Accounting Research Papers/Topics

The Impact of Cost Accounting in A Manufacturing Organisation (A Case Study of Beta Glass Plc)

ABSTRACT The research project work examines the impact of cost accounting in a manufacturing organisation.  For any manufacturing organisation to survive quality cost control measure must be put in place. The study reviewed the works of auditors on the subject matter primary and secondary data were used for study.  The simple average percentage was the statistical tool that was used to analyze the data that was gathered for the study.  The study observed that through costing techniques, co...

The Impact of Audit Report in Organizational Performance (A Case Study of Power Holding Company of Nigeria, Ughelli Branch)

ABSTRACT This is a research work that is carried out on the impact of audit report on organizational performance, Ughelli Branch. This study explains what audit is all about, stating clearly that it is a written report about the accuracy and reliability of a client by a qualified auditor which is presented to the management in form of financial statement. Base on this report, the auditor goes on to express his opinion on whether the financial statement of the organization to shows a true and...

The Impact Economic Recession in Banking Industry (A Case Study of Nigeria Stock Exchange)

INTRODUCTION The Capital Market exists to provide long term capital to both government and co-operate bodies for incentives, socio-economical and infrastructural development purposes. The Capital Market deals with financing instruments of long-term nature. These instruments include equities (ordinary shares) and bonds. The Capital Market is different from the money market in terms of the maturity profile of the instrument issued and traded. The Money Market especially consists of short term ...

The Growth and Use of Computers in The Banking Industries A Case Study of Union Bank Idah Branch

TABLE OF CONTENTS Title Page Approval Page Dedication  Acknowledgement  Abstract  Table of Contents  CHAPTER ONE 1.0INTRODUCTION  1.1 Background of the Study 1.2Statement of Problems  1.3Objective of the Study 1.4Research Questions  1.5Scope of the Study 1.6Significance of the Study 1.7Limitations of the Study 1.8Definition of Terms 1.9End of Chapter Reference  CHAPTER TWO 2.0LITERATURE REVIEW  2.1Brief History of Computer 2.2Classification of Computer  2.3Components of Computer  ...

The Generation of Revenue Through Efficient Tax Administration (A Case Study of Ughelli North Local Government Area)

ABSTRACT This project work is centered on the study of the generation of revenue through efficient tax administration using Ughelli North Local Government Area as a case study.  The major objective is to find out how much is generated through taxes especially income tax, and how this revenue is disbursed in various economic development programme.  This project is divided into five chapters: the first chapter concerned the introduction chapter, purpose and objective of the study, statement ...

The Extent of Accounting Record Keeping in Private Organization (A Case Study Of Eternit Ltd, Sapele)

ABSTRACT        This project is on “The Extent of Accounting Record Keeping in Private Organization” with special reference to selected private organization in Sapele which is Eternit Ltd.     Chapter one deals with background of the study, statement of the problem, objective of the study, significance of the study, scope of the study and limitation of the study. Chapter two is literature review where authorities in the field of accounting were discussed. Chapter three contained...

The Evaluation of Accounting Principles in The Manufacturing Sector (A Case Study of Celest Plastic Industry, Asaba)

ABSTRACT           In this study the objective of the researcher is to evaluate the accounting principles in the manufacturing sector concentrating on Celest Plastic Industry, Asaba. This is a company that manufactures plastic chair, plastic tables, plastic plates, plastic containers etc. To do this research work the researcher was able to discover that the following were some of the problems militating against the evaluation of accounting principles in the manufacturing company in...

The Effects of Financial Report on Management of a Business Organisation (A Case Study Of Isoko North Local Government Council Of Delta State)

ABSTRACT This research work was design to identify the effect of financial report on the managers of a business organisation, using business organisation in Isoko North Local Government Area of Delta State as a case study.  The main objective of the study is to identify the benefits of accounting information in the performance of a business entity.  A sample size of fifty (50) was chosen using an appropriate sampling technique.  The research questions were tested using the simple percenta...

The Effect of Proper Accounting Record in Small and Medium Scale Enterprises (A Case Study of Excel Pure Water Company Oleh Delta State)

ABSTRACT The focus of this work is to determine the effects of proper accounting records in small and medium scale profit making enterprises. The work is designed to know origin of commercial activities, that is, the trade by barter system, and also the origin of accounting and how proper accounting records help the management and user to evaluate the business. It became necessary for managers to render proper accounts to owners of the business who did not take part in running of the business...

The Effect of Poor Accounting Records in Small and Medium Profit-Making Organization (A Case Study Of Asa Ventures Ltd, Ozoro, Isoko North L.G.A)

ABSTRACT           Discussion of the project work is necessary as it serves as a summary of the detailed work, which introduced what the leader will find in the followings chapter one which serves as an introduction chapter attempt to give a brief definition of accounting and also explain the importance of the terms used. Chapter two deals on literature review, nature and effect of poor accounting records on small and medium scale business.Chapter three explain the method of data co...

The Effect of Overhead Cost on The Selling Price of a Product (A Case Study Of Unilever Plc, Warri Branch)

ABSTRACT           Accounting profession has been regarded as the profession for the people of integrity and objective. The public tend to rely and put their confidence in any business that have the impact of an accounting professional. The public feel secured in dealing prepared with any business entity that has its books prepared and audited by an accounting professional. These trust and confidence seems to be getting evaded based on the failure that still happen to some of these ...

The Effect of Fraud and Preventive Measures On the Performance of Financial Institutions (A Case Study of Uba, Abraka)

ABSTRACT  This work was designed to study the effect of fraud and its prevention on the performance of financial institution using UBA, Abraka. The purpose of the study is to know the causes of fraud and to know the extent in which fraud affects the performance of these financial institutions. Questionnaires were administered and retrieved, the simple percentage method was used to analyze the data collected. The major findings in this work is that there is a significant relationship between ...

The Concept of Cost Management in The Management of Public Funds (A Case Study of Enugu State Ministry of Finance and Economic Planning)

ABSTRACT This study is aimed at x-raying the degree to which cost management contribute to the judicious handling of public fund.  This is a job, which is left in the hands of administrators, legislators, investors as well as the general public, precaution must therefore be taken to avoid wastage’s of public fund as a result of wrong planning and execution.  In conducting on this topic, this project work attempts to find out the concept of cost management in managing public funds.  What...

Taxation as A Source of Revenue to The Government (A Case Study of Delta State Board of Internal Revenue)

ABSTRACT The main objective of this research is to identify the effort of tax on individuals companies and the government of Delta State. The research design for the study was a survey and in investigating the problem, forty-four (44) respondents were selected at random from the staff of Delta State board of internal revenue. Data were collected through the research instrument of questionnaire and interviews. Responses were flailed and computer using a number of analysis tools. Such as simpl...

Stock Control: An Indispensable Tool for Effective Performance in An Organisation (A Case Study Of Beta Glass Company Plc, Ughelli)

ABSTRACT This study was conducted to highlight the relevance of stock control: an indispensable tool for effective performance in an organisation ( A case study of Beta Glass Company Plc, Ughelli)  It is also meant to emphasize the objective of stock control in Beta Glass Co Plc, Ughelli and other such related establishments.  The study cover the general introduction overview of the topic and statement of problem, objective of the study, significant of the study, research methodology, limit...

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