF CONTENT   CHAPTER ONE 1.0   Introduction General Description of Study 1.1                Statement of Problems 1.2                           Purpose 1.3                           Significance of study 1.4                           Choice of Study 1.5                       �...

The Impact of Cost Accounting Statement in Private Organisation

ABSTRACT This study was aimed at appraising the impact of cost accounting statement in private organisation (a case study of Beta Glass Plc, Ughelli, Delta State).  Appraisal was intended to ascertain (a) how important cost accounting statement to a private organisation  (b) the degree of compliance of those information and (c) the effectiveness of cost statement in a private organisation.  In the course of the study questionnaires were administered, personal interview were conducted and ...

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